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Chapter 11 The mighty imperial city, thousands of miles in red

Du Yunrou did not expect that Qin Yuan would sit in front of her the next day with the deed and keys to Du's house.

"General Qin, what is this...?" She took the house deed from his hand and asked hesitantly. Although Qin Yuan and Wei Zi were both superiors and subordinates, Du Zhai was only her business. Why did Qin Yuan suddenly want to do this?

He was so kind to her, she couldn't understand.

Qin Yuan's face was still a little unnatural, but he spoke very decisively: "Mrs. Wei, do you still remember yesterday when Qin asked you if you were willing to remarry?" She was stunned and looked at the house deed in her hand: "I remember."

Could it be that Qin Yuan has not given up trying to persuade her? Could it be that the house deed today was used to evict people?

"Mrs. Wei is a strange woman with affection and righteousness. If you are willing to remarry, Qin will be waiting for you." He said seriously.

"!" She was shocked on the spot and couldn't recover for a long time. She looked at him with wide eyes: "General Qin... what does this mean?"

Qin Yuan still looked at her seriously, and his tone was extremely sincere: "If Mrs. Wei is willing to remarry, Qin is willing to spread thousands of miles of red makeup in this mighty imperial city to marry Mrs. Wei."

"Why...?" She looked at him blankly.

Why marry her? She has been married before and even had a miscarriage. Even Wei Zi thought she was having an affair with someone else. Why would he marry her? She couldn't figure it out.

"If I get to marry my wife, Qin will be lucky." He smiled, his eyes bright and suddenly flashing with a touch of tenderness.

She was silent for a long time before asking, "Does Wei Zi know about this?"

"I don't know yet. If Madam agrees, Qin will tell him immediately," he said. "What if he doesn't want to?" she asked.

The smile on Qin Yuan's lips froze, then returned to his smile: "How could he not be willing?"

How could he not be willing... Yes, how could he be unwilling.

Du Yunrou's eyes were full of ridicule.

It was too late for him to push her out, so how could he not want to.

Squeezing the house deed in her hand, she pushed it to him: "Take it away, general. Yun Rou is a woman and cannot bear the general's hospitality."

Qin Yuan's originally clear eyes dimmed and he did not take the house deed: "It can be seen that Mrs. Wei needs this house deed very much. Qin has no other intentions. As for remarrying, please think about it again. Qin

I’m waiting for my wife’s reply.”

He looked at her deeply, stood up and left, but the house deed was still on the table.

Du Yunrou hesitated for a while, then grabbed the house deed and keys on the table and went out.

She had to go back to Du's house to have a look. Her father always had the habit of remembering things. If she was lucky this time, she might be able to look back on the deeds of that year.

When she arrived at Du's house, the original buyer had already left. Xu Qin Yuan had arranged everything. None of the original belongings in Du's house had been touched by the original buyer. Looking at the old house, Du Yunrou could not help but feel nostalgic, but

There were still important things to do now, so she put aside her thoughts and went straight to her former father's study.

It was the place that my father cherished the most when he was alive. He usually kept important things in the study.

She easily found her father's account books and some letters. Two of them had smooth paper and looked like they had been rubbed and rubbed many times. What caught her attention the most were the four big words on them:

"Brother Du personally initiated it".

Although the envelope did not say who wrote it, she had a strong hunch that it must be written by Father Wei.

She shook out the letter paper inside, and saw only two lines of large Chinese characters written on it. It could be seen that the person who wrote the letter must have been very anxious when writing, making these two lines of characters look very frizzy:

"Brother Du, if no one takes responsibility for the imperial grain incident, you and I will both die. For now, it is better for two of us to die than for me to plead guilty. You and I both have families. I only hope that Brother Du can help take care of me after I die."

Quanzizidu___wei, a masterpiece."

It turns out that it was not his father who blamed everything on the Wei family, but Wei's father who took the initiative to take all the blame on himself!

Du Yunrou felt relieved. She stuffed the letter into the envelope and carefully put it into her arms. Just as she was about to leave, she found that several pages of the scattered account book were protruding, as if someone had deliberately marked them.

Curious, she opened the account book and found two pages of yellowed paper sandwiched inside. The first page was densely packed with records of silver disbursements. Behind each of the silver disbursements, there were written notes on the "four heirs of the Wei family."

On the second page, there are several lines written. It can be seen that these are all father's handwriting:

"Brother Wei, since you left, Du has been having trouble with his conscience day and night. Brother Wei's son has been settled by me. Because he was young, I did not tell him his past deeds for fear of arousing suspicion, so I had to secretly entrust someone to take care of him. Recently,

I don’t know how that child Rou’er fell in love with Brother Wei’s son. Du is very worried and his son hates the Du family. I really don’t dare to entrust Rou’er to him. I hope Brother Wei will forgive me for this.”

Looking at his father's handwriting, Du Yunrou felt a lump in his heart, and his eye circles instantly turned red. The hearts of parents all over the world, these two letters were written by two upright fathers. It was clear between the lines that they were worried about their children, but they had no choice but to take the overall situation into consideration.


She folded the two pages carefully. After Wei Zi had healed his leg and came out of the palace, and saw these things, perhaps all the misunderstandings would be solved.

It's just that there was no news after Wei Zi left, and she didn't see anyone coming to deliver news every day. She always felt uneasy with a few pages of paper in her arms, for fear that one of them would accidentally drop it. After thinking over and over again, she finally lost it.

They were stuffed into her pillow, and she had to feel that those pieces of paper were still there every day so that she could sleep peacefully.

As she waited day by day, Du Yunrou felt that these days were harder to wait than before when Wei Zi went off to war, but she really felt the feeling of living like a year. Fortunately, she thought about Wei Zi every day and saw these two letters.

As time went by, time passed faster, and her body gradually got better as time went by. However, she clearly felt that she was not as good as before. Her cough became more serious day by day. In recent days, she also

I was often out of breath, and my pale face in the bronze mirror never got better.

She thought that maybe it was just the root cause of the illness she fell into the water last time. The old housekeeper tried to persuade her to see a doctor several times, but she refused. The remaining money in the Wei family house was only enough for food and clothing, so how could she afford to see a doctor?

I just coughed a little bit, and it passed after I tolerated it.

After March, the weather gradually became warmer, and Du Yunrou could occasionally go to the yard to bask in the sun. On this day, she returned to the house from the yard, and as soon as she opened the door, she found a person standing in the house.

The figure on the back was tall and familiar, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw it: "Zidu...?" She stuffed them into her pillow, and she had to touch those pieces of paper every day before she could sleep peacefully.

As she waited day by day, Du Yunrou felt that these days were harder to wait than before when Wei Zi went off to war, but she really felt the feeling of living like a year. Fortunately, she thought about Wei Zi every day and saw these two letters.

As time went by, time passed faster, and her body gradually got better as time went by. However, she clearly felt that she was not as good as before. Her cough became more serious day by day. In recent days, she also

I was often out of breath, and my pale face in the bronze mirror never got better.

She thought that maybe it was just the root cause of the illness she fell into the water last time. The old housekeeper tried to persuade her to see a doctor several times, but she refused. The remaining money in the Wei family house was only enough for food and clothing, so how could she afford to see a doctor?

I just coughed a little bit, and it passed after I tolerated it.

After March, the weather gradually became warmer, and Du Yunrou could occasionally go to the yard to bask in the sun. On this day, she returned to the house from the yard, and as soon as she opened the door, she found a person standing in the house.

The tall and familiar figure from behind made her heart skip a beat: "Zidu...?"

This chapter has been completed!
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