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Chapter 121 Mother and Son Confrontation

Looking at the calm Li Chengxu, Queen Zhou's whole body was shaking like chaff. He couldn't believe that his eldest son, who was cowardly and obedient to his orders, would actually say such a thing!

"You! Do you really think I don't dare to kill you?"

"Does the Queen really think that the child is afraid of death?"

Li Chengxu met Empress Zhou's gaze indifferently, smiled calmly, and said: "My father once told me that I should not be born into an emperor's family. I didn't really understand it at first, but now, I gradually understand.

Indeed, I don’t want to be a Tianjia armor with a soft heart and a cowardly character. All the shortcomings that an emperor should not have can be found in me, but I don’t think there is anything wrong with this!

How about having a cowardly character? If I treat others kindly, they will naturally treat me kindly.

How about being kind-hearted and soft-hearted? If I can bless all the people, no matter how much infamy I bear, I will not be afraid!

My son, I was born as the prince of the Li Tang Empire. Maybe one day, I can sit in that position, maybe not, but what is certain is that I would rather be killed on the pillar in front of the hall than become a tool for your rebellion!

Why don’t you take action, Queen Mother?”

Every word is heartbreaking!

Empress Zhou suddenly realized that she really didn't understand her eldest son. She only felt that others were good and could be bullied, but she never discovered what his bloodline from Li Tianhe had brought to Li Chengxu.

It is the thought of loyalty to the king, the soul of Zhengzheng, the hot blood, and the unyielding will!

It is also the unique pride of being the prince of the Li Tang Empire, and the sincere heart that cannot be tarnished by anything!

"The arrangements my mother has made over the years are actually lackluster in the eyes of my sons. The mother was too hasty for the moment, but she didn't know that she had already committed irreversible consequences.

You forcefully intervened in politics as a queen, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the courtiers. You were arbitrary and tyrannical, and you have already lost people's hearts. You even turned your back on the only three people who were willing to help you. You poisoned my father, you poisoned me, and you poisoned your brother. Little did you know.

The three of us are the ones who are really willing to help you.

In your heart, you never felt that there was any relationship between you and your father. It was just a transaction. Even my brother and I were just freebies in the transaction. There was no emotion at all. But you don’t know that in those days when King Wu’s mother-in-law was the only one who won the holy favor.

Years ago, you were the only woman my father had ever had a crush on.

Because you only have interests in your eyes, you imagine everyone to be so ugly. But you don’t know that your father once said to your child, if you want, you just need to come to him and ask him to abdicate the throne openly and openly.

If I give it to you, my father will happily agree.

Mother, aren't you wrong enough?"

"Someone is coming! Someone is coming!"

Queen Zhou looked at Li Chengxu like crazy, as if looking at her life and death enemy, arching her body like an angry cat, showing off her fangs.

"Take the prince to me and put him in the prison!"

There was no response at all. At this moment, Queen Zhou seemed to have aged more than ten years instantly, as if she was alone, leaning against the wall, her body trembling.

"Mother, please wake up. It's not yours and you can't take it away. Don't you understand yet? As long as the kings from all over the country want to, they can destroy your backing by sending troops to Chang'an. As long as the courtiers want to, they can do it at any time.

Even if you can take advantage of me, you have no trump cards!"

"I still have a trump card! I won't lose! It's impossible for me to lose!"

Queen Zhou shook her head, her expression became more ferocious, and she flashed in front of Li Chengxu and pinched his neck tightly. Li Chengxu blushed instantly and could hardly breathe!

"No one can make me give up, not even you!"

"My son, I have been waiting for a whole day, which is really too long."

Li Chengxu was not surprised at all. He calmly looked at the crazy woman in front of him and actually smiled.

"Living in this hell-like palace all day long, worrying that the butcher's knife will come to my head at some point, death is actually a kind of relief.

Living often requires courage, and I no longer have this courage."

"Don't force me! As long as you are willing to continue to be the puppet prince, I can spare your life, and even let you live and sit on the throne."

"Do you believe what the Queen Mother said? It doesn't matter, the Queen Mother doesn't want to bear the infamy of parricide, but my sons and ministers dare to do so."

As he said this, Li Chengxu took out a piece of yellow silk cloth from his arms, which was densely covered with delicate regular script.

"The prince is ignorant and immoral. He relies on nepotism and is deceived by his slanderous ministers. Everything was done by one person. Now that he has realized his mistake, he is willing to die to apologize and not to involve others...

This edict of sin is the last thing I can do for my mother and queen."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Chengxu took out the dagger he had prepared from his arms, and without any hesitation for a moment, stabbed it heavily into his heart.

It seems to be forced, but in fact it has been planned for a long time.


Seeing the dazzling blood splashing out, Queen Zhou took a deep breath and rushed forward to take Li Chengxu into her arms. Her expression was extremely nervous and her fingertips were cold.

"Xu'er, Xu'er!"

"Mother, go and see your father. You are husband and wife...not enemies."

Li Chengxu grabbed Queen Zhou's hand tightly and refused to let go, until the latter nodded, finally relieved, with a smile on his face, but no life left at all.

The eldest son of Queen Zhou, the crown prince of the Li Tang Empire, the current crown prince, and the future emperor, has come to an end.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

The sky in Chang'an City is particularly gloomy today.


Outside Longyuan Palace.

A figure appeared after a long absence.

Dressed all in white, with two traces of tears still seeming to remain on her cheeks, she walked straight into the palace. No one on either side of the maids or eunuchs dared to stop her.

Just because she is the queen.

When she arrived at the couch, Queen Zhou let out a long sigh as if she was frustrated.

"Xu'er...is dead."

There were bursts of strange noises on the bed. Looking carefully, Li Tianhe actually pushed himself up, grabbed the pillow under him and threw it hard at Queen Zhou.

"Give me...get out of here!"

"I had no intention of killing him, but I never thought that Xu'er's character would be so strong. I..."

"Get out! Get out of here!"

Li Tianhe knocked over the decoction on the table, his face looked horribly gray, and it seemed that he might breathe his last breath at any time and die in the west.

But despite this, Li Tianhe still struggled to stand up, pointed to the door, and cursed angrily: "Vicious woman! You want the queen, I will give it to you! You want the world, and I will remain silent, but why do you!

Why did you kill Xu'er!

Poisonous woman! Poisonous woman!

Get out of here!"

"I owe him."

Queen Zhou left, and when she left, there seemed to be a few new tears on her face, but in Li Tianhe's opinion, they were so hypocritical.

He collapsed on the bed, staring blankly at the roof. After a long time, he muttered a few words.

This chapter has been completed!
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