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Chapter 102 Who agrees? Who opposes?

In the conference room, the crowd looked at Lin An, who was in the highest position, anxiously.

Zhang Tie and An Jingtian stood side by side on both sides, while Mo Ling, Wen Ya, Liu Shiming, and Gao Tian sat in a row in front of the conference room.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Lin An nodded slightly.

There are still about 22 hours before the construction of the psychic core is completed. In order not to waste time, he decided to start the system reform of the entire academy from today.

"I don't really like talking nonsense."

Everyone watched Lin An speak slowly and coldly, and couldn't help but tilt their heads to listen. Huang Zheng and others even took out a notebook and planned to record what he said.

"First, the college's original parliamentary system is cancelled. From today on, there can only be one voice in the entire safety zone!"

"My will is the will of the safe zone!"

It's not that Lin An likes power. The system of talking to each other in the doomsday game will only waste time, and arguing for a long time will produce no results.

In the previous life, many universities and some security zones adopted the method of everyone voting and discussing. The result was that except for delaying the fighter plane and arguing with each other, it was of no use.

And people often consider their own interests, leading to short-sighted decisions.

Hearing Lin An speak like this, the people present were not surprised.

After all, they have already made mental preparations for this.

"Second, a military control system will be implemented from now on. All supplies will be distributed according to need, and everyone will hand in all food for uniform distribution."

As soon as these words came out, many people were dissatisfied.

However, due to Lin An's power, they only dared to discuss in a low voice and did not dare to reveal it too obviously.

Some stronger awakened ones harvested a lot of supplies while going out during this period.

Feeling that these things are their own, many people would choose to trade with other students privately, such as exchanging a can or water for a girl to sleep with him for a night.

In the face of hunger, all the previous reserve has been completely thrown away.

The worse ones will even deliberately withhold food and force the girl they like to take the initiative to sleep with them.

Ordinary students do not have the ability to go out to search for food, and the college's cafeteria has long been emptied.

That is to say, the situation is not serious now. If it continues like this, it may even happen that the awakened people hoard a large amount of supplies, while ordinary people starve to death.

Although the strong will be respected in the end of the world, the fittest will survive if they are unable to starve to death.

But for Lin An, he has learned the lessons of bloodshed in major safety zones in his previous life, so he hopes to create a system where all people are soldiers.

Ordinary people can also transform into awakened ones.

Seeing that everyone was dissatisfied, Lin An released his mental power without hesitation, and the powerful mental pressure was like a sickle in everyone's hearts.

"The deadline for handing in food is three days. After three days, anyone is found to have hidden it and refuses to hand it over."

"Kill without mercy."

Iron-blooded and ruthless.

There is no penalty, just get it right in one step. If you don't pay, you will die.

As soon as these words came out, the dissatisfied awakened people could only choose to give up their secret thoughts.

Lin An nodded when he saw this. He didn't have much time and was too lazy to reason with her and persuade her with emotion.

Food is the foundation of the safety zone, and all control must be in your own hands.

In the second row of the conference room, Huang Zheng suddenly stood up and spoke:

"Don't have any complaints against Lord Lin An because of this matter."

"I also know that these foods and supplies were all taken back from the zombies by everyone."

"But I can tell you one thing. Not long ago, Master Lin An put his team's supplies into the college warehouse."

"Among them canned luncheon meat: 3,717 cans, individual soldier combat rations: 992..."

As more and more numbers were revealed, the players present were stunned.

Compared to their little private collection, the amount of food Lin An gave to the college was more than their combined total!

With both kindness and power, Lin An had no intention of hoarding supplies.

After all, the entire safe area belongs to him, no matter where he puts it.

The pace quickened, and Lin An signaled An Jingtian to come to the front desk to arrange the next stipulation.

"Third point, Linjiang College will be renamed Long'an Base, and all awakened people will be divided into three departments."

"Inspection Department: Responsible for base security and security tasks within the base. 4 Awakeneds are assigned 20 ordinary students to work together. The department has a total of 80 people, and I serve as the inspection team leader."

"Combat Department: Responsible for external operations, cleaning up zombies, and completing combat missions. Each of the 20 awakened people leads 100 ordinary students. The department has a total of 2,000 people, with Zhang Tie as the combat team leader."

Before An Jingtian finished speaking, several awakened people couldn't help but asked in confusion:

"Well, Team Leader Jingtian. According to this calculation, our college only has more than 2,000 people. Doesn't it mean that girls also have to join the combat department?"

"They are a group of ordinary people, many of whom are from art schools and dance departments. Isn't it not good for you to arrange things like this?"

An Jingtian had no expression on his face and just said in a deep voice:

"First of all, you should be grateful that I was the one who spoke. If you had blocked the meeting when Captain Lin was speaking, you would have died long ago."

"I've made it very clear. You don't need to raise any questions. You just need to consider how to perform your job well!"

"Secondly, what's wrong with women? As long as they are human beings, they are players. Starting today, all employees will undergo military training to ensure that everyone has combat capabilities!"

"The safe zone will not support any disabled person! Unless they are the elderly, weak, sick or disabled, people who cannot move can be considered as appropriate."

There was silence in the conference room, and everyone realized that the college... was going to change from today on.

The awakened person who was originally questioning kept silent for a moment, but felt a little disdainful in his heart.

Ordinary people are just cannon fodder no matter how hard they train, and ideas like Lin An's are just a waste of effort.

So what if everyone is a special forces soldier?

No awakened person has the physical fitness to surpass the limits of the human body. If more than ten zombies are surrounded, the King of Soldiers will kneel down!

An Jingtian didn't care what these people thought. He had already discussed the specific details with Lin An.

"The last department is the logistics management department, with Wen Ya as the team leader. It is mainly responsible for material distribution, non-combatant personnel arrangement, base construction and other tasks. All survivors who are not in the first two departments will be merged into this department."

The original school management was shocked when they heard this. It seemed that Lin An planned to wipe them all out and completely centralize power.

But as ordinary people, they dare not say anything.

It was the best news that Lin An didn't settle accounts with them, but thinking that he would be like a student in the future, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"The above is the allocation of college personnel. Next..."

In the conference room, a rare first-order awakened person, who seemed to be a player from the Polytechnic Institute, suddenly raised his hand.

Having learned from the past, they did not dare to interrupt the meeting this time.

"Your Excellency Jingtian, we have something to say."

An Jingtian frowned slightly and nodded.

"I would like to ask, from now on, will the main leaders of all departments in the academy...Long'an Base be from your team?"

"Don't our people have any management rights at all? Isn't this inappropriate?"

A first-level awakened person named Fang Lin asked with some dissatisfaction, and the awakened person from the Polytechnic Institute behind him couldn't help but follow suit.

In their view, it is understandable that the combat department is single-handedly controlled by members of Lin An's team. After all, they are the strongest.

But it involves other positions.

These are all departments with real power and are full of oil and gas!

"Yes, I used to be the Minister of Life. If we do this, wouldn't we be just like the big-headed soldiers?"

“You can’t have all the positions in your hands, right?!”

As the academy with the most Awakened people alive, the seven Awakened people immediately began to question.

The other awakened people saw that they were taking the lead, and they couldn't help but agree with them.

This is not considered disobeying instructions, but it is a reasonable request, right? After all, when An Jingtian first discussed cooperation, he mentioned joint management.


"You? Us?"

The voice was abrupt and cold.

Lin An calmly looked at the questioning crowd in front of him, locked his mental power on Fang Lin and asked softly.


"Is it you?"

Like a cold light piercing the back.

Fang Lin struggled to raise his throat. Although Lin An looked calm, he always felt as if he was facing a prehistoric beast and his legs were shaking uncontrollably.

What did I say wrong?

Feeling that he was right, Fang Lin couldn't help but feel dissatisfied when he thought that the rights he originally enjoyed in the academy were about to be lost.

If he doesn't have any rights at all, who will be there to help him and get whatever he wants?

Thinking of the girl who was given to him by his subordinates a few days ago, he felt a strong sense of unwillingness in his heart.

Why do we all have to be the top soldiers? This is our academy! Plus, I am a level 1 awakened person after all.

Even if he is not as good as Zhang Tie, in terms of strength, he will not be worse than An Jingtian who has never made many moves, right?

He thought he would be reused, but after all, the two awakened people who once weighed on him, Li Hua and Deng Lian, were dead.

Unexpectedly, I didn't catch anything.

The taste of power is like sucking sex.

He didn't have time to think about it, so he answered with all his strength.

"When I say you, I mean your team..."


The long-lost fireworks exploded, and the newly cleaned ceiling was once again stained with red and white.

A large amount of exploding blood splashed on the face of the awakened person next to him, and he did not dare to wipe it away.

Lin An casually put down his right hand and spoke calmly.

"Without you."

"there's only us."

"This concludes today's meeting."

"Who agrees?"

"Who objects?"

The whole place was dead silent.

In an instant, everyone remembered the fear that Lin An brought to them when he first took action.

This chapter has been completed!
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