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759,blowing (2/2)

The "white face" facing the "hot roll" quickly faded.

Everything around him became blurry.

The old man at the door was still trembling, but his face had returned to normal, and there was no third slender noodle-like arm stretching out from his side to shake the bell;

There is no blank face on the head.

The scene Su Wu saw just now seemed like an illusion.

But this illusion has stayed in the mind of 'Rouba' for a long time, becoming a thought that lingers in his mind and cannot go away.

Now it is the transformation of this idea that has caused the abnormality of Hot Rolling Bar.

Su Wu broke away from the mysterious thought of Lao Na Ba, and along the way, he completely uprooted the mysterious thought and destroyed it completely.

Hotaba broke free from the hallucination and returned to normal.

The tall and thin middle-aged monk "Rerolla Ba" looked blankly at the people in the carriage. At this time, most of the people's eyes fell on him, and their eyes were incomprehensible, making him confused.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the Trickster Controller monks at the Hot Roll Temple.

The Monster Controller monks in the Dharma Temple are currently surrounding Director Su from the Weird Investigation Bureau, bowing and clasping their hands to him to thank him.

"Bayan, what happened?" Rerollaba called out the name of one of the Trickster Controller monks and asked him.

"Kutuktu!" The trick-controlling monk named 'Bayan' saluted with his hands together, looked at the face of Lörraba, and replied, "You just fell into the hallucination of Liquei!

If Bureau Su had not come to help, the result would have been very bad!"

"Trapped in Li Wei's hallucination..."

Hot Rodba muttered to himself, having no impression of this.

At this time, Bureau Su of the Conspiracy Bureau, whom Bayan mentioned, also turned to look at him.

The other person's eyes were calm and he looked at him without speaking.

Under the gaze of the other party, Rerolla was inexplicably confused for some reason. His eyes wandered a little - and he saw a white cloth covering the window seat in front of him.

The white cloth was soaked with blood and turned dark red.

The vague outline of a human figure bulges under the cloth.

The top of the backrest, which was not completely covered by the white cloth, was covered with dried dark red blood.

Hot Rod's eyelids twitched suddenly.

Although he lost the memory of being trapped in a strange hallucination, he has not forgotten all his experiences on this high-speed train——

If I remember correctly, the seat covered with white cloth is the seat of Hutuktu of Tsering Dampa of Baizhen Monastery?

‘Tsering Dampa’… is dead?

"If it had been later, you might have been like Tsering Tenpa.

Attracted by the 'hallucination', he kept twisting his neck until his neck bones were broken, and his flesh and blood were crushed into minced meat by the bones and died." Su Wu looked at Laoraba, and had already seen through all the thoughts running in the other person's mind.

, he opened his mouth and revealed the fact that Tsering Tenpa was dead, which made Regnaba's heart tremble.

He looked at Laoraba's frightened look, but suddenly changed the subject: "When you were young, did your family hire a sorcerer?"

Hearing his question, Rejaba's expression became even more frightened. He raised his eyes to look at him, then suddenly lowered his head and remained silent.

"The sorcerer Chuizhong invited the Buddha to possess you and gave you the decree that you will become a Hutuktu in thirteen years.

So, a few years later, Hutuktu of the Hotu Temple near your home passed away. The Hotu Temple requested the platform to draw lots, and sure enough, you were selected as a disciple of the Buddha.

As a result, you were able to enter the monastic academy to practice, and when the time came to truly fulfill the prophecy of the divine man, you were promoted to become the Hutuktu of the Hot Roll Temple.

‘Hot-rolled Ba’…your name is Hot-rolled Ba.

It seems that there is a certain fate with Hot Rolling Temple.

In fact, after receiving the advice from Chui Zhongwu, he changed his original name to this name? In the name of ‘hot rolling’?” Su Wu continued talking, not caring whether the other party responded to his question.

Every time he said another word, Laoraba's expression became more frightened.

The people around looked confused, wondering what Su Wu meant by what he said.

In the view of the monks, it is quite normal in the secret realm to ask the gods to send orders to the gods. Is this worth mentioning?

But when Su Wu said these things, Lao Namba's expression changed drastically.

Because the deceptive idea in his heart was completely destroyed, Lao Yaba no longer remembers several specific scenes involving the "white paper face" and "slender arms" in the ceremony held by Chui Zhongwu, but

The strange feeling revealed in this matter had a profound impact on him and he could not forget it!

Now that Su Wu mentioned these things, he would naturally react.

Hotaba was frightened by Su Wu's few words. It took him a moment to calm down. When he raised his eyes and was about to say a few words to Su Wu, Su Wu had already turned his head and stopped looking at him. He was looking at several other people.

Hutuktu of Dharma Temple, the first one.

Su Wu once again spoke to the great monks who had been able to get rid of their hallucinations by him, and said: "When you were young, you should have had a similar experience to Larolla Bahutuktu.

Could it be that your family has hired a witch to predict what will happen to you in the future?"

Unlike Lao La Ba, who had just escaped from the hallucination and was still confused about the situation, the several great monks had returned to normal. They knew that they were caught in an incident involving a serious attack, and were more willing to cooperate with Su Wu and answer his questions.

As soon as Su Wu finished speaking, the great monks responded one after another.

“When I was a child, my family was poor, but I couldn’t afford to hire a magician to come and give me decrees.

However, there used to be a wealthy family in our Wangdui Village who invited a Shaman Chui Zhong. The wealthy family invited Shaman Chui Zhong to come and summon the Buddha to issue a decree, designating his son as the head of a nearby small temple, Wangdui Temple.

'The first seat.荓

The sorcerer who blew his mind was trembling all over, as if he was really possessed by a spirit.

But after being possessed by the spirit, the sorcerer looked at the son of a wealthy family and said nothing. Instead, he pointed at me who was watching the sorcerer's performance in the crowd."

"Almost, my experience is similar to the experience of the first building of Rongbuk Monastery.

My family is also poor, so of course no one would ask a divine man to predict me..."

All the monks spoke one after another.

When they were young, they were not prophesied about the future by a witch as Su Wu said.

However, I have experienced at least one "possession performance" by a divine man, and when the divine man was possessed, I had some mysterious intersection with the divine man - that is, I was suddenly selected by the divine man;

Or he would be touched by a divine man on his forehead.

The so-called "Chui Zhong" is actually similar to the dancing masters in the Middle Earth region, asking for rice, etc.

It means 'Dharma protector'.

"The Collection of Secret Treasures" contains: The method is used to seduce the gods, and when the gods are possessed, the location of Hubilhan (the disciple of the Buddha) can be pointed out.

Chui Zhong borrowed the names of gods and Buddhas to build Dharma temples, and the clan government prompted various prophecies, constantly strengthening its own status through plausible prophecies.

Since the time of Emperor Qianlong, prophecies based on the prophecy have been an important reference for the establishment of Buddhist disciples in various Dharma temples in the Mizore Region. Sometimes, even a single word of pledge can establish the Buddhist disciples of a Dharma temple.

Therefore, many Chuu Zhong families are connected with the Hutuktu families, so that the Hutuktu of various Dharma temples come from the same family from generation to generation.

Until Qianlong established another rule,

In the end, the status of each family's family plummeted, and now it has been reduced to a status that is no different from that of Shenhan and Wen Mi Po.

However, the Chui Zhong witches that many great monks encountered when they were young are vastly different from those fake Chui Zhong families.

It is currently difficult to determine whether the sorcerer that many great monks encountered when they were young is the same one.

And all the predictions they made with the help of the gods came true later.

Are they following the decrees of what kind of gods in the secret realm and making all kinds of prophecies?

That god whose arms are knotted like a white umbrella?

Or is it the source of all the strange powers in the hidden realm?

Several years later, these great monks who had been predicted by witchcraft and chosen by the gods of the Secret Realm gathered in the same carriage of this high-speed train, but it was impossible that there were not all the weird secrets of the Secret Realm behind them. The layout of power!

Su Wu frowned and thought for a while.

When he was in the secret realm, talking about witchcraft had already become a thing of the past.

He became a preparatory monk at Wuxiang Zunneng Temple when he was born. Since then, he has been moving between various Dharma temples, and he has had little contact with the Chui Zhongsha at that time.

I have no chance to know which gods and Buddhas those Chuozhong families serve.

At this point, he had collected all the clues about the strange invasion in the carriage, but he always felt that an extremely important link was missing. That missing link prevented him from knowing the whole story.

Unable to respond effectively.

——I am on the high-speed train, and the train continues to move. Except for one person, Tsering Tenba, who fell into a hallucination and broke his neck and died, everything else has gradually returned to normal.

The current strange invasion incident seems to have been resolved.

However, Su Wu has not found the remnant soul of Tsering Dampa so far. It is this extremely unusual clue that convinced him that this serious invasion incident has not been truly solved.

It is very likely that I am still in some kind of invisible ghost!

Su Wu's thoughts changed slightly, and then he looked at Wang Ping'an in the crowd: "Team Wang, we need to stop the high-speed train now.

Please inform the high-speed rail driver and ask him to stop the high-speed rail temporarily.

Please prepare the dispatch room."

“We are taking a driverless high-speed train, so we don’t need to inform the high-speed train driver.

Bureau Su, please wait a moment. I will inform the general dispatching office to stop this high-speed train." Wang Ping'an replied to Su Wu.

But the few words Wang Pingan said in a relaxed tone made Su Wu frown even more!

He did not speak, but watched Wang Ping'an walk to the front of the carriage, enter his fingerprints, and enter the cab.

In the cab, Wang Pingan turned on the satellite phone and first dialed the number of the general dispatching room, asking the general dispatching room to remotely stop the current operation of the high-speed train.

After making the call, he waited quietly in the cab.

After waiting for several minutes, the high-speed train is still running at high speed!

This situation is extremely unusual. The general dispatching room is highly intelligent. After Wang Pingan responded to the password and issued the outage command, the general dispatching room should respond within a few seconds.

But now a few minutes have passed, and the high-speed train shows no sign of stopping!

Wang Pingan's originally relaxed mood suddenly became tense.

He looked at the red button inside the glass cover on the cab console, entered the password again, pressed his palm on the red button, and manually stopped the train——

Manual shutdown is invalid!


This chapter has been completed!
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