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Chapter 56: Lao Zhu Has Arrangements, Lao Tzu Has Arrangements

Tie Xuan was infected by Wang Huaizhi's frankness and unexpected tactics, and his originally neutral referee status gradually turned to favor Wang Huai:

"Then our army's torches moved to the river and they didn't attack. Are they trying to catch fish?"

Tie Xuan also emphasized the word "our army". Wang Huai smiled slightly and asked instead:

"What would you do if you were in Lao Zhu's position and saw the torch moving on the opposite side?"

"I will mobilize troops to prevent the other party from crossing the river."

Wang Huai smiled heartily.

"This will leave Lao Zhu empty...and if I show up in the enemy camp, what do you think Lao Zhu will do?"

"you guess......"

"Haha, just wait and see..."

Tie Xuan looked at Wang Huai, who was commanding Ruoding, and took a breath of air.

"I would rather face the King of Hell and be beaten to death than fight with Taoist Priest Xiao Wang..."

Wang Huai praised him in his heart. Tie Xuan's understanding was not that high. He and Huang Zicheng were both scholars. Is the difference so big?

Tie Xuan's heart was racing even more. Wang Huai was young, but his strength and strategizing wisdom shown in the two battles were not inferior to any genius commander.

If the opponent on the battlefield is Wang Huai in the future, it would be a wise move for everyone to return to their own Gao Laozhuang.

If the opponent is not Wang Huai, learn from his unconstrained and flexible tactics, and save the enemy until you lose and you can only scold the opponent's mother!

Wang Huai saw him thinking deeply and ignored him. He continued to deploy, summoned a team of twelve people, put on night clothes, and said decisively:

"The beheading operation begins!

After finishing his words, Wang Huai led twelve special forces teams through the dark night jungle.

Sneak to the forest edge of the river bank. The patrolmen on the other side are holding torches and patrolling forcefully.

Wang Huai raised his hand and clenched his fist, and the special team behind him immediately stopped.

Seeing the patrol's gaze change, Wang Huai took the lead and crawled forward.

Arriving at the water's edge, Wang Huai's team slowly dived into the water while the patrolmen diverted their attention again.

It was covered in darkness, and no one on the other side noticed him.

Sneaking into the forest on the other side, the atmosphere was extremely strange and quiet. Wang Huai whispered:

"Create a little atmosphere..."

A faint cuckoo call...

In our camp, the lights are on again!

Lao Zhu Quanjun started to curse at his mother, and after he finished cursing, he quickly got up, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Our own torches began to gather and dispersed into two fire dragons.

The Raptors are coming down!

Lao Zhu's troops reacted passively and began to gather. The next step was undoubtedly to head towards the river.

Both sides knew that the decisive moment had come.

"What's the next step?"

"Spread out and hide. Show up when you want. Follow my orders."

Wang Huai gave the order, jumped up to the treetops, and stared at Lao Zhu's military tent.

Before dawn in the dark surroundings, Lao Zhu's camp was brightly lit, and the torches gathered by the troops were scattered, which showed that the soldiers who had stayed up all night were about to collapse.

The first light of dawn appeared in the east.

Lao Zhu's eyes gradually filled with bloodshot eyes, but Wang Huai's main force never crossed the river, let alone attacked the camp.

Along with the bloodshot eyes that crawled into Lao Zhu's eyes, there was also disappointment, disappointment in Wang Huai.

A group of new recruits, he didn't even have a sword and went eccentric?

Want to go head-to-head with the Fifth Army Camp who will fight for the rest of their lives?

It seems that Wang Huai, a young man, knows how to train troops. Once he hits the target, he doesn't know how to fight the battle.

After the assembly, Lao Zhu was calm and composed.

"All generals obey the order, attack with the whole army, and annihilate Wang Huai's troops!"


Groups of people and horses, working hard, headed straight for the river.


Lao Zhu marched to the river bank and was watching. Suddenly he saw Wang Huai falling from the sky alone and let out a deep roar.

Then, seven special forces emerged from the ground and appeared to protect Wang Huai.

"Your Majesty has worked hard all night. Of course I will take care of the matter."

"If you don't run for your life, we already look at you with admiration, but you still dare to come alone. Do you think your three thousand new troops can stop the strong army behind me?"

Wang Huai laughed and decided to show off his cards.

"One thousand is enough, why do you need three thousand?"

Before he finished speaking, the marines from the other side of the river appeared together.

There are at least 800 people left, and the lineup is quite complete.

After Lao Zhu's two battles, the remaining troops were still roughly three times that of Wang Huai.

Lao Zhu's anger rose slightly.

"You dare to despise me?"

"It's not about anyone. If I brought three thousand marines and fought yesterday, would you still be able to escape unscathed?"

Lao Zhu was startled. In yesterday's battle, Wang Huai also saw that three thousand soldiers and horses would attack and the outcome would be victory. He was not unwise.

On the contrary, we cannot know ourselves and the enemy.

But from beginning to end, he really only showed up with a thousand soldiers and horses. Why is this?

Yao Tianxi, who was beside Zhu Di, looked at the sky forty-five times, pondered for a moment, and then reported slowly.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid Wang Huai really only has a thousand troops to cross the river..."

"Huh?" Lao Zhu hummed.

Yao Tianxi counted his fingers and reported.

"Yesterday after the fog dissipated, 20 masts were seen returning from the river. It is estimated that the shape of the ship is only about a thousand people when it is fully loaded..."

Zhu Biao nodded, indescribably calm.

"Father, I saw the military parade on Qianzhou Island. I saw it. Xiao Wang is a new shipyard. It is true that there are not enough warships. I have no contempt."

As soon as A Biao spoke, Lao Zhu felt relieved.

"Why didn't my son tell you earlier? Only a thousand people crossed the river, and he was killed at that time!"

A Biao felt helpless. When crossing the river, his father didn't even touch Wang Huai's tail, and he had a smile on his face.

"Father, I am the referee and cannot interfere in the battle..."

Lao Zhu was not angry but smiled, with an arrogant look on his face.

"Of course, of course, he is thoughtful, fair and strict, and he is worthy of being our prince..."

The words are full of pride; beyond the words, they are undoubtedly saying: Only we can give birth to a son like this!

Having said that, three thousand people are not afraid, let alone a mere thousand?

Lao Zhu felt even more relieved, raised his eyebrows, and ordered in a deep voice:

"Attack! Capture Wang Huai alive! Cross the river! Annihilate all the bandits!"

After giving the order, each general led his troops to cross the river, and Zhu Yunwen led a detachment to besiege Wang Huai.

It can be seen that Lao Zhu also made careful arrangements before going down the mountain.

Wang Huaiyi was not afraid and commanded seven special forces to resist.

The soldiers crossing the river naturally had no time to pay attention to them and did not need to pay any attention to them.

Lao Zhu has arrangements, and I have arrangements.

The battle formation formed by the seven special forces soldiers blocked Zhu Yunwen's 200-man detachment!

Although there was a huge gap in strength between the two sides on the other side of the river, coach Wang Huaigu bravely entered the battle, and Lao Zhu's troops, which were already tired, were given another boost of energy.

Wang Huaibu was full of energy, occupying the geographical advantage, and was inspired by the coach, a lone brave man. His morale was soaring, and he did not lose at all in the battle.

"Capture Wang Huai, reward one hundred taels!"

Seeing that the war was stalemate, Zhu Yunwen's 300 men were still unable to defeat Wang Huai's eight men, so Lao Zhu moved out a wanted manhunt with a reward.

The big reward is a dose of chicken blood, and the tired siege team suddenly becomes energetic!

Even the soldiers who crossed the river couldn't help but look back, wanting a piece of the pie.

Mahler Gobi, why do those guys get more money for less work, even without getting their shoes wet?

Wang Huai was still in the battle formation, unmoving, but his eyes were shining brightly as he glanced around Lao Zhu.

Lao Zhu suddenly felt something stirred in his heart, and an ominous premonition flashed through him.

What other plans does Wang Huai have?
This chapter has been completed!
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