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Chapter 1297 Backcasting and Layout

"So what's the solution?"

Ignoring the Second Will's habit of taunting him, Lin An asked the Second Will coldly.

He knew that the other party was still in the mood to laugh at him now that he had jumped out, so there would naturally be a way to solve this problem.

If he dies, the second will dies. Unless the strangeness he has been feeling is caused by the second will, in fact, the second will has found a way to break away from him and deliberately kills him. Otherwise, with his other personality, I have already started working hard.

The desire for survival of the second will is almost infinite, and it is impossible to waste time.


"Of course there is a way, but I don't want to come up with it."

"To tell you the truth, you won't die for the time being. After all, I don't want to die either. But why do I want you to go out so early?"

With a chuckle, under super-effective thinking, even if the conversation between the two seems to be very long, it is only fleeting to the outside world.

It seems that with some unwillingness and suppressed coldness, the second will at this time just conjured a recliner for himself, and looked at the rushing Shen Yan in amazement.

"You are really a eunuch."

"Anyway, I have slept with a lot of people in my reincarnation. After all, it is the stupidest way to suppress your desire to test things. Just don't be tempted after sleeping. What are you afraid of?"

"Such a great agent, to be honest, I have never encountered it in simulation experiments."

"But I have been fucked to death by yandere hundreds of times."

As if feeling emotion, the Second Will chuckled and shook his head, remembering his experiences in countless reincarnations.

He was too lazy to hide these memory fragments. Although Lin An could also see them, he knew that Lin An must not have checked the details. After all, some tests asked him to make love to An Xia in front of An Xia, and then let him turn black. An Xia chased him to test whether he could kill the girl out of guilt.

In short, he has experienced all kinds of perverted tests, and he is too familiar with this kind of yandere monster.

Therefore, the first time Lin An entered the dungeon, he realized the problem.

It may be painful to like a yandere, but it hurts to death to be liked by a yandere. And the core of this copy is much more than what it seems.

This place is more like a fourth-level testing ground.

It was Lin An who had no time to pay attention to the dungeon and didn't realize it at all. But he was from a third-person perspective and could see it clearly.

His expression became even colder, but he was forced to control himself with absolute reason, and Lin An didn't say anything more.

Since the Second Will can think of a way to the end, it means it’s not a dead end yet!

The two people only have a symbiotic relationship, but they are actually enemies.

If he doesn't want to take action, then no matter what Lin An says, he can't change the second will's mind!

Recalling the fleeting emotion of the second will, Lin An could think with his toes that the reason why the other party was unwilling to tell the answer was simply that the solution would harm the other person! Or, he just wanted to let himself see it. Zhu Long'an was destroyed to intensify him!

Lin An knows very well that he has not been eroded by the second will yet. To a large extent, the beliefs that the two of them adhere to still exist!

The second will lives for revenge! He lives for An Xia and the others to solve this doomsday!

Once An Jingtian and others die, it's hard to say whether Lin An will still have the motivation to fight! After losing everything, why does he need to persevere? It's better to sink completely and let it be destroyed!

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, Lin An simply stopped reading the letter paper.

He knew that he had to get out as soon as possible! The alien threat to Long An in such a big way means that the other party is already on the way! The so-called countdown time is very likely to be false! The only "good news" is probably

Even at the last moment, the aliens did not dare to attack Long An easily, for fear that he would hide directly!

However, there will definitely be threats of killing and arresting people in the early stage! But the enemies sent will not be too strong, so as not to "scare away" him!

The two families are like a game. The alien is betting that he doesn't know the alien's determination to kill him! Lin An is also betting that even if the alien comes to kill him, he doesn't need to escape and is sure to kill him!

"Won't die"

\"I won't die for the time being\"

"How can I not die when my eternal body is exhausted?"

\"If the opposite is true, what confidence does the Second Will have to do nothing? How can he not die?\"

Taking a deep breath, ignoring the second will and looking at him mockingly, Lin An tried his best to push back against all possibilities, trying to find a way to break the situation from just a few words.

There is no essential difference between his and the second will's thinking ability! The two of them use the same body, so there can be no way that the second will can think of but he can't think of! Then, the problem must be in the details that he has ignored!

Or maybe it’s the difference in thinking between the two!

"First of all, if it's just me, then there's no way I won't die after the rules are exhausted! Shen Yan will definitely kill me. Just like the second will said, the best outcome for me is just to become a doll."

\"Then what can I do? Keep running away? It's useless if I don't keep running away, I will be controlled\"

"Then to put it another way, if the Second Will dares to ensure that I don't die, he must have done something! If he doesn't let me go out early, it means that what he is doing now is just to keep me from dying, but he can't get out of the fighting state!"

"So, what did he do?"

Frowning his brows, and frantically mobilizing all his brain nerves, Lin An simply gave up all control of his body and devoted himself wholeheartedly to thinking.

To put it bluntly, as long as the second will does not want to die, even if he does nothing, the other party will have no choice but to control his body and live on! Although he cares about body control, he never wants to be so disgusting with the second will, but

Doesn't mean he still cares about it at this time!

Giving up control of his body, he wanted to see what the second will would do when Shen Yan rushed over!

He must at least know how the second will can protect him from death for the time being! And he must also find a way to save Zhang Tie!

If you force the second will to take action, you might be able to see some clues from it!

As expected, the expression of the Second Will, who was still watching the show on the recliner, suddenly changed. After seeing Lin An give up moving as if he was cheating, his expression became cold, and after snorting coldly, he took over the body and ran away.

"Don't think about it. The way I can keep you alive is very simple, but if you want to get out, I can't help you."

"Besides, Zhang Tie doesn't need you to save him. He is much safer than you."

Controlling his body and running wildly, when the Second Will spoke to Zhang Tie, there was clearly a strong fear in his eyes. However, this fear did not seem to be directed at Zhang Tie, but someone else.

Listening to the words of the second will, Lin An's eyes suddenly flashed with a strange color.

He seemed to know what the second will wanted to do, or why it suddenly appeared.

(Lin An, this copy is very simple)

That was what Chu An told him.

This chapter has been completed!
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