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Chapter 63: Killing chickens with a 40-meter-long knife?

"My grandson has something to say, but you don't know whether to say it or not?"

Zhu Yunwen answered the question about benevolent governance and showed his courage.

He remembered that in the Imperial College, the day after A Biao's accident, his best friend Huang Zicheng came to have a chat with Jun, and now he was not happy about it.

Lao Zhu's face was calm.

"If a family doesn't speak the same language, let's talk."

"Sun'er believes that there are hidden dangers in the Ming Dynasty. The vassal kings in various places are too powerful. They are just looking for subjugation, so they have to reduce the vassal status."


Zhu Yuanzhang's eyebrows moved.

"For such an important task as border defense, it is natural to have a large number of troops, territory, and troops. Of course, your own family must feel at ease. It not only solves the internal threats to the court, but also resists foreign enemies. Why is it said to be a hidden danger?"

Of course, if Biao'er is really gone and Yunwen is young and can't control his uncles, there is nothing wrong with cutting down the vassal.

But according to Wang Huai, the fate of the vassal kings was collective unemployment, becoming a gangster, and even having their own heads chopped off.

This is not cutting down the vassal, but eliminating the joy.

Lao Zhu had already planted the seeds of his opposition to "cutting down the vassal clan" in his heart.

When Zhu Yunwen saw Lao Zhu's emoticon, his anus tightened, and he remembered the words of his best friend Huang Zicheng. He felt as if he had ascended to the throne and dealt with it calmly.

"Grandpa Huang, if the Hulu are not stable, my uncles will resist them; but if my uncles are not stable, what can my grandson do to resist?"

Lao Zhu's heart skipped a beat, and there was nothing wrong with his words.

"Then how to cut the feudal clan?"

Lao Zhu's acquiescence gave Zhu Yunwen courage.

"Grandpa Huang, my grandson believes that you must persuade people with virtue; if you are not convinced, you can persuade them with courtesy; if you are still dissatisfied, you will be kicked out of the house; if you are really dissatisfied, you can only shout with bricks!"

"Well... Yunwen's words make sense."

Lao Zhu's brows relaxed a little.

This is a beautiful answer, even Lao Zhu has no better way.

Then here comes the problem.

Why are Yunwen's ideas completely different from Wang Huai's statement?

According to Wang Huai's calculation, Yun Wen took the last step in the beginning and called it a brick - directly convicted several uncles, demoted them to common people, and even forced one to death.

Is Yun Wen saying one thing and doing another, but is there another thing in the suburbs?

Or was Wang Huai mistaken?

Lao Zhu pondered for a moment and continued to ask questions.

"It's normal to cut down the feudal vassal. After all, the uncles all have ambitions. It's not safe to keep them. The question is who should be attacked first?"

After being praised by Lao Zhu, Zhu Yunwen couldn't help but beam with joy.

Even the courage to speak has become fatter.

According to the conversation with Huang Zicheng, he gave guidance to the country.

"Among so many vassal kings, the fourth uncle is the strongest and is left to be killed last; the others cannot be killed one by one, they must be gathered together and killed all in one go; the five uncles of Qi, Zhou, Min, Xiang and Dai are relatively weak.

Let’s test the knife first and kill the chicken to scare the monkeys…”

When Zhu Yunwen was about to talk, he suddenly felt a chill coming over him and shivered for no reason.

When I looked up, I saw that Grandpa Huang was different!

Cang Long, who was his godson just now, was now shaken and his face was as sinking as water.

Staring at Zhu Yunwen, his eyes were as cold as a knife!

Zhu Yunwen cut down the vassal law in one fell swoop, and the vassal kings collectively lost their jobs. It would be strange not to unite and force the boss to negotiate!

This stupid sequence of reducing vassals, if you think about it with your toes, you will know that in the end it will definitely evolve into Wang Huai's calculation!

Bullshit, killing a chicken to scare the monkeys, this is a forty-meter long knife swung!

King Zhou and King Yan were born to the same mother. This grandson is simply forcing the fourth child to rebel!

You promised to convince people with virtue, but you can still use your words and just call them bricks?

I'm afraid Wang Huai really saw through this kid Yunwen!

After a long silence, Lao Zhu finally spoke.

"Tell us the truth, who taught you what you just said?"

Zhu Yunwen suddenly panicked and his voice trembled.

"It's...Scholar Huang Zicheng."

"Huang Zicheng? When we asked him about his age during the imperial examination, which one did he keep secret? Don't dump him in the future!"

Lao Zhu ordered with a cold face. Looking at the trembling Zhu Yunwen, he couldn't help but soften his heart and waved his hand.

"Go back. In terms of state affairs, your father is better than any teacher!"

"Yes, my grandson knows."

Zhu Yunwen felt that his whole body was not well. The whole family turned into a teppanyaki, and his face turned into the color of pig liver. He bowed and left.

"Where are Yunwen going?"

As soon as he closed the door, Abiao came up behind him and asked casually.

Zhu Yunwen realized, yes, this is his father's East Palace, and Grandpa Huang is here to visit...

"Grandpa Huang may be angry."

A Biao is a smart person and reacted immediately.

My father loved Yunwen so much. Only if Taoist Master Xiao Wang's calculations were correct, my father would get angry and drive out the child Yunwen.

After all, no matter how important the child is, it is not as important as the country and the country; no matter how important the position in the father's heart is, it is not as important as thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

Taoist Master Xiao Wang's calculations are not about individuals, but about revealing the great secrets of heaven, which are related to billions of people and the foundation of the world.

Leaking secrets?

The horseman Zhou Yulang was arrested before and asked for a riding whip, but the horseman asked for a willow branch in exchange for it. When he went to break the willow branch, he discovered that the thief was in the willow tree.

From this incident, we know how wise Taoist Master Xiao Wang is, and his secrets were leaked without a trace.


For the sake of the Ming Dynasty, Taoist Priest Xiao Wang would rather be punished by God than to beat around the bush and hold nothing back. Who is he?

He was right about Yunwen. The price of a shipload of iron was really...

"The price for this shipload of iron was not in vain. Let's go find this guy and exchange it for Ming Dynasty iron for an iron bucket!"

Lao Zhu's voice interrupted A Biao's contemplation, and he opened the door and walked in.

Lao Zhu smiled bitterly.

"Biao'er, you can't get the iron. Seeing that boy's journey to the northwest, I feel a lot of iron in my heart. Give it to him as soon as possible."

"Father, it's already being done. My son estimated the size of Xiao Wangdao's long ship and gave him three million kilograms of iron."

Lao Zhu nodded.

"This is a trivial matter, as long as we get it done, traveling to the northwest is the focus now.

We asked Qin Tian to monitor it. On the seventh day of the sixth lunar month when we set off, the wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful, everything is suitable, and there are no dangers to avoid. It is an auspicious day in the zodiac."

There was also the fact that the auspicious day of the zodiac was related to him. Abiao didn't believe it at all, but he couldn't bear to refute it.

Lao Zhu noticed A Biao's disapproval and shook his head and sighed.

"We don't believe in the Qin Tian Jian's prediction of good or bad luck. We can just look at the day. You can ask Taoist Priest Xiao Wang about good or bad luck."

A Biao is convinced of this.

"Not only can it be predicted, but there are also proper countermeasures. I should get closer to Taoist Priest Xiao Wang."

Wang Huai's predictions were like the script of an opera, and they all came true in the end.

Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are his stage, and billions of people are his actors.

The Zhu family and his son were destroyed by Wang Huai time and time again. Unknowingly, they established an unquestionable perception of him.


Yingtian Mansion, Qinhuai Tower.

When the car is full of gas, it must be driven as fast as possible. Don't let the gold bottle be empty and face the moon.

After parking the car, Wang Huai said goodbye to Su Yuru, who was about to fall apart, and got on the boat again.

The blue sky is on the water, and the black dragon treasure ship is pressing down on the galaxy.

There is a clear air between heaven and earth.

The weather is really nice, but I don’t know what it will be like in the next few days.

Wang Huai took out the Tianji Jade Dragon Turtle and was immediately surprised!
This chapter has been completed!
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