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Chapter Twelve You Are Not Deserving to Live

When the man heard the voice, he slowly turned around and looked at her indifferently, his eyebrows cold: "Are you surprised to see me?"

It's really him! He's back, he's standing up!

Not having time to take into account his cold attitude, Du Yunrou happily walked over and took his hand: "Zi Du, I have something to tell you."

She couldn't wait to show him the letter. She believed that as soon as he read it, their misunderstanding would be solved.

Wei Zi lowered his eyes and glanced at the hand she was holding on to him, and looked up with contempt: "What did you say? You said you want to remarry Qin Yuan?"

"What?" She was stunned, and the joyful smile on her face solidified.

"My good wife, you are really capable. Even a womanizer like Qin Yuan has been seduced by you." He pinched her chin and squinted at her face.

The anger almost turned into substance. After a moment, he sneered: "It's a pity that I regret it. You can never marry him. Du Yunrou, you must pay back what you owe me!"

He pulled her over, and she bumped into his chest, causing her forehead to hurt. Before she could react, her back "teared!" with a sound, and her clothes were torn apart by him, and he kissed her closely, as if it was rough.

Want to swallow her alive.

He threw her onto the bed and hit her without mercy. The tearing pain almost made her faint. From beginning to end of the sexual intercourse, he never treated her gently, so she had no choice but to endure his violence.

After Wei Zi vented his anger, he fell into a deep sleep. He rushed back after a long journey and seemed very tired.

Du Yunrou was very awake. She lay next to him, looking sideways at his sleeping face and eyes. She reached out and touched the envelope hidden in the pillow. After hesitating for a while, she pressed it deeper.

It was his anger that woke her up. He didn't love her, he only hated her. It was revenge that made Wei Zi want to possess her, but if he had read the letter, if he didn't hate her...

No, you can't read the letter to him. If he doesn't hate her, he might push her out. She doesn't want it. She just wants to be with him, even if he hates her!

From then on, Wei Zi changed his usual distance from her and slept with her every day. Apart from the daily sarcastic remarks, they really looked like an ordinary couple.

After more than two months, Du Yunrou gradually realized that something was wrong with her body.

She has been waiting for the moon for another two months, and now it is the third month, but there is still no sign that the moon is coming. With the lesson learned from the last time, she vaguely sensed something. Today, without telling Wei Zi,

I finally went to see the doctor.

After the old doctor checked her pulse, he told her for sure: "Mrs. Wei, it's a happy pulse."

Really have a child?!

Du Yunrou's mood became complicated. She didn't know whether to be happy or worried at this time. She was certainly happy to have a child, but she didn't know what Wei Zi would think if he knew about it...

Will he accept this child, after all he hates her so much...

"Cough cough cough...!" Her throat felt tight, and she coughed violently again, and her blood boiled again. Recently, she seemed to be coughing more violently than before.

When she coughed, the doctor was stunned: "Mrs. Wei, is this...?"

Why is Bai Bai coughing like this? He didn't notice any wind or cold when he took his pulse just now?

After finally stopping her coughing, she regained her breath and said: "To be honest with the doctor, this is the root cause of the disease after falling into the water last time. I have been coughing for the past few months and have not gotten better. Sometimes I have chest tightness in the past two days.

It’s hard to breathe anymore.”

She didn't take this matter to heart at first, but after hearing this, the doctor's face turned solemn: "Mrs. Wei, can you let me take a look at the tongue coating?"

Du Yunrou opened her mouth as he was told. After reading the doctor's reading, he took her pulse again, but his expression became more and more solemn, which made her heart skip a beat: "Doctor, what did you see?"

The doctor took back his hand and sighed: "Mrs. Wei, I'm afraid you won't be able to give birth to the child in your belly."

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard that, and she hurriedly asked: "Why? Is there something wrong with this child?"

"The child is fine, but Mrs. Wei... you are suffering from tuberculosis." The doctor said regretfully.

Tuberculosis... Du Yunrou was stunned: "Then, can this disease be cured?"

The doctor shook his head: "People suffering from tuberculosis have always been incurable. I can only prescribe a few medicines for you and try my best to help Mrs. Wei nurse her back to health."

"Then...how long can I live?" Her voice suddenly lost confidence when she asked.

"Just three to five years..." the doctor sighed.

She was silent for a long time, then touched her belly and asked, "What if I want to give birth to this child?"

The doctor became serious: "Mrs. Wei must not make this decision easily. It is extremely dangerous to give birth to a child with tuberculosis. If you fail to kill two people, even if you manage to give birth, your life span will be greatly reduced!"

After being stunned for a while, she nodded: "I understand."

The doctor sighed regretfully, grabbed two sets of medicine and gave them to her, and said: "Of these two sets of medicine, one is for recuperating the body, and the other is for aborting. Mrs. Wei, please take it after you think about it."

After taking the medicine, she walked back in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking along the way. When she realized what she was doing, she was already back in the house. Wei Zi stared at her indifferently, his eyes on her hands.

He scanned the two medicines he was carrying and asked, "What are these?"

She raised her eyes, suppressed her complicated emotions, and told him softly: "Zidu, I have a child."

When Wei Zi heard this, his eyes fell on her flat belly and he said nothing.

"Do you want this child?" She decided to leave the decision to him. If he wanted it, she would have it. If he didn't want it, she would take it away.

"My child, why don't you want it?" He remained indifferent, looking at her without any fluctuation in his eyes: "You owe me, you should give birth to me."

She just smiled: "Okay." From then on, although the two of them still slept together, Wei Zidu never touched her again. He seemed to really want this child, and even ordered the old housekeeper to buy supplements.

Boil it for her to eat.

Unfortunately, those supplements didn't seem to be of any use. Her body continued to lose weight day by day, and her coughs became more and more frequent. In the end, she could only lie in bed. Once she stood up, she felt dizzy.

Her energy and blood surged, and many times she had to take a big breath of air to make herself feel better. Her chest was often blocked and uncomfortable.

Tuberculosis was contagious, so she tried her best to avoid Wei Zidu every day, not wanting him to get it too. Fortunately, he had no intention of getting close to her. He just watched her coughing and wheezing every day, maybe because she was upset, and his expression also changed.

not so good.

On this day, Wei Zidu suddenly barged in and stared at her belly with cold eyes, "Kill him!"

She was stunned: "What?"

"I don't want it anymore, are you worthy of bearing my child?!" He smiled, but his eyes were terrifyingly cold.

She touched her already bulging belly and said, "But it can't be aborted. He's already four months old and it can't be aborted."

Whether he wanted it or not, she had to give birth to the child.

This chapter has been completed!
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