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Chapter 1102 Explosion Master

"30 pieces in total"

"The Soviet Union has 26 and Long'an has 4, with a total equivalent of about 13 million tons."

In the abandoned high-rise building, Lin An silently planned the coming nuclear bomb.

As he expected, the capital side flatly rejected him. Although there might be a few more nuclear bombs if they talk further, Lin An noticed that the Soviet Union didn't seem to care what they wanted nuclear bombs for, so he didn't bother to waste any more words.

With the world's largest arsenal at hand, there is no need for you to be hot-faced and cold-blooded.

I have to say that the Soviet Union really did what they promised. With Lane's identity, when they said they wanted nuclear bombs, they mobilized the whole country to help him.

According to Taylor, they can provide it at any time as long as it does not exceed 600 pieces.

After knowing this, even Lin An was slightly moved.

Although the entire nuclear bomb arsenal of Soviet Russia has nearly 6,000, most of them are distributed within the Dead Hand system and are distributed in various regions. With zombie mutants infesting a large amount of land, it is estimated that the number of nuclear bombs that the entire Soviet Russia can control

There's only so much left.

In particular, he also specified the equivalent and type. It can be said that in order to meet his needs, Tyr has done everything it can.

I have to say that the identity I randomly created is really useful.

But the only pity is that Lin An's original idea was to get some three-phase bombs and China's unique Yu-Min type hydrogen bomb.

After all, the Yu-sensitive hydrogen bomb has a powerful explosion and minimal pollution, so it is the best choice in his plan.

Although he could no longer care about the sequelae of the nuclear explosion, he still hoped that it could be reduced. After the explosion, the distortion caused by radiation would also be troublesome.

The power of the three-phase bomb is even more terrifying. It uses fission-fusion-fission triple nested detonation. Its power is far beyond that of the little boy of the past. If you throw it away, it can be said to be a blast.

If you don't come, don't come. Time is running out, and Lin An asks himself whether he can do it perfectly.

Quickly rehearse the battle situation.

Lin An simulated a battle with the Corpse King and made rapid calculations in his mind.

For all the nuclear bombs he wanted, he chose tactical nuclear bombs.

Although the equivalent is small, it is portable and easy to conceal.

The reason is simple.

The damage caused by nuclear bombs to mutants is not that the greater the yield, the better the effect, but has a diminishing effect. The only real threats to third-order mutants are the high-energy particle flow and super high temperature generated at the moment of detonation. The subsequent shock wave and nuclear radiation

, which is completely useless for mutants.

In fact, nuclear bombs are not suitable for fighting monsters at all. Lin An had a deep understanding of this in his previous life.

A single shot will be more lethal to the zombie tide, but the subsequent radiation will accelerate the zombies to become stronger.

It can be said that nuclear bombs, the highest force available to mankind, are like poison and cannot be used unless absolutely necessary.

Otherwise, he wouldn't mind sending a Tsarist nuclear bomb, a 50-million-ton bomb, directly sending the Corpse Emperor to heaven.

Not only that.

From the results of the rehearsed battle, Lin An clearly realized that if he wanted to use nuclear bombs to seriously injure or even kill the Corpse Emperor, he would have to detonate multiple times, bomb repeatedly, and use saturation nuclear explosions. The whole process must be precisely calculated!

"If the first batch is detonated, 10 300,000-ton bombs can be used to test the effect."

"With the flash in my hand, it's enough to detonate it close to my face. If I can't hit it, I still have time to retreat."

"The second batch must ambush in advance."

"15 500,000-ton nuclear bombs are made into floating bombs. As long as the Corpse Emperor chases after him, he will detonate them directly. With 15 bombs covering him, he can still hit them several times."

"The last batch of three 1-million-ton-yield plus psychic nuclear bombs are the killer weapon"

Continuously calculating data, Lin An was like a human computer at this time, constantly writing and drawing on paper.

Squatting aside, Zhang Tie looked at the nuclear explosion range drawn in his hand stupidly, and couldn't help but swallow dryly for a while.

What is this going to do?

Although he didn't quite understand the parameters above, Xiong Hanzi felt like he was breaking out in a cold sweat just listening to the data that Lin An was talking about.

Damn it, Captain Lin is using nuclear bombs as firecrackers.

Bury one here, bury one there, then the entire Qingshan safety zone will not be able to light up all night? Let's all watch the fireworks together?

"Captain Lin, do we really want to blow up so many times?!"

"My dear, how perverted must that monster be to be able to withstand it?"

As Zhang Tie, who had experienced a nuclear explosion, he knew the horror of this thing. If it hadn't been an explosion close to his face, he would have been killed. He never wanted to experience that feeling again in his life.

"It's necessary."

Rubbing his eyebrows tiredly, Lin An returned softly.

"Think about the Sun Walker. That monster's speed is almost as fast as mine. The Corpse Emperor is only faster."

"The best outcome is that I can be evenly matched with him, but I can't stop him from escaping."

"So, we only have one chance to take action."

Although he had planned to use all his cards, Lin An still felt unsure.

Like the Awakened, each level after the third level has a huge difference in strength. Although now I have obtained the second component of the Death Suit, my strength has been strengthened. But Lin An also knows very well that these far-reaching

Far from enough.

The peak of the third level is already the strongest under the fourth level, and represents a terrifying disaster in the entire apocalyptic process!

Every third-level peak mutant has its own title, which was given by countless survivors with their blood and tears.

If you can kill, you have to kill. If you can't kill, you have to kill.

Silently clenching his fists, having come this far, to the forefront of the world, Lin An knew that only he could bear these responsibilities.

With a wry smile, he never thought about this day when he established Long'an, let alone shouldering any responsibilities.

Only now did he realize that there are some responsibilities that you don’t have to bear just because you don’t want to.

Just like if you grow into a towering tree, it will inevitably protect you from wind and rain.

Because the rain is right above your head.

This chapter has been completed!
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