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I let Qian Chen stay where he was, and then I fell down, tapping my toes lightly on the water.

I stood in front of the man and looked at him from above, "Are you the Nine-layered Demon Lord?"

The man chuckled lightly and raised his thin lips. His smile was unpretentious, and coupled with his healthy complexion, it actually gave people a feeling that he was very sunny and cheerful.

The Ninefold Demon Lord is the king of the ancient demon clan and the master of many man-eating monsters.

Look at his identity, how can he be related to sunshine and cheerfulness? According to my imagination, he should be gloomy, bloodthirsty, and manic. In short, he should not be like this.

The way the Ninefold Demon Lord looks now, he is either trying to show his kindness to me, or he is pretending to be his true self.

And I am more inclined to believe that he is pretending.

He is by no means a kind person, and he cannot return the Luck Pearl to me obediently. After all, if he planned to return the Luck Pearl, he would not hurt Bailong like this!

Seeing Bailong being seriously injured, the anger in my heart could hardly be suppressed.

I took a deep breath and asked the Nine Levels Demon Lord, "Did you hurt the white dragon?"

The Nine-Level Demon Lord nodded, still smiling, with a clean smile like a big boy.

He said, "My body has just recovered, and I need both the power of the Luck Pearl and supplements. Bailong is the previous owner of the Luck Pearl, and eating his soul can give me double power."

He is using Ao Zhan as a tonic!

Moreover, he said it very calmly, and he did not feel at all that it was an excessive act for him to hurt Ao Zhan.

The anger in my heart burned and I could no longer suppress it. I stretched out my hand to the Nine Levels Demon Lord and said, "Give me the Luck Pearl!"

As I spoke, the Thunder Goddess sprouted from my palm and headed straight for the Luck Bead on the forehead of the Nine-layered Demon Lord.

Seeing this, the Ninefold Demon Lord slapped his hands on the water, and his body instantly flew out of the pool.

There was a splash of water, and the Ninefold Demon Lord flew into the air.

He was naked on the upper body and wore a pair of blue satin bloomers on the lower body. The trouser legs were rolled up at the ankles. The wide edges of the trousers were inlaid with gold threads and dotted with small gems of various colors.

It's very exquisite, and this outfit makes him look even less like a Middle-earth person.

The Nine-Level Demon Lord left the water pool and hit the Thunder God Vine. The blow was in vain.

But I didn't have any thoughts of disappointment. First, I expected that the Nine-layered Demon King would be difficult to deal with, and it was impossible to subdue him with one blow. Second, my goal was not him in the first place.

After the branches of Tripterygium wilfordii sank into the water, they were quickly woven into a round ball with no top. It floated to the surface and put the white dragon swimming towards it into the ball.

After the white dragon entered the ball, its branches wrapped around it and capped the ball.

Then, with a flick of my arm, the ball flew up from the water and flew towards Qianchen in the air.

Qian Chen understood my intention, and he reached out and grabbed the ball woven by Tripterygium wilfordii.

After Qianchen grabbed the ball, the tripterygium vine in my palm and the tripterygium vine on the ball were disconnected.

The triptych vine flew back into my palm, and the ball stayed in Qianchen's hand.

I said to Qian Chen, "Thunder God Vine and Qi Luck Pearl complement each other. Ao Zhan's soul comes from Qi Luck Pearl, so Thunder God Vine should have a protective and healing effect on him. Qian Chen, you take care of Ao Zhan here, I'll go

Get back the luck beads."

Qian Chen looked at me with a smile in his eyes, "Okay."

After briefly responding to me, he stopped talking.

I turned my head to look at the Ninefold Demon Lord.

The Ninefold Demon Lord was also staring at me with great interest.

Seeing me looking at him, the Nine Levels Demon Lord smiled heartily, "Xiangu Lin, since Thunder God Vine can assist the Qi Luck Beads, can Thunder God Vine help me completely control the power of the Qi Luck Beads? I always feel that the power of the Qi Luck Beads

It's like a vast sea, but I have only touched the shore. I need a helper to push me into this sea."

My face was calm, but deep down I was shocked.

How long has it been since he got the Luck Bead? He can't even control the Luck Bead, yet he actually has such an idea!

For a moment, I didn't know whether to praise him for being smart or think he was scary.

With such a terrifying learning ability, if you give him some time, this bead may really become his.

"Ninth Level Demon Lord," I said, "you should know why I came to you, so let's not talk nonsense. Let's get straight to the point. I want the luck beads on your body. At the same time, I also know that you can't just obey.

Return the luck beads to me. Just do it and let me feel the strength of the ancient demon king."

As soon as I finished speaking, I grabbed my hand to the side.

A long knife woven from Tripterygium wilfordii appeared in my hand out of thin air.

I hold a long knife in my hand and prepare to attack.

The Nine-layered Demon Lord, on the other hand, had a leisurely look, as if he had no intention of fighting with me.

He looked at me with a smile, without any hostility, "Lin Xiangu, why do we have to fight? Or, in other words, why do we have to meet as enemies?"

All his questions confused me.

I said, "Ninth Level Demon Lord, if you are willing to obediently return the Luck Pearl to me, then we will indeed not be enemies."

"Without the luck beads, I will die. So I can't fulfill your request."

The Nine-Level Demon Lord said, "But, Lin Xiangu, even if I don't return the Luck Bead to you, we can still not be enemies. You have the Thunder God Vine, I have the Luck Bead, and I voluntarily join you and become your partner, and

You use Tripterygium wilfordii to help me obtain all the power of the Luck Pearl. Our cooperation is a win-win situation, isn't this the best way?"

If the Luck Bead originally belonged to the Ninth Level Demon Lord, and now the Ninth Level Demon Lord is willing to join us with the Luck Bead, then of course I will be happy and accept him.

But now he has snatched Ao Zhan's luck pearl. If I accept him, I will give up on Ao Zhan.

Ao Zhan died fighting for us, how could I give up on him and ignore his life and death?

I looked at the Nine Levels Demon Lord and said, "I already have a partner."

When he heard that I rejected him, the Nine Levels Demon Lord was not angry and still smiled.

He raised his finger and pointed at the ball in Qianchen's hand, and said to me, "Lin Xiangu, does your partner mean that white dragon? Don't be kidding, how can that kind of trash be with Lin Xiangu! Or that

You are not worthy of having luck beads if you are a waste!

The Luck Bead is a spiritual thing between heaven and earth. Only strong people are qualified to be the masters of the Luck Bead! Lin Xiangu, haven’t you noticed? Although Bai Long owns the Luck Bead, he is not the owner of the Luck Bead.

, he is the slave of the Luck Bead, or in other words, he is just a carrier chosen by the bead for himself. People like him cannot fully control the power contained in the Luck Bead no matter how hard they try.

Lin Xiangu, no matter how powerful the Qi Luck Bead is, it is only a kind of weapon power. It should be controlled by people, not controlled by it. Only by integrating the Qi Luck Bead into the heart can the Qi Luck Bead be activated.

Let the luck beads obey orders. Lin Xiangu, don’t you think this method of controlling the luck beads is strange?

Let the Qi Luck Bead blend with your own heart, then you are controlling the Luck Luck Bead, or the Luck Luck Bead is threatening you. The Luck Luck Bead is a weapon, a power that obeys my orders, and I am its master!


With the last words, the Nine-Level Demon Lord spread his arms and shouted.

Following his shout, two yellow thunders fell from the sky, impartially, and hit the two raised hands of the Nine-layer Demon Lord!

There was a roar.

When the golden thunder light dissipated, the body of the Nine-layer Demon Lord seemed to have been struck into powder by lightning, and his body turned into a piece of fine black ash, floating in the air.

I'm all stupid.

So, the Nine-layered Demon Lord was struck to death by lightning?!

The majestic Demon King will die like this?

It must have been the ancient gods who took action. They did not allow the Nine-Level Demon King to recover, so they rained down thunder and killed the Nine-Level Demon Lord!

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this should be the case.

It’s just that the Nine-Level Demon King is dead, but what about the Luck Pearl?

Where are the luck beads he wears on his head?

When I was looking around, I suddenly heard Qianchen remind me, "Lin Xi, be careful behind you."

I was startled and turned around quickly.

The black ash transformed by the Nine-layer Demon Lord was not blown away by the wind. The black ash floated to my back, and then slowly condensed to form a human shape. Then the human shape seemed to be frozen, and slowly turned into a human form.

With ice sculptures.

The ice sculpture continued to change, carving out three-dimensional facial features, muscle lines, etc. Finally, the ice melted, and the Ninefold Demon Lord appeared in front of me again.

My eyes widened in shock.

He just used two powers, Jingjing's granulation and Ao Zhan's ice body.

Did he control the Luck Pearl? How could he use these two powers so easily?

I quickly lowered my head and looked at the palm of my hand.

There is only a bare Tripterygium vine in the palm of my hand, not a single shining bead.

In my surprised eyes, the Nine Level Demon Lord smiled at me and said cheerfully, "Lin Xiangu, there is no need to make a fuss. Now the Luck Pearl is my weapon and I am its master. That's why I can easily use these two

These are just the surface of the luck beads. Lin Xiangu, I need your Tripterygium vine. Let’s work together to tap out all the power of the luck beads. What do you think?”

This chapter has been completed!
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