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Chapter 72: The Secret of the Mongolian Yuan Legacy

The black dragon boat raised its wind lantern.

Wang Huai spread out a parchment roll, and Lao Zhu and A Biao looked confused.

Qi Chao Valley - the place where golden deer with flower horns live, the place where hoopoe birds raise their chicks, the place where declining dynasties are revived, and the place where white-haired old men enjoy themselves.

It's unremarkable. Except for the poem in the corner, the whole volume is clean and smooth.

Lao Zhu and Xiao Zhu looked at the parchment roll again and couldn't help but become confused.

Just this piece of crap...can it still be a treasure?

"Where did this come from? Is it valuable?"

Wang Huai smiled slightly.

"Last time Wu Lei ransacked Zhao Mian's house and found out what was in the weapons treasury."

Lao Zhu blurted out.

"Second brother, Amin!"

Lao Zhu still found out that it was the preparation for Qin King Zhu Ping's rebellion.

At that time, Ah Biao was saved by Wang Huai's jade talisman, and he received 40,000 taels of silver. Lao Zhu's forehead felt hot, and with a wave of his hand, the entire arsenal belonged to Wang Huai.

Since this sheepskin is hidden in the treasure house, it is naturally not a piece of waste paper.

"This sheepskin scroll contains the secrets of the tombs of Temujin and Kublai Khan. It was made by the imperial master of the former Yuan Dynasty."

Wang Huai spoke in an understatement, but Lao Zhu and Xiao Zhu were no longer calm.

In the first half of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, they were extremely rich. In the second half, they were even more violent and plundered, and all the wealth of the world for a century went into the pockets of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty.

If he hadn't been seeking death like this, he wouldn't have died in ninety-eight years.

Just for the burial of the county king, more than a dozen beauties must be selected, dressed in gold and precious stones, and a large number of gold and silver treasures as burial sacrifices.

Such arrogant rules show how rich Meng Yuan is.

However, when Lao Zhu took over Dadu, he found nothing except the palace house and other treasures.

Such a strange thing made Lao Zhu so angry that he didn't know how many times he scolded her.

If these parchment scrolls were the tombs of the two richest emperors, they would indeed be able to satisfy the Ming Dynasty.

However, if this treasure was obtained by the remnants of the Meng Yuan Dynasty, it would be enough for the Ming Dynasty to drink a pot.

Not to mention wiping out the remnants of the Meng Yuan Dynasty in sixty years, they might even be counterattacked.

There is something that Wang Huai has not said yet, for fear of scaring Lao Zhu.

Once Abiao can really be saved, the national destiny of the Ming Dynasty will be completely rewritten.

The floods in the Qinhuai River have just begun.

The disaster that lasted for three hundred years in the Ming Dynasty is about to be officially staged.

If nothing else happens, Lao Zhu's dream of a bumper harvest this year will be just a dream.

Lao Zhu casually pulled the sheepskin over and looked very disapproving.

"Except for a few lines of poetry, everything is blank. Do we want to tear off the entire world?"

Ah Biao didn't dare to take it lightly.

"Priest Xiao Wang might as well explain the mystery of this object."

"Talk while eating?"

Wang Huai said with a smile and made a gesture, someone had already put the hot pot on the table.

A Biao treated it like his own family. After adding some beef to Lao Zhu, he picked up a piece himself, blew on it twice and put it into his mouth.


It’s hot, spicy, and refreshing, and makes your whole body feel refreshed!

Lao Zhu looked at the servant serving next to him suspiciously. Is this person reliable for such an important matter as a treasure?

Should I finish the hot pot and throw him into the pot?

Wang Huai saw Lao Zhu's thoughts and made two gestures to the servant.

The servant opened his mouth, but there was no tongue and no sound came out!

He pointed at his ears, indicating that he had no eardrums and could not hear!

Lao Zhu was relieved, Wang Huai did everything well.

No wonder he greeted the servants and made gestures all the time, and he didn't know where he got the servants.

Lao Zhu chewed two mouthfuls and swallowed, staring at the parchment roll impatiently.

Wang Huai took back the parchment rolls and spread them beside the table.

"This picture is a magic weapon. It's normal not to see anything fishy."

Wang Huai said and took out the divination chess piece.

"Priest Xiao Wang is also proficient in chess. Where is the chessboard?"

Lao Zhu's eyes lit up, and A Biao also looked surprised.

Lao Zhu is addicted to chess, but he is a bad chess player. He likes to watch chess to satisfy his greed. He also gives advice and tries to play again.

As a result, Abiao learned the art of chess and became a master.

He suddenly remembered that it was said that Meng Yuan's Imperial Master was also a master of chess.

Wang Huai laughed dumbly.

"I said this parchment is just a chessboard. Do you two believe me? Please watch the chess and say nothing."

Wang Huai's slender and crystal clear fingertips twisted the chess pieces, poured in his true energy, and gently dropped them.

A magical scene, Lao Zhu and A Biao widened their eyes at the same time.

The moment of falling.

A crisscross chessboard appeared on the sheepskin, and the lines lit up slightly.

And the parchment has chess pieces floating out of it, like stars!

To decipher this map, we need to figure out how to decipher the endgame of the former Yuan Dynasty Imperial Division.

If you win, a secret will appear, if you lose, the map will be burned, and even suffer backlash.

But Wang Huaijian took a different approach. Starting from the Big Dipper and the Twenty-Eight Constellations, he just had to calculate the position and sequence of the moves.

This means that unless the chess player can beat the sky, no one can beat Wang Huai in breaking the end game of Go.

"Kaiyuan!" Lao Zhu shouted.


Wang Huai did not abandon him and continued to make plans on his own.

"This endgame..."

Abiao's eyes narrowed and he began to think unconsciously.

Various solutions emerged in his mind, only to be rejected one by one.

"You are blind. Do you know how to play chess?" Lao Zhu stood up.

"Don't make blind choices for me!" Wang Huai was also polite.

Lao Zhu stretched out his hand to play chess. The moment he touched it, he was shocked and quickly retracted it.

Every move Wang Huai made was beyond the two's expectations, and it was so wonderful that it was as if there was divine help.

After taking a few steps, Lao Zhu and A Biao became silent.

Because I couldn't keep up with my thinking, my brain turned into mush.

This level of playing chess surpasses them by 800!

A Biao simply sat down to eat hot pot, while Lao Zhu stared at it blankly.

Wang Huai made every move, breaking the situation step by step.

“Male Gobi!”

Wang Huai cursed and the last son fell.

The parchment turned into a lake, the chess pieces turned into fallen stones, and the water rippled.

The lines began to blend with each other and turned into rivers, the chess pieces turned into mountain peaks, and the various arrangements turned into a map, with real mountains and real water!

What kind of operation is this?

Lao Zhu and A Biao gathered around at the same time, staring at the map.

a long time.

"I can't tell you that your chess skills are superb, so the national player can go and die!"

"Hey! This is the Ordos Plateau!"

It is located in the southwest of Inner Mongolia, and the entire Jiuzhou of China is placed in Yongzhou in the northwest!

Wang Huai nodded.

"This is where the map of the Meng Yuan Emperor's Tomb is located, under the Emperor's Tomb..."

Before he finished speaking, Lao Zhu, who was in a jelly state, slapped the table and interrupted.

"Thank you, little Taoist priest!"

Abiao's breathing became heavy, he stood up solemnly and bowed.

This is a century-old legacy of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty!

Who in the world is not tempted?


Wang Huai didn't even blink. If Lao Zhu's face was cracked, it would be like giving it away to the court.

What a grand gesture.

Wang Huai smiled slightly.

He is not a philanthropist and does not engage in loss-making business.

Lao Zhu is not interested in money. His plan is to use it for the people and open up new territories.

Of course Wang Huai also had some small calculations.

"Open the imperial mausoleum. Let me pick out a few of the old objects inside."

Old Zhu Longyan was very happy.

"Who doesn't know your boy's greed? All the antiquities belong to you!"
This chapter has been completed!
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