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Chapter 1030 The mystery of psychic nodes


"Captain Lin, you said these were notes written by that lizard monster!?"

He was shocked, listening to Lin An's reply, and for a moment he couldn't imagine how Sun Walker's blade-like hands could write.

Shaking his head slightly, Lin An explained directly without looking back:

"To be precise, the owner of the note first became an awakened person, and then became a day walker?"

Lin An is not surprised that humans transform into zombies. But humans directly skip zombie transformation and transform from awakened ones into mutants. This kind of situation has only been seen by him in red-clothed mutants. No, even in red-clothed mutants

It's not the awakened one.

Theoretically speaking, mutants can only "evolve" from zombies, or from infected people!

Such as Blood Witch and Stitcher.

No matter how many viruses a normal awakened person is infected with before death, they will at least go through the process of corpse transformation after death, and may eventually become a mutant.

But judging from the continuity of the notes, Lin An could easily draw a clear conclusion.

The owner of the note became a day walker directly from being a human!

This kind of incident that subverted cognition immediately aroused Lin An's deep doubts.

After a while, Lin An simply picked up the diary and read it carefully.

My guess was indeed correct, there was something wrong with the Sun Walker!

"The 37th day after the end, sunny."

"Although I have been an awakened person for more than a month, I am still not used to throwing fireballs with my bare hands."

"It's hard to imagine, where does my power come from? Why won't my hands get burned? What is psychic energy?"

"How does this energy exist? Can I store it outside my body!?"

"I need research, I need sophisticated instruments!"

"The 88th day after the end of the world, cloudy."

"All the instruments have received interference, and the astronomical telescope we finally brought out from the university broke."

"I can't even do my favorite observation."

"Oh my gosh, I don't think I'll ever see another solar flare or my favorite sunspots again."

"However, I seem to have found the origin of psychic energy."

"I figured out why the communications were being disrupted!"

Seeing this, Lin An raised his eyebrows and looked a little surprised.

Inexplicably, he always felt that the owner of the diary, the professor and researcher, seemed to be a replica of Chu An.

In other words, people like them like to study the end of the world or the essence of the system.

The origin of psychic energy and the reason for communication obstruction?

Lin An couldn't help but feel a little interested in the discovery made by the professor.

Looking down, a line of handwriting comes into view:

"90 days after the end, Yin."

"I have no way of knowing whether my idea is right or wrong. Just yesterday, the survivors with me were always muttering that modern creations were becoming more and more difficult to use, as if the world was about to regress back to primitive people. I casually said

He replied, maybe it was back to the time when there was no electricity.”

"At that moment, I suddenly realized something."

"Why does the system add a new energy system to this world, spiritual energy? Why does the system gradually "cancel electrical energy"!?"

"If you want to destroy us, why give spiritual energy the power!?"

"If you want to destroy us, why do you need to set up technological weapons to reduce the damage and make the instruments gradually ineffective!?"

“Too much trouble”

"Later, I started thinking along the principle that existence is reasonable and appearance is useful."

"The answer is simple."

"The system may hope to replace electrical energy with psychic energy!"

"Just like three hundred years ago, there was no electricity in our human world! In order to facilitate survival, technological development, electric energy, this kind of power that should not "exist" in the world appeared!"

"So today after the end of the world! The emergence of spiritual energy is just like the emergence of oxygen billions of years ago. What species needs spiritual energy, needs to replace anaerobic bacteria, and needs to evolve aerobic life! This time, the world will start from

From the spiritless period, evolve to the spiritual period!"

"We are just like the anaerobic bacteria crawling in the craters of the submarine volcano 4.6 billion years ago!"

"Life needs to evolve! If you can absorb oxygen (spiritual energy), you are qualified to live for so long! If you can't, if you can't become an aerobic creature (awakened one), then you should die!"

"Then the question is, oxygen is produced by aerobic bacteria, who produces the psychic energy? Is it the system or the zombies? I think I need to find the source."

The writing was so exciting that Lin An looked at a few lines of notes that were so excited that his words were confused, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

In previous lives, the emergence of psychic energy was mentioned in the minds of many survivors as a system, perhaps to promote human evolution.

This idea is not clever, and even a bit vulgar.

It is normal for the professor to think of this.

The only difference is that the professor believes that the essence of spiritual energy is the same as oxygen and electricity. This kind of energy and this kind of environmental change have appeared in the history of the earth.

He is trying to find the source of psychic energy.

Pressing down his dignity, Lin An continued to look down. He was also curious about what source the professor finally found.

"The 103rd day after the end of the world, sunny."

"Yes, it's the same as my guess."

"Psychic energy, this kind of energy that pervades the entire world and can be contacted by everyone and all living things, must not be produced on a small scale."

"The bacteria that do not produce oxygen (spiritual energy) are caused by changes in the general environment."

"Abandoning the foolish assumption that the system is like a psychic conjured out of thin air, there is only one answer to the question."

"The source of spiritual energy is above our heads."

"That's it"


"Similar to the rising and changing temperatures, the only source of interference that can change the world and cover the entire globe is the sun that we have been relying on for survival! That natural nuclear fusion body that throws out tens of billions or hundreds of billions of tons of high-energy particle flow every second!


"Not only that, I also found evidence!"

"Haha, what a surprise. I discovered this when I was studying why radio communications were interfered with."

"Before the end of the world, human beings have been communicating by radio. But there is a common sense that radio propagates in a straight line. As humans living on the same ball with two poles of the earth, how should we receive radio signals?"

"Propagating a signal in a straight line, the radio can never reach another point on the sphere."

"Of course, the answer is very simple, that is, the ionosphere of the atmosphere above our heads is actually like a mirror, refracting straight-line radio signals to every corner of the world."

"So, if the signal is interfered with after the apocalypse, it must be due to changes in the ionosphere. The "mirror" is gone!"

"Similarly, the reason why ubiquitous spiritual energy appears in our world is because the ionosphere that protects us is damaged! We are enduring solar radiation of another nature without reservation!"

Lin An's brows jumped. He didn't expect that this theory was actually researched by the professor.

Sunwalker, the sun? Psychic energy comes from the sun!? As if he thought of something, he hurriedly looked at the next page.

On the last page, I saw the professor’s new discovery written in a few short words:

"If the sun is a spiritual energy source, can I find the place on earth that receives the strongest solar energy?"

"Oh, actually I don't need to look for it."

"Because I discovered that those places are spiritual energy nodes."

"I carefully compared the locations of the known safe zones in the Soviet-Russian theater and found that the location of these psychic nodes completely matches the location of the jets when the sun's surface erupts. It's like a mirror."

"The only thing that surprises me is that the place where solar flares have been repeated the most in the past is also the place where I theoretically would have the strongest psychic node. It turns out to be"

"Relics Group of Ancient Civilizations."

At the bottom of the note, there is a simple pyramid pattern drawn.

This chapter has been completed!
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