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Chapter 20 Stop Pretending, I Have a Showdown

Qinhuai Tower, Fengyue Hall.

"Ah, Mr. Hong is back." Su Yuru said colorfully.

Wang Huai said with a smile:

"It was so embarrassing to eat and watch at the same time, so I decided to come back and pay the bill...uh...check out."


"Well, my heart was melted by Miss Yuru. Once I leave, it becomes a skin without a soul, so I came back to heal."

"It's still a lie!" Su Yuru said angrily.

Wang Huai shrugged his shoulders:

"Then I'll talk less and work more. If Yuru gives me a chance to admire the moon together, even if I'm the King of Heaven, I won't be able to stop me!"

As he spoke, he said casually:

"There is a person named Shannv, does Yuru know her?"

Su Yuru covered her mouth and said playfully:

"It turns out that Mr. Huai really misses a girl from another family. You should just go away!"

This was another side of Su Yuru, and Wang Huai was very moved when he saw it.

She was 99% sure that Su Yuru had nothing to do with the Moroccan religion, so she breathed a sigh of relief:

"It's easy if you don't know me. Let's have a drink and watch the moon together."

Su Yuru's bright eyes flashed playfully:

"Did Yu Ru say that she was pregnant with the young master tonight?"

Wang Huai called out to Chong Tian Qu:

"Hey, that's not what I said just now."

Su Yuru covered her mouth and snickered, turned around and said a few words in the maid's ear, moved her steps lightly, and a fragrant breeze passed away.

Whispering to her, Wang Huai was gradually pushed to the position of the public enemy of the whole audience. Everyone present wished that everyone would end up and beat him to a pulp together.

After a while, the madam walked into Fengyue Hall and announced charmingly:

"Congratulations to Prince Wang Huai, for becoming the happiest person in the world tonight - enjoying the moon with Miss Su Yuru..."


If in the previous life, we would drink beer and eat crayfish together, and then find a quiet place to discuss strangers.

In this conservative era where there is no spicy hotpot, we can only discuss life first.

When the song ended and everyone dispersed, Wang Huai told Xie Huan to board the ship first, and after arranging the second half, the first half began - admiring the moon and discussing life.

Exiting Fengyue Hall, passing through the corridor, and passing by Qinhuai Hall, a faint agarwood floats out, and you are surrounded by the intoxicating fragrance of your daughter.

The maid didn't stop at all, and continued to lead the way until she reached the vast open-air balcony, then stepped back.

The balcony is a hanging garden, with most of the side being the Qinhuai Hall and the smaller half being the Yuhua Hall.

When they reached the middle of the garden, Su Yuru pulled Wang Huai to a stop and they stood side by side.

The mountains and rivers in front of you are undulating, the clear water is full of hibiscus, the little ears are crystal white, the soft and smooth skin of the fragrant shoulders is full of vitality and scorching youth, and the nose is full of her alluring fragrance, even the moonlight is ambiguous.

"Mr. Huai..."

When the infinitely gentle voice entered his ears, Wang Huai's mind suddenly collapsed, his whole body and mind exploded, and the world became completely blank.

Suddenly, he realized that his hands were holding her tightly in his arms, pressing against him.

Su Yuru's delicate body trembled, and her jade hands tried to resist but weakly pressed his broad shoulders.

One person leaned down, another person raised his head slightly, and between his eyes, there was lightning and thunder.

The two people's cheeks were getting closer and closer, and Wang Huai could already feel Rulan's warm breath...


The sound of breaking through the air sounded from the top of the building, the moment lips and teeth touched!

Four arrows shot through the air, shining green!


Without hesitation, he hugged Su Yuru tightly with his left hand, opened the folding fan with his right hand, blocked her behind, turned sideways to avoid the powerful arrows, and quickly moved closer to the corridor.

Before reaching the wall, Wang Huai almost wanted to return to the garden immediately, even if he faced a cold arrow.

It's not that I changed my mind, but that I sensed extreme danger here.

The long corridor ahead was empty except for three illuminated palace lanterns.

The doors of the three halls were closed at the same time.

Not long after it was triggered, the true qi that had been refined and transformed into qi also aroused extraordinary spiritual awareness, and could accurately grasp numerous murderous intentions.

The biggest problem at hand is that if we can't fight, we can't leave.

Su Yuru, who is as gentle as water, doesn't know how to do anything.

Wang Huai took a deep breath and looked at the Fengyue Hall at the end of the corridor.

Jingqi Shen sensed that six enemies were lurking in the dark, preparing to assassinate them.

Two people lurked behind the door of Yuhua Hall, and the other two hid by the window of Qinhuai Hall.

The last two people were at the end of the corridor, outside the flower window of Fengyue Hall.

One of them is the person who exudes the evil and strange skills of the Dark Sect of the Mo Sect!

The last person's technique seems familiar!

Their martial arts skills are at least five stories higher than those of the thief Zhou Yulang!

That's something that the current Wang Huai can't resist - let alone the right combination, it's simply a blast!

Wang Huai can sense the true energy emitted by at least four enemies; the last pair of Wang Zha can only feel it with his spiritual sense!

"Go quickly!"

Su Yuru wanted to push Wang Huai away.

Wang Huai's strong arms locked her tightly in his arms. The man's masculine breath entered her nose, and her cheeks couldn't help but blush.

Wang Huai took a step forward, and the enemy's killing power immediately increased and concentrated.

As if calculating, as soon as they step into the besieged death gate, their skills will reach their peak state, and they will make the most powerful attacks, killing them with one move.

Until this moment, Wang Huai had not even seen a shadow of the enemy, but Wang Huai could completely grasp the enemy's virtual and actual layout.

He even calculated that when he took another seven or eight steps forward, the enemy would attack with all his strength.

After all, it is absolutely impossible to defeat six of them at the same time.

The only chance of survival is to use the energy of the familiar person to prevent his secret identity from being revealed.

Unless he is sure to kill him on the spot, he will not show his face.

Of course, this is just an estimate. If he is shameless, Wang Huai will be the one who loses his life in the end.

There was a chill in Wang Huai's eyes.

Sensing the strength of the enemy, his mind can fully grasp the "intentions" of others from subtle changes.

No more pretending, I’m showing off my cards!

Holding Su Yuru in his arms, Wang Huai walked towards the Qinhuai Hall on the right.

"Master Huai, let's go first. This is Qinhuai Tower. They won't hit me."

Su Yuru said with concern.

Wang Huai thought to himself, although Su Yuru is a star, she is still too young. The bow and arrow just did not avoid you.

It's good that I escaped. If you couldn't escape, you wouldn't be able to see the moonlight of the Qinhuai River. These people will never allow the news that I was killed in Qinhuai to spread.

Only dead people cannot speak.

So he avoids the important things and says lightly:

"Fighting is not suitable for children and Yuru. Just close your eyes for a while and it will be fine."

After saying this, Wang Huai took three steps in a row and practiced his Qi from the radioactive horizontal direction. It was certain that there was a pair of foreign masters behind the window of Qinhuai Hall.

Although the other party deliberately concealed himself, he could not defeat his almost miraculous telepathy.

When masters compete with each other, in addition to physical moves, the more important thing is the invisible confrontation, which is a contest between the three aspects of spirit, energy and spirit.

Yao Tianxi said that some things are not what you see, and the same applies here.

At this time, Wang Huai took the fifth step and was close to the window of Qinhuai Hall.

The enemy's momentum immediately accelerated and condensed, allowing him to accurately know that if he took two more steps at the current speed, he would be at the critical point of death, and the enemy would attack with all his strength.

Wang Huai felt the cold air coming out from behind the door of Yuhua Hall on the left. He quickly collected his mind and entered a spiritual realm of tranquility and tranquility. Then he stepped forward.

Life and death, victory or defeat, are decided between these two steps.
This chapter has been completed!
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