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Spoiler: Wei Zidu (1)

I became an orphan when I was twelve years old. Everyone said that my father was so audacious that he dared to tamper with the imperial grain. But I knew that my father must have been framed. The man from the Du family was also the one who donated the grain. Why was my father so cruel?

He was arrested and beheaded, but he was fine?!

I hate the Du family, and with it, all the businessmen in the world. I often hear people say that businessmen are cunning, profit-seeking people, and it is true!

I vow to serve as an official in the court, and one day when I become famous, I will clear my father's name and give the Du family the retribution they deserve!

Unfortunately, I'm not good at reading. I couldn't read a single word of poetry, lyrics, and songs, and I felt completely bored. After many twists and turns, I chose to abandon literature and pursue martial arts. After that, I practiced martial arts day after day.

, I look forward to joining the army in battle in the future and making a name for myself on the battlefield. Thinking about how I will take revenge in the future, I have never been lazy for a moment.

I don’t know when I started, but a little girl would run outside the door every day. She would peek at me through the crack of the door every day, and would not say a word if she didn’t come in. I ignored her and let her look at her. I just had to concentrate.

Just practice martial arts.

Then one day, the little girl suddenly disappeared. After that, she didn't show up for three months. Then the head of the Du family came to the door. He warned me with a straight face and told me not to leave.

Trying to harm his daughter.

Only then did I realize that the little girl who came to peek at me practicing martial arts every day was the only daughter of the Du family, Du Yunrou.

He didn't let me go, so I insisted on going. No one in the Du family is good. If his daughter likes me, doesn't she deserve it?!

I found Du Yunrou and looked at her for the first time. She was very white, with a small face that looked like it was made of white porcelain. She seemed very shy when she saw me, keeping her head down and not daring to look at me.

I asked her, "Do you like me?"

She blushed with embarrassment, but nodded anyway.

Out of revenge, I told her that I would marry her in the future and wait for the day when I become successful.

Originally I just said this out of spite, but who knew that this woman really refused all marriage proposals from that day on and was waiting for me wholeheartedly.

Later, I went out with the army as I wished, and the battlefield was more cruel than I imagined. There were blood and limbs everywhere. Someone would fall when I raised the knife and fell. In order to not be the one who fell, I could only plunge myself into despair.

Amidst the endless killings, fortunately, I have been practicing martial arts diligently before, and I have an advantage in fighting on the battlefield. For three years, people around me died one after another, but I survived safely, except for

There are some scars on the body, but the rest are not serious.

I didn't expect that Du Yunrou was still waiting for me. After returning to Beijing, she ran up to me almost immediately and timidly asked me if I wanted to marry her.

She looks better than she did three years ago, and her blushing cheeks are particularly attractive.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of revenge in my heart. Since she was voluntary, I was happy to see her spend her whole life for me.

So I told her to wait for me, and after I gained fame, I would marry her in a glorious way.

She said, "Okay, then I hope you will come and marry me when you become famous."

I nodded, but couldn't help but sneer in my heart.

After I become successful and famous, I'm afraid what I will do is not marry her, but send her and her Du family to the eighteenth level of hell.

What makes me very unhappy is that the head of the Du family has died inexplicably in the past three years, and the Du family has gradually declined without the existence of the head of the Du family, from a wealthy party to an ordinary, just ordinary person.

A family that can barely feed themselves.

I haven't taken revenge or redressed my father's grievances. How could the old man of the Du family die like this?!

Fortunately, his daughter is still alive!

Therefore, I attached all my hatred to Du Yunrou.

Not long after I returned to Beijing, I was about to go on another expedition. I was still fighting on the battlefield. Fortunately, I was favored by the general.

His surname is Qin, and his name is Qin Yuan. He is a general at a young age, but he has a good reputation. He is a very upright and iron-blooded general. I admire him very much. He also appreciates my courage and ability very much, and he will carry a sword with him.

The broad knife was given to me.

I held it and fought even harder on the battlefield. In those three years, I was like a fish in water, climbing step by step from a small soldier to the position of deputy general. Gradually, I gained a reputation as a guard on the battlefield and even in the capital.


Those reputations were all gained by me one life after another, so when I returned to Beijing that year, it was no less deserted than when I first returned to Beijing. That year, I was particularly prosperous, and many businessmen, wealthy men, and scholars came to fawn over me.

Make friends with me.

Then, Du Yunrou came.

Compared with her previous youth, she was much calmer, but her eyes when looking at me were still so gentle. She still asked me if I wanted to marry her. Her eyes when she looked at me were clear and firm. I knew that she was twenty-five years old.

At the age of fifteen, a woman should get married at the age of fifteen, and she was ten years late. In these ten years, I can almost imagine how much gossip there was in this capital, but she didn't say anything to me, she just kept silent

After enduring everything, she stood in front of me so gracefully and asked me if I wanted to marry her.

I suddenly felt soft-hearted for a moment. Didn't her father tell her what the relationship between the Du family and the Wei family was?

I asked her to find someone to marry. She didn't have to wait for me. I couldn't marry her.

I can't marry her, and I don't plan to marry her. I just want to get revenge on her.

I wanted to let her go, but she didn't appreciate it. She smiled at me gently but stubbornly, "If you don't want to marry me, I'll wait."

What a fool.

Looking at her smiling face, I couldn't bear it.

After that, I set off again.

Different from previous years when I only knew killing, in those three years, besides killing, I often thought of her, of the woman who was willing to let me grow old, of her gentle appearance, and of her stubbornness in saying that she would wait for me to marry her.

.I miss her uncontrollably, day and night, like I am possessed. I even wonder if Du Yunrou gave me some evil poison to make me obsessed with her. She is obviously mine.

Enemy, but when I think of her, I can't help but feel tenderness in my heart!

I actually fell in love with the daughter of the enemy who killed my father. Then, retribution came. I lost both my legs on the battlefield. It was the last fight. I was thrown off the horse. During the war, the horse's hooves hit me hard.

He stepped on the spine of my waist, and I heard a "click!" followed by severe pain. Qin Yuan came over and saved my life, but the legs were still useless.

I knew everything was over, my legs were gone, I was nothing.

On the way back to Beijing, no matter how Qin Yuan comforted me, I remained silent.

What else can I say, I don’t even know what to do in the future. My enemy died inexplicably, and I fell in love with my enemy’s daughter, and even lost my legs now. At that moment, I felt that my life was really terrible. Got it!

This chapter has been completed!
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