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Chapter Eighty-Seven

"Grandpa Huang, my grandson has the intention to join the royal family!"

Zhu Yunwen's voice came from outside the hall.

Lao Zhu just took a bite of the Taishi cake and looked at Wang Huai.

"You kid is still trying to make people live in peace, can you let us have a piece of cake?"

Wang Huai called out to Chong Tian Qu.

"Your Majesty, please don't slander me. I was tricked!"

Lao Zhu frowned.

"If you don't cause trouble, will you get involved? I have to punish you severely today!"

Wang Huai glanced at A Biao, then turned to the direction of Zhu Yunzhen's voice, and started complaining.

"Some people are still alive, but they are already dead; some people are still alive, but they should have died long ago!"

Abiao's face is full of laughter and tears emoticons.

Lao Zhu gave Wang Huai a look.

Wang Huai understood the meaning - he couldn't spit out the ivory.

Lao Zhu swallowed a mouthful of cake and raised his voice outside the hall.

"Grandson, come in! Don't worry about food."

Zhu Yunwen stepped into the palace door, his eyes met Wang Huai, and he instantly became angry.

"Grandpa Huang, my grandson wants to join the royal family, but he refuses to accept the imperial edict and refuses to search for his grandson!"

Lao Zhu's eyes turned to Wang Huai and turned cold instantly.

"Huh? Are you going to listen to the instructions or not?"

Wang Huai shrugged coolly.

"Is it my fault? He's Xuan! He got off the boat and went to the island!"

Zhu Yunwen blurted out.

"I can't declare his magic! Therefore, I can't get off the ship to search!"

Lao Zhu looked at Abiao, hoping to get a perfect explanation.

Abiao looked helpless and spread his hands, indicating that everyone was reasonable and that there was no way to level a bowl of water.

This kid Wang Huai doesn't act according to common sense. Everyone knows it, and they all know that he must be the one responsible, but there is no evidence.

Lao Zhu had a stern look on his face.

"We'll see how to treat you later. Let's first talk about the deep meaning of this cake. If we are not satisfied, you just don't listen to the announcement and are resisting the decree!"

Zhu Yunwen looked proud. With a piece of cake, Huang Zicheng, a master of examinations, expressed his embarrassment. Let's see what you can come up with.

Wang Huai looked indifferent and talked about him.

"Your Majesty, how much money are you prepared to pay to forcefully acquire the Northwest and the grasslands?"

When Zhu Yunwen heard about the use of troops, he even forgot to accuse Wang Huai of going off topic and showed off.

"The method of using military force is to use a thousand chariots, a thousand leather chariots, a hundred thousand armor, and provide food for thousands of miles... It costs a thousand gold a day, and then a hundred thousand troops can be raised."

Who are you trying to fool with Sun Tzu's Art of War? Wang Huai complained impatiently.

"Don't talk nonsense to me!"

Zhu Yunwen glared at Wang Huai bitterly.

"If you can speak, just speak more, okay?"

The people don't have enough food to eat, and you still call them idiots for not eating meat?

Wang Huai cursed secretly and spoke calmly.

"For an army of one hundred thousand to go on an expedition, the minimum configuration, logistics such as circulating food and transportation will cost 450,000, and the baggage army will cost 50,000. A total of 600,000 people will be dispatched."

"With 600,000 people, food alone consumes three million taels a year, as well as wages. Anjia's base is three million taels."

Wang Huai said something, Lao Zhu nodded, and A Biao couldn't help but praise.

"Xiao Daozhang Hui is the master, and he has indeed trained the Marine Corps."

It's okay not to mention the Marine Corps. But mentioning this pot, Zhu Yunwen's just-injured soul was pricked again.

Today, the imperial navy, which was overwhelmed by numbers, did not dare to touch the marines.

Wang Huai's five Marines were so reckless that he, the first-time commander, was so disgraced that he even had to lose his face at his grandma's house!

And he was very stingy, so he bought a few cakes and gave them only to Grandpa Huang and his father, not even me.

Zhu Yunwen snorted coldly, his voice becoming arrogant.

"You just got 40,000 taels of silver. Are you still worried that you will have no money or silver in the war?"

I bet he earned that 40,000 taels.

Wang Huai smiled and dug a small hole for him.

"The Qinhuai River flooded, and Yingtian Mansion flooded 20,000 hectares of fertile land, right?"

"Twenty thousand hectares is just a tax of 100,000 shi of grain less. With the addition of buildings, is it enough to pay 200,000 taels?"

Zhu Yunwen said confidently, his voice getting higher and higher.

Lao Zhu raised his head and looked northwest.

"Where does it mean Yingtian Mansion? Even in our hometown Fengyang, people are starving to death everywhere. Even if it's 200,000 taels, how many 200,000 taels can the court provide for disaster relief?"

Wang Huai shook his head.

"I'm afraid you have some misunderstanding about the algorithm."

"We only count the court's taxes and don't care about the people's food or housing?"

"After the monstrous floods, were any farmland and houses spared?"

"The imperial court's grain tax is based on twenty-one tax, and a tax of 100,000 shi is less, which means that the people may be short of 2 million shi of grain... and housing?"

After Wang Huai finished speaking, Zhu Yunwen felt his anus tighten, and he was hit again...

With Huang Zicheng here, he would definitely not make such a novice mistake.

Zhu Yunwen glanced at Lao Zhu and A Biao, feeling lucky that his teacher had not discovered that he had memorized the wrong text.

Ah Biao really didn't have time to dwell on Zhu Yunwen's one-sidedness. He was making calculations in his mind and his expression was solemn.

"The whole country is providing disaster relief, and the army is dispatched... Even with the 40 million taels of silver, if there is no good harvest next year, 60 million people will be miserable, and the Ming Dynasty will be in danger."

After hearing this, Lao Zhu couldn't swallow half of the Taishi cake.

Wang Huai thought to himself, if the feudal vassal was to be withdrawn, would Lao Zi’s army be laid off?

Unless Lao Zhu was stabbed a few times, he wouldn't even know the pain in his body. Wang Huai turned a blind eye and looked calm.

"Your Majesty, this year has been cruel, and next year will be even crueler. Do you think the years after will be all bittersweet? I'm sorry, it will take another hundred to three years!"

Wang Huai's words were like firecrackers exploding under the chrysanthemums, and A Biao jumped up.

Lao Zhu coughed violently, and Taishi Pancake was spit out by the rushing air.

Then his eyes bulged in disbelief.

Zhu Yunwen felt in his heart that his life had reached its peak. He was gloating about catching you and hurting your feet, and started the leverage mode.

"Believe it or not, there is a one-year disaster, but I have seen a two-year disaster. The book says there is a three-year disaster. How can it be three hundred years?"

Experience also told Lao Zhu that this was impossible, and he refused to believe it even to death, that it was true.

But this was said by Wang Huai!

Lao Zhu turned to Zhu Yunwen with a stern expression.

"The knowledge from books is the most reliable knowledge; the knowledge from books is also the most useless knowledge. Where did you get these 'books said'?"

Zhu Yunwen felt that the bottom of his butt was uneven, and it gradually turned into a hole. He had to fill the hole he had dug himself while crying.

"Huang Zicheng..."

When Lao Zhu heard this name, his face turned dark and his voice became stern.

"Huang Zicheng? Do you remember what I said? I told you not to associate with him! It seems that my words are no better than a rotten bachelor from the Imperial College!"

Zhu Yunwen knelt down at a loss, and all his defenses were so feeble.

To put it more seriously, this is the crime of deceiving the emperor, and the more you describe it, the darker it gets!

After a while, Lao Zhu's face showed an expression of sorrow for his misfortune and anger. He imitated Wang Huai's tone and let out a long sigh.

"Count the ball, count the ball! Get up. Yun Wen hasn't had breakfast yet. Let the cook make one. After you're full, go back to study."

Zhu Yunwen was like falling into an ice cellar. It was okay that the emperor's grandfather was angry. He became polite and concerned. He was only sincere to his father.

Except for his father, Grandpa Huang was already a passerby.

Grandpa Huang would get angry every time he saw Wang Huai, but once he got angry, the relationship got closer.

Now that he is concerned about Zhu Yunzhen's breakfast, the emperor's grandson is on the verge of abandoning his son...
This chapter has been completed!
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