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Chapter 1133 Destruction of Star Chain


Unexpectedly, Chu An shook his head slightly and opened his mouth to explain.

"Logically Xuan Haicheng can discharge himself and act as a battery, but there will definitely be problems with his steady-state structure."

"In other words, even if it is used as a battery, it will turn into an extremely high-intensity unstable energy body in an instant."

"I sent him up purely in the hope that he could go to the space station and have a look."

"He also doesn't need breathing or food. He ignores obstacles and moves freely. No one is more suitable for exploration than him."

Lin An's expression froze after hearing this, but with his super-efficient thinking, he instantly understood Chu An's thoughts.

"Do you want to find the astronauts in the space station? Do you want to get first-hand infection information?"

Chu An nodded gently, but the others looked confused.

That's right.

If we were to say who was the first living being in the world to come into contact with the zombie virus, it was undoubtedly the astronauts in the space station. The premise is that the solar virus theory is correct.

So in order to verify this conjecture, he had to send "people" to take a look.

After finalizing the departure personnel, Chu An turned the topic back to the satellite.

"This control of the satellite is not only to help us better monitor the zombie tide, mutants, and regional events, but we can actually make a lot of money."

After the words fell, everyone in the conference room looked confused.

How do you make money by launching rockets? Are the flags of other countries painted on the rockets or are they named? Just like what China Theater often did to Saudi Arabia?

Having become accustomed to Chu An constantly throwing out all kinds of wild ideas, they had given up thinking and only waited for Chu An to explain.

But after Chu An finished speaking, Lin An raised his eyebrows. He was the only one who understood what Chu An meant.

"Do you want to sell real-time satellite pictures? Or sell early warning information?"

"Once a disaster or suspected large-scale special event occurs in any area, Zombie Tide will sell the news to them?"

pretty good idea.

Take the Soviet-Russian war zone as an example. If they had known that monsters were starting to appear in Chita and dropped nuclear bombs immediately, the zombie researchers would not have had time to dig deep holes, let alone create so many mutants.

Chu An tore open an energy bar and nodded while eating it.

"That's right."

"Satellites fly around the world, which means that many times the monitored areas do not belong to China. It is such a waste to leave them empty like this."

"Selling early warning information, this kind of life-saving information, no one will be willing to pay for it."

After the words fell, everyone in the conference room couldn't help but look at each other, thinking that this idea was really novel.

But Gao Tian, ​​who had been silently studying the two people's ideas, suddenly spoke up and asked a question:

"Colonel Chu, what if they don't buy it?"

"I mean, if the disaster happened or the zombie tide moved in a direction other than those near the wealthy powerful forces, why would their top management buy it?"

"If nothing else, look at the tide of corpses moving in so many places in the Chinese War Zone, and we at Long'an won't care about it. It's not us who died anyway. Even the officials may not care about it. After all, they are the ones paying.

It’s not you who benefits. Not to mention those war zones abroad, the official sense of responsibility is far worse than that of the Chinese war zones!”

After finishing speaking, Lin An nodded approvingly.

Human nature is indeed like that.

It's just that this problem is actually not difficult to solve. At least he thought of it during high school. Not surprisingly, Chu An also had an idea.

There was no need for Colonel Chu to give any ideas, Lin An calmly said:

"It's very simple."

"Force them to buy."

"Use public opinion and their survivors to force them to buy!"

"We publicly launch satellites and publicly tell the world that we have regained surveillance capabilities and can help all "innocent" survivors survive in time and avoid the zombie attack. The cost is only some supplies, which is not much for a force.


"At that time, as long as any gathering place suffers heavy casualties under the attack of the zombie wave, the survivors will regard their officials as enemies! Those survivors who have lost their loved ones and suffered heavy losses will regard all major forces as murderers!


"They will think that the death of their loved ones and the destruction of their safe zone are all caused by these stingy and hypocritical high-level officials!"

Lin An chuckled and shook his head:

"At that time, if the countries in the war zones still want to rely on the official government and the military to command them, it will be nothing more than a dream."

"Before there were satellites, they could say they didn't know anything and had no time to rescue. But from now on, they will just ignore it!"

"Not only that, when countries are forced to buy news, once we develop a habit, we can even artificially create fake news."

"mislead, deceive, seduce"

"With this hand alone, you can virtually control the situation in a war zone, and it is not impossible to even destroy him directly."

Intelligence warfare is not that new.

As Lin An finished speaking, the entire conference room suddenly fell into an eerie silence. For a group of researchers who were immersed in scientific research, these words made them stunned and felt a chill rushing to their foreheads. They had never thought about a satellite.

There are so many things involved behind the launch.

Gao Tian, ​​who was still happy that he discovered the problem, couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

Why, he always felt that his thoughts were so simple in front of Lin An and Colonel Chu

"That's right."

Chu An spoke softly to break the silence, and threw out a new idea:

"Before launch, I plan to contact Americen Theater."

"Lin An, you should still have a reputation there, right? I redeemed some transnational communication items. I need to talk to their senior management."

"To achieve this goal and do it better, I plan to ask them to come to Starlink!"

"As long as we control one central satellite and obtain their decoded instructions, we can theoretically control all satellites at the same time."

"The Starlink project cooperates with their original satellite network, and the total coverage of satellites is enough for us to control global intelligence."

"Not only that, when I have the ability to launch rockets in batches in the future, I plan to install psychic nuclear bombs on each orbiting satellite in order to achieve a global nuclear strike!"

Under the impact of the successive news, everyone couldn't help but feel a little distracted.

"Hang on all the psychic nukes!?"

It's hard to imagine what a terrifying scene it was. According to Chu An's vision, once this plan is realized, it won't be too scary at all.

He smiled nonchalantly.

Chu An threw the finished plastic bag into the trash can, as if saying a very common thing:

"Psychic nuclear bombs are small in size and light in weight, so it is not difficult to mount them on satellites. If they can be reduced further, it is not impossible to mount seven or eight of them on a satellite."

"Actually, this kind of plan is not special. Before the end of the world, several major powers had built nuclear bomb platforms in outer space."

"As long as the satellite detects a mutant that is suspected of reaching the third level in an area, it can be directly targeted for bombing. Nipping the crisis in the cradle is crucial to fighting the doomsday."

"Of course, you can also blow people up."


Swallowing nervously, as a ballistic missile researcher, I asked my question carefully:

"But what if they are unwilling to hand over Starlink? This is very important to a country."

It seemed that I had expected that someone would ask this question.

Chu An turned his head and looked at the researcher who was starting to sweat on his forehead, and He Xi said:

"So I plan to bring the space-based cannon up this time."

"If they don't agree, blow them up."


This chapter has been completed!
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