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Chapter 1353 Forgetting the Rules

"Emperor, there are humans in front of us."

In the slightly distorted space shrouded under the peak realm, a strange creature followed behind "Wu Qing" with a strange color in his eyes, cautiously reminding him of the past.

Humans are just bugs and they don't care.

But on the way to Long'an in a few seconds, it would be very strange to see a single insect, as if waiting for them.

With their strong strength, they noticed at a glance that the man standing on the top of the mountain seemed to be looking at them.

When there are no zombies or humans around, an independent human individual is no less than a firefly in the dark.

"kill him."

Leng Ran spoke.

There was no emotion in the eyes of the alien emperor flying at the front.

He spotted Chu An standing on the top of the mountain a few seconds before he was reminded by the alien species. Naturally, he could see that this bug seemed to have been prepared and had been waiting for them.

But, it's meaningless.

Just kill them casually.

He knew Chu An's information. With his peak fourth-level thinking speed, he understood the general situation of the world within a few minutes of his arrival.

It is no exaggeration to say that he has a deeper understanding of the earth and civilization than most humans.

Chu An, the founder of the Hua'an Plan, now lives in Long'an.

level one!

An extremely weak insect, even if it has some tricks, it can be crushed over.

For the alien civilization, the only target they focus on now is Lin An!




"Boom, boom, boom! Boom!"

A rapid sonic boom swept across the sky, faster than the sound. In an instant, the black dot like a shooting star was wrapped in a tail-like storm, and it spanned a distance of nearly a thousand kilometers in an instant.

Estimating that the distance was about the same, a Dominator-level alien species swept past Chu An below indifferently.

In an instant, a regular attack that seemed like the world was collapsing suddenly hit him.

Energy riot!

To be cautious, they did not choose to rely on wind pressure to kill the insect below, but chose to do it themselves.

A rule impact, even if it only covers the area, is enough to instantly kill any existence below level four.

If nothing else happens, the entire mountain peak will be completely smoothed under this rule!

However, on the mountain peak that he imagined would be destroyed instantly, the motionless Chu An suddenly stretched out his right hand.

Almost at the same time.

The moment the power of the rules came, an inaudible whisper suddenly sounded.




The invisible position suddenly spread.

At the same time unit that is faster than sound, an invisible force suddenly envelopes the entire mountain, as if it is peeling off the entire world.

If you have the ability to observe this scene, you will probably be shocked to find that in the logic hidden under the rules, at the bottom of the world's operation, and in the logic network that spreads throughout the entire material world, an undetectable gap suddenly appeared.

And it was at this gap that the power of rules attacking from the outside instantly seemed to have lost its support and disintegrated into nothingness!

The mountain peaks stand tall, and Chu'an on the top of the mountain stands still.

It's like the two merge into one, and they will exist forever no matter what time it is!


Flying behind the Alien Emperor, the Dominator-level Alien that had taken action before suddenly froze.

If it hadn't launched the rule attack personally, the power of rules in the body would have been reduced by one point.

Looking at the unchanged mountain peak in front of him, he even thought that he had never launched any attack at all!

My attack disappeared!?

Without any hesitation.

Chu An was locked on the top of the mountain. In an instant, a force ten times higher than what Lin An had ever faced came down. This time, the target was not the mountain, but the insect on the top of the mountain!

Pretending to be gods and ghosts! How dare a tiny insect hinder them!?

Gravity tears apart!


The same is the vibration when the rules are activated.

The gravitational waves generated in all directions instantly almost shook the space. Under this regular attack, even a city would be torn apart and turned into a torn ruins!

Even beings of the same fourth level, without the power of the corresponding rules to offset them, can only scream in pain and watch their bodies being torn apart alive!

If the space rule attack that Lin An encountered before was to tear apart the corresponding position, then the rule attack of this dominant alien species was so powerful that it even tore apart the space!

"tear, tear, tear"

Harsh and sharp space cracks are produced simultaneously under the impact of rules.

Next to Chu An, black space cracks were rapidly expanding. It seemed that with the place where he was standing as the core, the entire space was like metal that was violently pulled, breaking inch by inch under the terrifying force, emitting bursts of mournful screams.

However, the next second, he also spoke softly.

"Forget, the rules of gravity."


Invisible "radiation" spread again, and the space crack that had almost swallowed his head disappeared in an instant as if it had never existed.

Under the strong wind, the white uniform on Chu An's body rustled violently. As if he followed his words, he easily defused two consecutive regular attacks.

Standing on the top of the mountain, he calmly looked at the dominator-level mutant who was suddenly stunned in horror.

The obviously fragile and small body seemed to turn into an extremely terrifying existence at this moment, suddenly causing the flying alien army to fall into brief chaos.

"What kind of ability is this!?"

"Fourth level!? There is still a fourth level!?"


"Rule offset!?"


Two kings and one emperor, the storm caught up with the stopped alien species, like a vast darkness, strangely stagnant on the opposite side of the mountain.

On one side is the dark sky with the impending storm, and on the other side is the alien king standing high in the sky with thunder and storm mixed in.

One gray and one white, the two sides were in a stalemate outside the dividing line of the Wangjiang war zone like a colliding chessboard.

Under the circumstances of one incident after another, even the alien king, who didn't care about Chu An at all, suddenly focused his eyes at this moment.

The original high-speed flying posture suddenly exited, and turned to look extremely solemnly at Chu An on the top of the mountain.

But there is still no nonsense at all.

After realizing that his master-level alien species could not harm the opponent, this top being who stood at the pinnacle of two civilizations decisively chose to take action himself!

As powerful as a prison, he is like a demigod, triggering the arrival of massive rules.

Within 01 seconds, with the King of Alien Species as the center, a beam of light that suddenly swallowed up everything shot out from his fingertips.

Rules of destruction! Disintegration!

With a power that is infinitely close to the fifth level, the rule of destruction, which represents the lethality, swallows up all matter in an instant.

Disintegration and dissipation, the forcibly disintegrated molecules along the way undergo chain explosions, and the violently extruded energy begins to undergo collision reactions. Every time a certain distance is crossed, the damage is superimposed at ten times the efficiency.

Viewed from a high altitude, it looks like black hole-like disintegration rays blasting out at nearly the speed of light!

One blow is enough to blast through the earth's crust!

However, it is still the same as the previous regular attack.

Chu An was still looking calmly at the infinitely magnifying light of destruction in his pupils, and a voice that sounded like an instruction sounded again.

"Forgetting, matter decomposing."

"Forgetting, chain reaction."

"Forgetting, the speed of light is constant."

"Oblivion, destruction attack!!"


After four consecutive instructions, the black light, like a black hole erupting, disappeared in an instant. In the end, there was only a weak air flow, which hit his body like wind, slightly blowing the ends of his hair.

The rules disappeared, and at this moment, Chu An seemed to exist eternally, standing on the top of the mountain.

At the same time, many mutants who knew how terrifying the emperor's attack was suddenly opened their eyes in disbelief.

An unspeakable sense of horror spread from his spine like a cold poisonous snake.

"Who are you!?"

"who are you!?"

Unable to understand why regular attacks are ineffective, a few dominant-level mutants and even king-level mutants seem to be afraid of confirming it, and a fact emerges in their hearts.

Level 5!? Is the opponent level 5!?

There are actually fifth-level existences among humans!?

The chill reached extreme levels.

The Wangjiang dividing line at this time seems to have turned into the starting point of hell.

Faced with the shocking questioning of a different species, Chu An just looked at the Emperor of the Different Species with a serious expression on his face calmly.

"I am Chu An."

"I want to talk to the alien world."

As the words fell, a strand of white hair slowly fell from Chu An's shoulders and was annihilated into ashes.

The battle begins.

This is a battle between him and an entire alien civilization.

This chapter has been completed!
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