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Chapter 121: The Imperial Jade Seal

Hetao Plateau, Daqingshan Mountain.

Wang Huai signaled Abiao, who knew Pasiba language, to translate the Tibetan Buddhist scriptures.

This is a "Confessional Poem", divided into three sections.

In the first paragraph, the poet recalls the lively life of Dadu, and confesses that he regarded the words of advice as a bastard chanting sutras, and became a little camel who was driven out of the camp.

In the second paragraph, the poet couldn't even do it to Lao Zhu. It was a great shame and humiliation, and he had to face the storm of eternal scolding.

Wang Huai thought to himself that the author was probably Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty. He did not listen to Jia Ji Zhang's advice and deserted to go to Xanadu to herd sheep, most of which were lost.

The third paragraph is a painful realization. The poet's routine operation expresses the inner thoughts of unscrupulous people.

Gu Qingqing, who was as calm as a fairy, started to listen.

However, what Wang Huai paid attention to was - "The jade seal passed down to the country has been carried out, and there is no need for the prime minister to take advantage of the chaos."

And a few final words:

Although he abandoned his city and lost his country.

The jade seal passed down to the country is in hand.

The supreme law is broadcast.

The holy vessel is waiting to come out of the mountain.

The throne will never sink.

The royal spirit in the words combined with the poetic meaning made Wang Huai speak calmly.

"This is the final book of Emperor Yuan Shun."

This poem reveals at least a few pieces of information——

First, 90% of the jade seals passed down to the country are not in the tomb of Emperor Meng Yuan.

Because Emperor Yuan Shun always had the dream of restoring his country, he would not take the imperial seal with him to the tomb as a sustenance.

Second, it is possible to pass down the imperial seal nearby.

Before Buhua died, his conscience realized that there was no hope of restoring the country, so it was entirely possible that he was taken to the imperial mausoleum.

However, without the help of the imperial master, the prime minister named Buhua could not find the imperial mausoleum, and the jade seal was wandering outside.

Third, the sacred artifacts in the Meng Yuan Emperor's Mausoleum are incredible and can restore the glory of Meng Yuan in desperate situations.

"Stay overnight in the mountains tonight."

Gu Qingqing's voice is soft and sweet, making it hard to resist.

Wang Huai was happy to be alone with the goddess.

"Just right."

Moreover, the Meng Yuan treasure map and the Dharma King's scepter must also be verified on the spot.


Ma Sanbao brought back the captive who was confused and wet his pants.

Wang Huai spoke unexpectedly.

"Where is Bao Tianba's granary?"

"Here, at the end of the cottage, I will take you there!"

After saying that, when the prisoner saw Wang Huai nodding, he kowtowed from the bottom of his heart, got up, and turned around to lead the way.

Not long after, a huge stone-cut granary appeared in front of us.

The thick wooden door was closed tightly, but the lock fell to the ground.

Wang Huai waved his hand to stop the advancing team.

"Sambo, lock the granary door. Other brothers, move a big stone and block the door!"

Ma Sanbao looked puzzled and jumped to the door.

When he picked up the iron lock, his expression suddenly changed and he quickly locked it.

Except for Wang Huai, who looked calm and calm, no one else knew what happened.

Five or six special forces soldiers then moved a heavy stone to block the door.

Wang Huai casually gave the prisoner a jade pendant, and after waving him away, A Biao spoke in confusion.

"Is there anything weird about this granary?"

Wang Huai nodded.

"You won't believe it if I tell you. Moreover, opening it now will bring disaster to the country and the people, and we will see the results in two days."

The moon rises over Dongshan.

Wang Huai watched the sky at night.

A red light shot out diagonally from the southeast!

Life took action against Lao Zhu again!

Mahler Gobi!

Free shipping in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, even disaster stars like it!

It's not advisable to stay here for a long time, or you'll be in trouble.

Wang Huai pulled Gu Qingqing up, her clothes fluttering, and she jumped and flew on the top of the vast green mountains, like a fairy couple flying in the sky.

Wang Huai compared the Mongolian and Yuan treasure maps with real scenes.

Gu Qingqing sensed the location of the national jade seal.

It is possible to buy one get one free for Chuan Guo Jade Seal and Meng Yuan Treasure!

The moon was near the zenith, and the rolling green mountains were shrouded in clouds and mist. The two of them searched all the way to the Yin Mountains, but still found nothing.

Wang Huai was a little unable to walk. He felt that no matter how delicate Jiang Shan was, he couldn't be more beautiful than Gu Qingqing.

His eyes turned to Gu Qingqing, and the magic of love in his eyes circled.

After confirming her eyes, Gu Qing gave Wang Huai a white look with her narcissus eyes and walked away calmly.

"No mood, not even a chance to flirt!"

Wang Huai complained and his thoughts turned to the map.

It's strange that a large frame that spans hundreds of miles can match it.

Once you reach this small area of ​​ten miles in radius, the deviation is bigger than that of civilian navigation!

Not to mention the entrance, which is probably only a few feet wide!

I was preparing to go back and wait for the sunrise and the clouds to clear before searching again.


An aura surges out from the Yin Mountains!

Wang Huai is different, what is this?

It's more powerful than a dragon, it must be a dragon!

Wang Huai held the Lu Zhan sword in his hand and swept towards the source of the momentum.

In the deep valley of the continuous Yinshan Mountains, a cave appeared - a channel for the momentum to flow out!

Put away the Lu Zhan Sword, take out the Kunlun Ancient Sword, and slowly approach the cave entrance.

A rainbow-like momentum spurted out, and Wang Huai was stunned!


Gusu City, North Granary.

The servant of the government office took out a long bunch of keys and opened the lock of the north warehouse with a click.

The granary door slowly opened.

Yu Xin took a step back, realizing that it was unnecessary.

The food did not pour out as expected.

There is no sight of abundant granaries.

It's dusk.

Yu Xin ordered his guards to light torches and shine them into the warehouse...

Yu Xin's face darkened.

"Am I the only one who saw that the granary is empty?!"

No matter how sarcastic Wang Guan is, he knows that if he doesn't tell the truth now, he will have no chance to tell it.

Or, he guided you step by step just for this moment.

Wang Guan spoke meaningfully.

"Master Yu, how big is the largest rat you have ever seen?"

"The rats in the official warehouse are as big as a bucket, and they won't leave even when someone opens a warehouse."

Yu Xin said coldly.

Wang Guan knew that Yu Xin was sarcastically calling him a moth or a mouse, so he coughed dryly.

"My lord, I almost chatted to death. Fortunately, I have seen one as big as an ox."

It doesn't look like Wang Guan is joking. Besides, he doesn't dare to joke about this matter of losing his head.

Yu Xin's heart suddenly sank.

"Huh? How big a rat infestation is this? Keep talking!"

Wang Guan never dared to speak out or report it, because he was afraid that his Majesty and his superiors would think it was a strange act.

So I went step by step until I opened the warehouse and inspected the grain, and then I found an opportunity to talk.

Unexpectedly, Minister Yu did not get angry after hearing this.

What Wang Guan didn't know was that Yu Xin had seen the house of Yu Xin's boss, Zhao Mian, whose house was struck by lightning like a plowing field, and tens of millions of taels of silver were found.

When it was mentioned that a mouse was as big as an ox, Yu Xin's first reaction was disbelief, but he had learned from the past and calmed down and listened to what he had to say.

Wang Guan felt that if he extended his head, it would be a knife, and if he retracted his head, it would be a knife. Either way, it would be death.

I simply explained everything.

As early as two months ago, there were rumors among the people that rats formed a group to beg for food. At that time, Wang Guan paid no attention to it.

Rats, where are they not found?

What's more, Suzhou is rich, cats eat fish, and dislike rats. It's normal to have more rats.

It wasn't until a routine inspection of the granary that it was discovered that all the grain in the granary had been eaten by rats!

The tax collection report was supposed to be completed, but it had to be postponed to one issue.

As a result, he was chewed out one after another, and he was pushed three times in a row!

I thought about borrowing grain from the local tycoons to pay taxes, but I never thought that the landlord’s house would also be gnawed at!

Weird things happen every year, especially this year!

Logically speaking, if a warehouse of grain is eaten up, the rat problem will be extremely serious. However, in the whole city of Suzhou, it was calm in broad daylight and not a single rat was seen crossing the street.

So Wang Guan personally led his troops and guarded the last big warehouse day and night.

When Wang Guan said this, his eyes became frightened and his voice began to tremble...

This chapter has been completed!
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