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Chapter 1282 The Power of Rules: Birth!

\"The Essence of Power\"

Slowly clenching his fists, feeling the power surging within his body that would always remain still with every use, Lin'an let out a breath, and a hollow silver flashed through his eyes.

"I can feel a new power coming to the hoopoe"

The voice was deep and reverberating.

It was like thunder mixed with void, from the abnormal "coercion" in his eyes to the external manifestations, Lin An felt more and more that he was transforming into a super life form.

The mind is stirred.

Even though he was used to being calm, but under the excitement that was about to enter the fourth level, on this ordinary afternoon, Lin An no longer felt like suppressing his emotions.

That's right.

They have been getting copies for twelve days.

Since coming out of the cave, he has stayed in this quiet castle for more than eleven days.

Converted to the outside world, it is two days and 4 hours (basically one day)!

The time note to master the fourth level power was originally expected to take longer, but this is not a problem!

Before Chu An used the letter to contact him, it meant that the alien species in the real world had not yet taken action! For him, he still had enough time to continue strengthening!

"The power of rules"

Slowly raise your left hand.

An undetectable blue current-like energy structure appeared out of thin air in his palm.

"Electromagnetic Rules"

Like thunder, the embodied power of the rules began to twist like an electric snake, flexibly surrounding his entire arm.

About nine days ago, the first force of electromagnetic rules began to be born in his body. It was like the concretization of the rules, and a brand-new power appeared in his body between illusion and reality.

It is not used for psychic energy, which will explode instantly like liquid explosives if thrown out. The power of rules born under the rules of electromagnetism is more like a special existence with the ability to change instantly.

"Cell Strengthening!"


Suddenly, he dug into his left fist, and the bulging veins suddenly protruded from his arm. In an instant, Lin An's left arm swelled strangely, and his whole hand seemed to be under undetectable vibration, moving at an extremely high speed.

Shock! And on his system panel, almost within a second, a cold system prompt sounded instantly.



The densely packed enhanced information almost fills the screen.

Looking at the thousands of enhanced messages in just two days, Lin An couldn't help but be a little obsessed even after being shocked by the first use of electromagnetic rules.

It’s so cool! It’s so strong!

Terrible, terrifying, ultimate!

Even though he had realized the horror of the fourth level many times, it was only after he mastered the power of the rules for the first time that Lin An realized that he had underestimated the horror of the fourth level!

The fourth level of power is all-round, different from logic, and different from linear power.

It's a qualitative change, exponential, and powerful that ignores common sense!

Just the use of cell strengthening under the electromagnetic rules provided him with an explosive growth of more than +15 in all attributes in less than two days!

This speed is ten times and a hundred times faster than the power of his catastrophic movement!

As long as he is willing, his physical strength will be strengthened at an incredible speed before reaching the fourth level limit! At the strength limit assessed by Lin An, it is approximately 299 points in all attributes!

And this is just a simple application of electromagnetic rules!

"The first rule, cell strengthening rate: +-% increase!"

Stop shaking.

If cells are like muscles, in Lin An's body, the arrangement and intensity level of his cells at this time seem to be many times more solid than the ordinary third level, and they are aggregated together in a way similar to superposition.

Without the control of the power of rules, a "quantum jump" effect would even occur between his cells.

Breathe lightly, and the pleasure of getting stronger all the time is almost a heartfelt obsession.

Lin An slowly raised his right hand again. Lying on a luxurious bed, he was naked from the waist up. His strong and burly body was as if it was the most perfect marble work of art in the world.


As the power of rules operates, the edge of the outline gradually takes on a touch of illusory blue.

"Time Rules: Eternal Body!"

"Constant state!"


Different from the operation of electromagnetic rules, various interference phenomena in the material world will occur, such as abnormal discharges and magnetic field interference.

After a silver ball of light appeared out of thin air on his right hand like flowing water, Lin An's entire body seemed to be cut out of the world in an instant, and black lines that were extremely difficult to detect began to appear on the edges of his body.

"By using the power of time rules, the effect of constant state is almost strengthened a hundred times!"

His eyes were fixed on the black line coming out of the edge of his right hand. Even though this power came from himself and was controlled by him, Lin An still couldn't help but be a little amazed.

His previous thinking was correct.

The constant state is basically to build an absolute position around his body, just like being wrapped in a black hole film. Under the protection of this layer of rules, he will be protected from all harm in the material world!

This is another form of invincibility!

Before the power of the rules is exhausted, no damage can appear on his body!

After breaking the eternal body, the damage will be distributed to the past and future under the rules of positive and negative time.

His current defense is more than ten times stronger than when he was at the peak of the third level?

The only fly in the ointment was that Lin An could vaguely feel that he was not able to use this power in a special environment where time flowed very fast.

It's like, his rules are fighting against the system's rules?

For example, in this copy, whenever he uses the constant state, the power of rules that he finally created will be rapidly consumed.

Unlike in the past when he knew nothing about the rules, Lin An now clearly felt that the system's so-called copies and all its miraculous abilities were all composed of rules.

It’s just that no one knows the specific rules information, and

He raised his head and looked at the rococo-style ceiling. On the delicate oil painting on the wall was a large mural of the intersection between God and mankind.

For some reason, when Lin An looked at this piece of art similar to that on Earth, he would always have a strange feeling.

System rules and fourth-level mastery rules belong to the same type.

The difference is that the power of the system's rules is nearly infinite, and the level of the rules is probably also infinite?

Retracting the fleeting time rule used to test mastery, Lin An took a deep breath and slowly clenched his right fist.

"Eternal Body (Time) Rules, Article 1"

"Mass Distortion Barrier!"

Naming it according to the essential ability of the rules, Lin An sighed softly, and his heart immediately cheered up with a hint of surprise.

Only by mastering the power of rules can one enter the fourth level.

Only when you step into the fourth level can you truly realize the horror of the fourth level.

It is no exaggeration to say that even though he has not yet given birth to much power of rules, his actual combat power has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Under this situation, Lin An couldn't help but laugh at himself and his previous contempt for the fourth-level strength.

He is still not very proficient in the power of many rules, and he doesn't know what changes can occur and how to strengthen his mastery. But even so, he is confident that he can kill his former self with one sword.

In eleven days, earth-shaking changes occurred.

But the thing that makes Lin An think there is a "problem" is probably that his rules are much stronger than the ordinary fourth level.

At least that Corpse Emperor, the Corpse Emperor that seemed invincible at first, leaving him unable to even fight back. If they faced each other again now, Lin An doubted whether the other party could break through his defense in a short time.


The gap between this fourth level and the fourth level is too big.

If nothing else, his current state is of the same nature as the original Corpse Emperor.

The power of rules has just been born and cannot be mastered yet.

Even at this same level, the disparity in strength between the two is unimaginable.

Is it because you are a perfect person?

Or is it a fusion of alien species? Are the rules different?

There is no harm without comparison. In the copy, Lin An has no other fourth-level people to communicate with, and he doesn't know what situation he is in. However, no matter which one it is, it may be the basis for the alien species to kill him quickly.


Even he himself can't imagine how far his strength will rise if he is given more time, masters more power of rules, and becomes more proficient.

And this is just two rules he has activated

"Catastrophic Rules"

Ready to move.

Lin An looked at the catastrophic rules that he could activate simultaneously, and there was always an impulse in his heart. This impulse made him want to see what kind of abilities he would gain after the rules from the death disaster appeared.


Chu An didn't seem to want him to open it so quickly, but wanted him to fully master the two rules before opening it.

According to Chu An's speculation, the extra rule of the perfect person is more like an extra channel in the river.

If new rivers converge before the river channel is stabilized, it is easy to overwhelm the direction of the river channel.

To put it simply, the foundation will be unstable and you will die in one breath.

It sounds reasonable, but Lin An always feels a little pity. No one knows how strong the lineup the aliens will finally send is. With one more rule, he will be almost invincible.

Even if the alien that comes is the veteran fourth level, Lin An is confident that the strength of the opponent's rules is at most the same as his. Then relying on the extra rule, wouldn't it be that the fourth level fights the third level, and plays according to the opponent?

It stands to reason that even if there are some risks and the foundation is unstable, the three rules should be activated first

His eyes flickered, and after a rare moment of hesitation, Lin An still resisted the urge to open it.

Many principles in the power of rules were told to him by Chu An after he claimed to have "explored" them. Lin An had to wonder whether Colonel Chu was the fourth level? The so-called reasoning research was just a cover? But so far, Chu

An had no reason and had never done anything to hurt him.

Lin An believed that if Chu An didn't want him to become stronger, he would have attacked him when he was in the second level.

Not only that, he could also vaguely feel that the power of the rules of death disaster transformation might really be different.

\"Master these two first and then use the power of the three rules at the same time, which may cause confusion.\"

With electromagnetic power in his left hand and time in his right hand, Lin An could also imagine that with the power of the Three Rules appearing in his body, he might really fall into chaos and solidify his foundation in order to be stronger in the future.

Don't think about it anymore.

Lin An returned to his normal state, leaning casually on the gorgeous bed.

I don’t know why, from being vigilant before entering the dungeon to being in a great mood now, nothing really happened in the past ten days.

There are no special events, no suddenly released tasks, no suspected hidden enemies, and no crises.

Safe and comfortable, this dungeon world is a normal world. It is really like a vacation, giving him enough time to master his power.

If possible, Lin An would even continue to stay in such a peaceful environment for a while.

The pressure of the real world is like being in the deep sea. It brings huge pressure to him all the time. In fact, from the depths of his heart, Lin An knows that his nerves have been stretched to the limit.

From the outbreak of the apocalypse to now, he really has never rested for a moment

But here, it seems that he doesn't need to be so urgent. At least, there won't be various emergencies waiting for him to deal with.

"The calm before the war?"

Whisper to yourself.

Just when Lin An was about to read the private message and ask Zhang Tie about his progress, a slight noise suddenly sounded from the corner of the room.

Wearing a gorgeous princess dress, with a look of resistance, entanglement, and longing on her face, she was hesitantly stepping on the stall with her bare feet, looking at him secretly.

He raised his eyebrows.

After Lin An hesitated for a moment, he waved calmly.

After coming out of the cave, he had already raised the favorability between the two to an extremely high value.

Judging from the girl's appearance, it's time to build a good impression again.

After glancing at how many days there were, Lin An thought for a moment and decided to keep scanning for a few more days.

As Shen Yan plucked up the courage, she walked up to him with some contradictory expressions on her face. Different from her previous aloof and proud tone, she actually climbed directly onto the bed and curled up in Lin An's arms like a kitten.

The voice was trembling and tense.

"Today can"

"Doing anything else?"

With his little head in Lin An's arms, this once aloof young lady was looking at him with blurred eyes as if praying.

It's hard for outsiders to imagine what she went through during this time.

"really want?"


"like me"


“How much I like it”

"You can do whatever I want if I give you life."

\"We can be together even if we die\"

Stroking the girl's smooth, milky back of the long skirt that she took off, Lin An spoke the lines calmly. biqμgètν

Just like a game conversation, as the goodwill between him and the mission target increases, Shen Yan's behavior becomes more and more proactive, and he is about to cross a red line.

"Dip, the favorability level increases"

Maybe it was different from usual. Looking at the girl who was hugging him tightly and her legs were constantly rubbing against herself, Lin An couldn't help but have a strange emotion flash in his eyes.

Maybe, there is really no danger in this world

Maybe he doesn't need to be so vigilant anymore


A moan that was filled in the mouth echoed under the rough pressure.

This chapter has been completed!
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