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Chapter 1512 Cracking the information

In the conference center that was sealed off at all levels, hundreds of pairs of eyes were staring at the four words on the projection, or rather the string of English words.

Although most of them don't know what happened.

But after various arrangements in the past few days, they had already guessed that something might have happened to Mr. Lin An.

They need to find Lin An and rescue him!

He wished his eyes were stuck in the screen. In the deathly silence of the whole place, Zhang Tie looked left and right, but couldn't see anything.

His mood was extremely irritable. If he wasn't afraid of disturbing Gao Tian, ​​he would have wanted to take these words and stuff them into his stomach to see what Captain Lin wanted to say!

These four words, apart from proving that they were "sent" by Captain Lin, what else can they prove!?

Prove that Team Lin is in North America!?

North America is so big. If you want to find someone on this continent, there is a high chance that Lin An will hide himself!

This difficulty is almost the same as finding a piece of sand to hide yourself in the desert!

Deng Xiang in the sky, an electronic life form, is almost burning up his own CPU!

"Gao Tian! Did Team Lin hide any information in this word!? Morse code!?"

Trying to use his few knowledge reserves, even at the fourth level of thinking speed, Zhang Tie could only think of this. In fact, IQ has little to do with thinking speed, just like a calculator that can calculate very fast.

There is no wisdom in it either.

Ignoring Zhang Tie who was scratching his head, Gao Tian just kept ruling out one possibility after another.

That's right.

Although Zhang Tie is not very smart, the hidden information he mentioned is indeed possible.

What will it be?

Does the order of the English letters correspond to the coordinates? Or does it imply the geographical location where a religious scene was established when the amoeba was there?

Lock coordinates using projection method?

Or is it just the thing they remember, and the information about that thing can be converted into coordinates?

Gao Tian couldn't help but think of the meme incident he and Lin An encountered during their first mission.

Lin An's thinking ability can definitely achieve this.

Cryptography, logic, reasoning and cracking?

Almost at the same time, An Jingtian and he issued instructions at the same time:

"Call all the people who are proficient in cryptography and decryption in Long'an immediately!"

There is strength in numbers.

After uploading this message to Zhuan Xu simultaneously, both of them realized that if they wanted to crack the message content, they would simply use the enumeration method to brute force it! This is the fastest!

Ten minutes later, as a third-level researcher or even a novelist who was good at logical reasoning entered the conference hall, an extremely intense cracking work began.

Four minutes later.

"Master An Jingtian! Our group tried to use the letter coordinate method to correspond to the map coordinates, and got a latitude and longitude!"

He excitedly held up his calculation results.

Under heavy reward and heavy pressure, this geography team took the lead in coming up with their own conjecture.

In an instant, An Jingtian looked at the projected results, and after a moment he frowned and shook his head.

I saw that the letters on the projection turned out to be in East Africa, and that coordinate was the ocean.

Could it be this coordinate?

The team members all shook their heads.

Being familiar with Lin An's character, they knew that if Lin An gave information, he would never give useless information.

If the message is sent from North America, then the coordinates must be in North America!

After reluctantly considering this coordinate as an alternative result, An Jingtian looked a little disappointed and said coldly:

"Keep cracking!"

"Attention everyone! The coordinates are most likely in North America! Follow this idea to solve it!"

Seventeen minutes later.

"Lord Gao Tian! Look at our results!"

"If the coordinates are locked in North America, can we understand that by expanding the coordinate system to the North American map, inverting the overlay, and then getting the coordinates!?"

Putting down the pen and paper for calculation in his hand, a researcher wearing glasses looked at Gao Tian nervously.

As people who study ballistics and are proficient in calculations, they quickly thought of the military's ballistic strike plan after the failure of the first group!

It is also necessary to hide its true strike coordinates. When specifying strike coordinates, the military usually enlarges the selected map and redefines the longitude and latitude through coverage and diffusion!

Instantly looking at the results given by this group of researchers, Gao Tian frowned a few seconds later and discovered that the coordinates were in the center of New York.

The coordinates look fine and are in North America.


The center of New York is full of mutants and zombies, and there are even tons of memetic special events.

According to their previous reasoning, Team Lin was most likely seriously injured. How could he survive there!?

Not to mention, how does Captain Lin get people to deliver the news?

This coordinate is logically wrong!

Seeing Gao Tian's suddenly disappointed expression, the researchers in the group subconsciously glanced at the satellite map and immediately realized that they and others had made a mistake.

Nineteen minutes later.

"Miss Wen Ya! Team C023 reports new ideas!"

"Based on the memory information you provided, we converted the scene where Master Lin An said this sentence for the first time into a copy of the geographical location, and then mapped it to the real world for reference."

Holding up the inference diagrams with densely packed conditions in their hands, the three awakened people who looked like mountain surveyors spoke nervously.

Convert the amoeba world to the size of the earth in equal proportions, then extrapolate the scene at that time, convert the corresponding coordinates to the earth, and then use the scene characteristics to find the corresponding area in North America, and then compare and convert it.

After an extremely cumbersome procedure, the result was surprisingly near Yellowstone Park.

Noticing that Wen Ya frowned as she looked at the results obtained by her team, the three surveyors also explained with some uncertainty:

"Miss Wen Ya! Although there is not a large safe zone near Yellowstone Park, and there are a lot of monsters, there are indeed survivors!"

"Theoretically speaking, Master Lin An"

Don't wait for others to finish speaking and confirm your reasoning.

After a moment, Wen Ya smiled bitterly and shook her head, pointing out the key loophole.

"It's unlikely. Yellowstone is one of our strategic targets, so we've been monitoring the personnel structure here."

"The awakened people who dare to survive here are all a closely knit group."

"No one else can survive there except them."

"Similarly, if Brother Lin appears there, they will find it soon."


Looking at the satellite map over Yellowstone Park, Wen Ya sighed secretly.

There are people moving around here, or the area where they can move is only a small area. Among the thousands of pictures taken in the past few days, there is no trace of Lin An at all.

Therefore, even if Lin An was there, if he was seriously injured, there is a high probability that something would have happened long ago.

Not only that, she always felt like she had thought of something, and she always felt that they might have made a fatal mistake.

"Lin An, what message do you want to convey?"

This chapter has been completed!
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