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Chapter 1318 I have a sword

Outside the Wangjiang war zone, 420 kilometers in the air.

A somewhat damaged silver fighter plane continued to lose altitude like a rickety old plane.

In the cockpit, three awakened men in military uniforms looked into the distance with anxious expressions.

"Jump out of the plane! Get ready to jump out of the plane! I can't hold on anymore!!"

The person who shouted was none other than Zhang Yong.

He took a deep breath, smashed the cockpit glass above his head with his fist, and yelled at the two people behind him.

After escaping from the Capital Military District all the way here, perhaps because luck had run out, the stolen fighter plane had reached its limit and could no longer fly.

Looking at the howling wind at his feet, Zhang Yong simply jumped out, and his whole body fell quickly like a meteor.

The wind roared, and the two people who followed him out of the plane half-closed their eyes. After noticing that Wangjiang City was below them, they couldn't help but get excited.

Escaped, they finally escaped!

Although the fighter planes can no longer take them to escape, this distance is almost enough!

Long'an, Long'an should be near Wangjiang!

"After going down, go to Long An immediately! We must find Lin An! Let him escape!!"

With the cold wind pouring into his mouth, Zhang Yong suppressed the impatience in his heart. In the tragic escape, the team they originally escaped from had grown from more than forty people to three of them left.

The first two third-level people who escaped with him also died in the pursuit of the alien species.

At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind, and that was to find Lin An!

He heard the secret of the alien species! He saw the scene of those monsters killing Long An!

Especially when he met Lin Zhan, who also escaped, he actually heard a huge secret from him!

Lin An is the sure target of the alien species. Lin An hides the hope of fighting against the alien species!

Recalling Lin Zhan's regretful eyes before his death, Zhang Yong knew that he must deliver the things the other party gave him to Lin An!

("If I could still see Lin An, if he hadn't died yet")

("By giving this thing to him, we are sorry for him and we have wrongly blamed him.")

Subconsciously touching the fragment stuck to his chest, Zhang Yong felt his heart feel heavy, and a great pressure and mission were pressing on his shoulders like a mountain.

"As long as we find Lin An, there may be hope for everything."

"Lin An, it's already the fourth level!!"

"Everyone is trapped there, and that's the elite of the entire military."

Clenching his fists tightly, Zhang Yong's eyes were red as the strong wind blew in his face, as if he was blown away and couldn't open his eyes.

Although he could withstand these strong winds with even a little use of his spiritual energy. But he did not dare to waste any strength, and he would rather feel uncomfortable.

"Zhang Yong! I know we have to go find Lin An!"

"But hasn't he never replied to your messages!?"

"And have you watched the war zone channel!? Those monsters already attacked Long'an a few minutes ago!!"

"What if we go there now and can't find him!?"

Descending rapidly behind Zhang Yong, another third-level awakener asked Zhang Yong urgently.

To be honest, he is not afraid of death! He also wants to find Lin An! But the other party did not reply any message! Does this mean that Lin An does not want to care about the military's affairs at all and is now trying to escape!?

Lin An had reached level 4. This news was originally enough to make them ecstatic! But knowing how terrifying the alien species that killed Long An was, they felt panic instead.

Originally, the alien wanted to kill Lin An.

Now, Lin An has just become the fourth level, isn't that even more dangerous!? The alien species' desire to kill him will inevitably increase a hundred times!

"I have no idea"

Zhang Yong smiled bitterly, this was exactly what he was anxious about.

The aliens killed them too fast. He could only hope that nothing happened to Lin An yet. He should be fine.

The system announcement has just passed. If Lin An can reach level four, it means that he must be in a safe place now.

But apart from going to Long'an to find this man, he really didn't know any other place.

"If Lin An runs away, we will find a way to save Long An's people!"

"When the time comes, maybe we can rely on the connections of these people to find Lin An again!"

Considering Lin An as his last hope, Zhang Yong had already thought of the worst plan.

Long'an must be a sea of ​​fire now, and it is probably about to be destroyed under the attack of the alien species. On the way here, they saw the light of continuous nuclear explosions.

What does this mean? It means that Long An has been forced to a dead end.

Now that they go there, maybe they can really save a group of people!

He could understand that Lin An didn't reply to his message. After all, if there was a problem in the capital, Lin An would naturally doubt all targets! He was even afraid that Lin An would accidentally expose his coordinates and cause death!

Seeing that he was about to land, just when Zhang Yong was about to consume some spiritual energy to land, a dazzling huge fireball suddenly lit up from the distance.

At the same time, a soul-shaking coercion suddenly swept across half of Wangjiang like a storm.

This is!?

His eyes suddenly became oval, and his eyes were stinging. Zhang Yong looked at the sky in the distance in horror, and he didn't know when two huge aliens appeared.

Faintly, he also saw a black and red figure.

A steady stream of energy ripples erupted in the sky, like gods at war, dissipating all the clouds within hundreds of kilometers nearby.

Under such a terrifying battle power, Zhang Yong instantly realized that this must be a horror that can only be found at the fourth level!

"Level 4!?"

"Alien!? Human!?"

Apart from Lin An, who else can fight the fourth-level alien species!?

His whole body trembled, Zhang Yong opened his mouth in horror, and his heart suddenly fell into despair.

Lin An was fighting alien species as soon as he reached level 4!? And there were two of them!? He was discovered while escaping!? It's over, everything is over!

Although he doesn't understand what level four battles are like.

But looking at the two mutants who were obviously more terrifying than Lin An, Zhang Yong instinctively thought that these must be the mutants who were chasing after Lin An with all their strength after discovering Lin An's escape!

Just when he subconsciously wanted to make a sound, he didn't care whether Lin An could hear his voice from such a distance, and wanted to shout for Lin An to run away.

The next second.

Among the red and black light spots that were too far away to be seen clearly, an extremely terrifying super sword light appeared instantly.

The huge red sword, which was thousands of meters long and contained destructive power, was like a world-destroying red. It tore open the entire sky in an instant, dyeing the world a dark red.

evil, destruction, monster

Even though they were dozens of kilometers away, the three people who fell to the ground still felt the overwhelming fear that was as great as destroying all things.

Nearly crushing the space, the giant sword carrying millions or even tens of millions of tons of power slashed down slowly and unavoidably.

The next second.


Thousands of meters of red light burst into the sky, reaching straight into the sky.

The earth let out a wail of pain, as if the earth's crust was being cut open, and blood-like magma rushed into the sky with a red light.

Bloody light bursts into the sky!

tremble, shake, collapse, cry

Under the violent shaking of the earthquake, Zhang Yong and the others sat down on the ground, as if their brains were shut down, and their whole bodies were shaking uncontrollably.

At the same time, a red crack spread from the Wangjiang River to the city, like a torn wound. Under the constant "scream" of the earth, it quickly spread to not far in front of them.

Boundless dust and magma spewed out, and under the gray-red sky, only a tiny figure was left standing in the sky.

The magma rising into the sky fell back to the earth, like tears of blood.

Swallowing with dry saliva and trembling.

When the earthquake that lasted for half a minute finally subsided, Zhang Yong gasped for breath with difficulty, his eyes full of disbelief and fear.

In his eyes.

At this time, the main city of Wangjiang was able to accommodate a population of tens of millions.

Under this sword, he was cut open and divided into two.

This chapter has been completed!
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