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Chapter 123 Xanadu does not exist

At the foot of Yinshan Mountain, in a stone cave.

Wang Huai sensed the laws of operation of the miraculous power of the Imperial Jade Seal.

The first period is 10,800 years, and the first period is 360 years.

Two good fortunes at the end of a meeting.

It is equivalent to the dusk of a day.

Or one’s twilight years!

Between heaven and earth, we have entered the Age of Ending Dharma.

The Ming Dynasty was in the midst of passing on the imperial seal, the final moment of its fate.

If you can control the miraculous power of He's Bi's imperial seal, you can reverse the decline of the Ming Dynasty and rejuvenate your youth!

If you want to control the Jade Seal of the Kingdom like a clock, your cultivation level must be raised to at least the eighth level - Chaos Realm!

Chaos, that is the realm close to the great god!

I am still at the fifth level - Refining the Void and Hedao!

After finding out the doorway, Wang Huai put away the lead box containing the jade seal and stepped out of the cave.

The two divine colts, big and small, both recognized their master and followed him out!

The foal has just been born and cannot fly yet.

The mare was in confinement and probably not suitable for running with heavy loads, so Wang Huai played with them all the way.

The sun rises in the east and is still on the road.

The foal was hungry and kept eating with its mother.

In the mountain sky, the fog and clouds gradually dispersed.

Wang Huai smiled slightly, patted the two divine horses, big and small, and signaled them to take a rest.

He carried himself for a leisurely journey and climbed to the top of the mountains.

Compare the treasure map and look around, looking for areas that don't match up one by one.

After clicking a circle, I realized something.

The mountains and rivers that don't match up are like a big formation!

Using the earth, mountains and rivers to set up an array, and cooperating with the sun, moon, wind and clouds, who is so cunning and has such magical powers that defy the heavens?

Does his mother know?

Wang Huai never believed that there was such an expert!

Yu Jian flew high into the sky, and among the mountains, there were either smoke or mountains and rivers.

Wang Huaiqi thought that the mountains and rivers were a great formation and tried to break it.

After flying to the main entrance, a miracle happened!

Hetao Plateau, Yinshan Mountain, under the sky.

Wang Huai, who was flying with his sword, thought of the poem on the map——

The place where the flower-antlered golden deer lives, the place where hoopoe birds raise their young, the place where declining dynasties are revived, the place where white-haired old men enjoy themselves.

It’s not that the Utopia doesn’t exist, but someone used Qimen Dunjia to form an array and hide it!

It's like seeing a car shaking. It's obvious that there are people in the car, but the glass blocks the view, so you can't see what's going on inside.

There is a paradise at your feet!

No, it’s Qi Nian Valley, the location of the legendary Meng Yuan treasure!

Among the rocks and trees, deer and deer appear, and birds sing and the flowers smell fragrant.

In the valley, there are small bridges and flowing water, stone houses, white jade-like temples, and thousands of acres of fertile farmland.

Smoke curls from residential buildings, temples are filled with smoke, and threshing floors are newly covered with golden grain.

The sounds of yellow-haired children playing, white-haired old men laughing, and even the humming of weaving were heard.

There are also some teenagers who dance after hearing the chicken, wield swords and guns.

Wang Huai was also secretly surprised by the moves and the sound of wind and thunder.

If any one of these people is put out, they can defeat the characters walking around, even those at the level of Ma Sanbao!

But so what?

If you don't know how to fight on horseback, three hundred special forces will be swept away by fire and cannons, and you can't even take the chariot valley.

It was not Wang Huai's original intention to crush the only remaining treasure in the world.

So find the entrance to the treasure in the village and transport it away, or find another way.

It's better to keep the special forces to deal with the Meng Yuan Iron Hoof.

The north and south of Daqing Mountain are the territory of Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties.

The legendary iron armor that protects treasures will not be too far away from here. Before transporting the treasure, don't get rid of your heartache.

Wang Huai gave up the idea of ​​temporarily entering the Chaan Valley to inquire, and returned to the camp first.

When I watched Abiao Qi before, there was going to be something big in the southeast thousands of miles away!

Taking advantage of Lao Tzu's absence, hell being empty and the devil in the world, he extended his devil's palm to Lao Zhu!

If he doesn't take action, Ying Tianfu will be afraid of not being able to protect him!

Thousands of miles away, flying with a sword and counting balls.

I have a whip that is thousands of miles long and it hurts his flesh.

Don't forget, there is an old friend who is kind and friendly, but not a good friend.

It’s time to give this friend a place to use himself.

How can he take action? All he needs is a small east wind.

Back at the village, Wang Huai arranged for Ma Sanbao, the special forces, and the guide Wan Dachuan to stay, and issued three missions.

The first is to affix two jade talismans to the sealed door of the granary and guard it.

Second, survey the route to facilitate the march of the large group of troops.

The third is to look for the Mongolian and Yuan cavalry.

The arrangements were clearly made, and A Biao and Gu Qingqing returned to the camp.

Passing by the place where the horses were kept, the little divine colt looked at him as though he was pregnant. After seeing clearly that the king was pregnant, his head kept shaking like a dancing dragon.

The four hooves danced happily, like a little dragon, leaping over and neighing happily, as if it had something to say.

"I have so many little secrets to tell you, why did you come back?"

Even his mother looked at the little pony with disgust, but knowing that Wang Huai was a good friend, she didn't stop him.

The Ming Dynasty's 150,000 war horses, the Mongolian and Yuan cavalry, the Duoyan Three Guards... What kind of horses has A Biao never seen?

These two horses caught my eye and I felt like I had never seen them before!

The mare galloped towards her, and Abiao couldn't help but admire her.

"This is not a horse, it's a dragon! It's running like a rainbow, let's call it Feihong."

Wang Huai was speechless and laughed, and followed the good advice.

"Okay. Fortunately, Feihong's coat color is not yellow."

Even Gu Qingqing was excited and made a double entendre.

"I left last night, but you found a treasure."

"The sword is flying in the sky, but when it falls to the ground, it cannot fly beyond the horse."

The treasure on the back was a national jade seal. Wang Huai believed that she sensed it and smiled teasingly.

"If Qingqing were my treasure, I would give you any treasure. Since today's fate belongs to Lao Zhu's family, why not get married, share the property and control the destiny."

Gu Qingqing replied as calm as water and gouged out Wang Huai with her narcissus eyes.

Wang Huai's heart seemed to have been torn out by her.

A Biao's eyes moved back and forth between Gu Qingqing and Wang Huai, as if he remembered something, he stopped at Wang Huai's face.

Wang Huai smiled and turned away.

"The little pony is so beautiful and majestic, and the jade dragon is used as the name of the ball."


Suzhou City, North Granary.


When Wang Guan, the prefect of Suzhou, mentioned the ballads, Yu Xin, the Minister of Household Affairs, tensed up his chrysanthemums!

At this moment.

Xia Yuanji and Xie Huan came in the dark of night.

"Master Yu, my subordinate just left the fields and visited the people..."

Xia Yuanji has an upright personality and stutters when speaking. He is obviously in disbelief at what he encounters.

Yu Xin waved his hand and pressed Wang Guan, asking him to pause, and turned to Xia Yuanji.

"What you see and hear, tell the truth."


Xia Yuanji responded and reported what he saw truthfully.

Except the rice in the fields disappears.

Weird things also happened among the people.

Rats go out in groups at night to eat food.

The common people who had finished eating their food specially gnawed on chairs!

As he spoke, Xia Yuanji's voice became cautious.

"There are nursery rhymes in the market..."

Another nursery rhyme!

Yu Xin was no longer calm, and his body couldn't help but trembled.

When the Yellow River burst its banks in the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, nursery rhymes appeared among the people, and then war broke out and the dynasty fell.

How many years ago was this?

Even that nursery rhyme is still sung today——

The one eye of the stone man could instigate the Yellow River to rebel!

Yu Xin felt out of control, so he calmed down and continued speaking.

"What nursery rhyme?"

This chapter has been completed!
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