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Chapter 85 Who is secretly holding back the big move

Yingtian City, Qianzhou Island.

On Danjiang Lake, the Kunlun Ancient Mirror, which had absorbed the unparalleled aura of heaven and earth, was slowly showing its power under the control of Wang Huai!

The ancient mirror also showed golden light in broad daylight, and slowly overflowed with spiritual energy, shining and nourishing the real Abiao and the jade carving Abiao...

The topaz meteorite finger ring worn by the jade sculpture first emits a dazzling golden light, and then the jasper sculpture magically displays white light.

Within the fingers, Abiao's soul was gradually loosened and slowly moved towards the jade sculpture.

The jade sculpture seemed to have an inexplicable suction force, sucking in Abiao's soul faster and faster.

Then, the jade carving turned into a crystal coffin, enveloping the soul inside, which was filled with warmth.

Jade has the function of storing and nourishing the soul and aura.

For example, if a person raises jade for three years, after he recognizes his owner, the jade will support him for a lifetime.

For example, if ancient jade is stained with blood, it is stained with the aura of the deceased.

After all of A Biao's soul entered the jade sculpture, Wang Huai quickly took off his finger to prevent it from flowing back.

Once again, he took strange steps, performed secret formulas, and danced.

"Give me your head!"

Wang Huai's fingertips landed on the jade carving seal hall, and the jade carving's eyes opened!


Point your finger at the person's center, and the jade carving will begin to breathe!

"Kun belly!"

One operation was as fierce as a tiger, and the spiritual energy followed Wang Huai's fingers, spreading and spreading, and the spiritual energy passed through, forming a jade-colored body texture.

Strictly speaking, he is already one person!

Wang Huai paused.

"But I'm so depressed!"

"Hey! Can't move alone?"

The jade carving Abiao moves his eyes, moves his nose, opens his mouth, breathes and speaks!

It's just that the limbs are still stiff.

This method works!

Wang Huai felt happy and thought of the use of another jade carving!

"Your Highness, you are not in your body now, but in the jade sculpture."

"I only opened up the Ren and Du meridians of the jade carving, and activated the brain and breathing so that the soul can move."

"I didn't activate the meridians and bones of the limbs."

"To return to your original body, you have to be obedient and cooperate!"

As Wang Huai spoke, the jade sculpture showed an expression of ecstasy.

"Then hit it quickly, it's warm here, I don't want to miss you!"

"Adou! Mud can't hold up the wall!"

Wang Huai cursed and almost slapped him.

"Three souls and seven souls, listen to my orders!"

After a set of soul-moving techniques, the living jade sculpture turned back into a real statue as the soul was removed.

Just like when people leave the building, it becomes empty and the house is covered with moss.

With the return of his soul, the bad luck in Zhen Abiao's Yintang has returned.

Wang Huai knew that all the souls had returned to Abiao's body, and the soul induction was successful!

The only thing left is to wait for Abiao to sleep until he wakes up naturally.

I wonder how A Biao would feel when seeing him bald?

How did Lao Zhu feel when he saw his son become a monk?

At this time, Lao Zhu should be waiting online, it's quite urgent.

However, someone is more anxious than Lao Zhu.

Just as he was about to ask someone to take A Biao on board, Wang Huai sensed that Gu Xuewen had arrived outside the hospital.

Gu Xuewen rushed in furiously, and the guards guarding the door drove out aggressively.

If it weren't for Gu Xuewen's background being Wang Huai, he would have been killed by the slippery hand of Jin Yiwei.

"Brothers, copy the guy!"

A shout came from the distance, the Marines were gathering!

"Brothers" is what Marines call them. Who is so stupid and cowardly that they dare to cause trouble?

Wang Huai casually pulled a long scarf and wrapped it around A Biao's head, so as not to be seen by anyone coming in and losing the prince's face, he turned around and walked out.

Wang Huai stepped forward, his true energy circulated, and as his thoughts moved, the courtyard door was opened by "remote control".

When Wang Huai appeared, Gu Xuewen and Jin Yiwei breathed a sigh of relief. The expressions on both sides' faces clearly said - finally here.

"The prince is fine, he is just resting. You must guard the courtyard and do not leave even a step. Anyone who dares to break in and disturb His Highness will be killed without mercy!"

Wang Huai gave an order to the Jin Yiwei guarding the courtyard and motioned for Gu Xuewen to lead the way.

"Who is showing off and pretending to come to Qianzhou Island?"

"Besides the Emperor, who else is there except the Emperor's grandson?"

Gu Xuewen complained and continued to speak.

"I don't know how badly we were bullied the days you left, especially these days!"

Wang Huai's eyes shone brightly, and his voice turned cold.

"The emperor's grandson? Zhu Yunwen has been promoted? Has his position changed?"

Gu Xuewen was indignant.

"I don't know whether he is good or not, but we are going to get stabbed anyway."

Before they reached the dock where the Xuanlong boat docked, Wang was extremely angry.

This Zhu Yunwen was secretly holding back his ultimate move while I was leaving Yingtian City.

Dozens of temporarily modified warships formed a formation to land on the beach.

He forced all his workers to retreat to the island and did not dare to stay in the shipyard.

Zhu Yunwen was standing in the lead of a warship, with the bookworm Huang Zicheng and his mother-in-law Lu Wen, one civil and one military, on his left and right.

Wang Huaigong gathered his eyes to observe Zhu Yun's aura, and for a while it was strange that a bright aura appeared in front of his hall!

Last night, he practiced Buddhism with a beautiful woman who was bright from head to toe. As soon as the wind blew, the thunder stopped, and the rain and dew stopped, and he was still complacent.

Looking at what he did on a daily basis, Wang Huai suddenly understood.

Zhu Yunwen was surrounded by bright and powerful female experts, and with the bad ideas of the bookworm Huang Zicheng, he gave Lao Zhu three strategies to strengthen the army and a book of reference.

Lao Zhu actually played it accurately, and thought that he had extraordinary understanding, and A Biao was shrouded in bad luck. Maybe one day he would give up and make Zhu Yunwen the emperor's grandson.

Zhu Yunwen's three strategies to strengthen the army were extremely bold, and he also recruited people to attack Wang Huai's key points.

The first is to establish a firearms camp, and it is obvious that Wang Huai has hundreds of consecutive fire guns!

The second is to cut down the vassal state, including civilian armed forces and weapons from all over the world, and return them to the imperial court.

Folks can only have kitchen knives, not machetes.

What Wang Huai had was real swords and spears, and they were piled up in mountains!

The third is to abolish Jin Yiwei!

On the surface, Jin Yiwei has too much power, and he is on an equal footing with the Six Ministries, and has done a lot of bad things.

In fact, Jin Yiwei and the Fifth Army Battalion were completely defeated by Wang Huai in the exercise, and Lao Zhu began to dislike the temptation of Jin Yiwei's uniform.

Once the Jinyi Guards withdrew, the Firearms Battalion became even more necessary, and Wang Huai had to hand over his pearls of firecrackers to the court!

The first clue is that Wang Huai's jewelry contains important Chinese artifacts. It is a private collection, which shows that he has the heart to aspire to the throne.

"Zhu Yunwen thought he was the pillar of support, but when the pillar became crooked, he became a troublemaker."

Wang Huai cursed, his eyes were like a super telescope, looking through the river fog into the distance, and he had some calculations in his heart.

If you offend me, Zhu Yunwen will die in a rhythmic manner!

A Marine squad leader is full of confidence.

"Boss, there are just these dozens of boats and thousands of people. If you just say a word, I will keep them all to feed the fish in the river!"

Three thousand marines are three thousand dragons and dozens of boats in the water, and they can be used as dozens of cigarette butts.

But this is not Zhu Yunwen's property, but Lao Zhu's.

Wang Huai smiled slightly.

"Cross the river and help me make three-point Taishi cakes. They'll be fresh and hot. Go on the Xuanlong boat. If the cakes are spoiled, your wages will be deducted!"

"Yes! As long as they don't damage the boat, the cake will be kept warm!"

Regardless of the reason, the team leader responded, led the five team members, walked through the reeds, and jumped onto the Black Dragon Boat.

He just swaggered through the ship array and rushed towards Zhu Yunwen's war fleet...
This chapter has been completed!
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