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Chapter 1503 Audrey

Dark and noisy late at night.

Following the children, Lin An struggled through the maze-like factory building.

Sewage flowed across the river, and with the faint moonlight, they walked through the narrow passages like rats in the sewer.

The smell of low-quality perfume and gasoline is everywhere, and occasionally there is a sour smell.

The smell here is like fermented corpses soaked in essence.

Lin An subconsciously raised his head and looked above his head.

Dimly, he could see some firelight.

That's gasoline or plastic burning together to bring some warmth to the cold late night.

Although Lin An always felt that maybe people who were warming themselves up would be choked to death.

The bursts of black smoke were like the chimney of a crematorium, puffing out ash.

Like the market, the area behind the factory, which was originally employee dormitories, has been transformed into a shantytown-like appearance. The iron houses and tents erected haphazardly, like parasites, are intertwined between the three buildings.

If there is a fire, this place will probably turn into purgatory in an instant.

But obviously, the people living here no longer care about this.



The shrill screams of women mixed with the gasps of men.

As he went deeper and deeper into this area, Lin An frowned slightly. He seemed to feel that the place was rotten, and there was the sound of flesh colliding in every "room".

All kinds of messy underwear are hanging randomly on ropes and poles. From time to time in the corridor, you can see naked women standing outside taking a shower with expressionless faces.

"My lord is right in front."

"Audrey lives in this staff dormitory."

His voice was filled with guilt and uneasiness. An Dunyin nervously held the jar in his arms and motioned Lin An to look up at the largest building not far away.

staff dorm?

Lin An couldn't help but look around and whispered in his heart.

This place doesn't look like a dormitory, it looks more like

As if he sensed the strange look Lin An cast on him, Anduin hurriedly waved his hand and explained in a low voice:

"Sir, this is really a staff dormitory! People from the factory live here!"

"Besides, if you are not a skilled worker and have connections, you won't be able to live here!"

After the words fell, Lin An nodded thoughtfully.

Indeed, although this place still looks like a rotting garbage dump, it can be considered a mansion compared to where Anduin and others live.

He saw many women along the way, and Lin An could imagine that this was some kind of "preferential treatment."

It didn't take long.

After going up the stairs covered with sticky mud, we seemed to have reached the floor where Audrey lived.

Anduin seemed a little excited, and ran to a room with the jar in his arms without caring about the last few steps.

"Audrey! Open the door quickly! It's me!"

"Look what I brought! I brought that one too!"

"Bang bang bang!"

He knocked on the door hard, but the person inside didn't seem to respond.

Standing behind Anduin, Lin An's eyes flashed with curiosity. Even here, he could hear the screams of many women. Occasionally, the men who walked out of the corridor rooms also lifted their pants in a hurry,

After leaving a piece of food, he went downstairs and left.

However, in just a few seconds, Lin An saw many women waving towards him.

What surprised him most about such a chaotic place was that several children seemed to be used to it.

Anduin's little lover?

Perhaps because there was no response to the knock on the door, Anduin suddenly became anxious. After handing the tin can in his hand to a child, he quickly climbed to the window on the door to check.

Seeing Anduin being so impatient, Lin An could easily come up with a somewhat deformed "love" story.

Prostitute, teenager, doomsday, serious illness.

He didn't mean to accuse anything. Children of the apocalypse are often very mature.

The next second, just when Lin An felt something was wrong, Anduin climbed up to the small window and suddenly screamed. After jumping down with a bang, he kicked the door as hard as he was crazy.

"Audrey!! Audrey!!"

"Stop! Stop it!"


The rusty simple iron door was suddenly kicked open.

After kicking the door open, Anduin was seen rolling and crawling, shouting and rushing in.

The dream is dark.

Realizing that there seemed to be some special situation, Lin An also looked over.

Suddenly, after seeing the room clearly with the help of weak light, Lin An was suddenly stunned.

In a humid room with only a small bed, a little girl who looked younger than Anduin was squeezing the neck of a baby.

Her hands were as slender as flax straw, but her hands were as strong as "steel bars".

His numb eyes stared straight at the child who was about to be strangled to death, completely ignoring that the baby's face was already livid and his young hands were struggling feebly.

"Audrey! Let go! Let go!!"

"Sister, don't! Let go! You will strangle him to death!"

The children rushed forward in a swarm. Anduin's face turned pale. After he opened the girl's hands with all his strength, he gasped for air and looked at Audrey who was pulled away by him in shock.

Seeing the girl's crazy behavior, Anduin was angry and sad, but his lips trembled twice. After a long time, as if begging, he let the children bring the things he bought.

"Audrey, I beg you, I beg you please stop doing this."

The voice was choked.

The children on the side also gathered around and hurriedly looked after the baby.

Standing behind the children, Lin An was keenly aware that this kind of crazy thing might not be the first time.

Audrey? Infanticide?

This chapter has been completed!
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