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Chapter 1525 Meteor 2

North American Theater, Miami.

"That is"

"what is that!?"

Located in a port coastal city, within the safe zone of Biscayne Bay.

A dozen Awakeneds who were on daily patrol stared blankly at the rapidly approaching black tide.

A few seconds later, after seeing clearly that the black spots were actually a large number of third-order mutants.

The patrolling Awakened One woke up from a dream and screamed heartbreakingly.

Ten seconds later, the piercing siren sounded.

However, the alarm is only raised when people see it.

It's meaningless anymore.

No one could have imagined that cross-sea mutants would appear on the line of defense that used to only have to guard against sea monsters.

No one would have thought that the air defense system that only needs to guard against mutated birds needs to fight against the massive monsters killed at supersonic speeds.


Without giving any time to react, in just ten seconds, more than sixty third-order mutants suddenly swept across the sky. Like a storm that brought death, they instantly broke through the anti-aircraft firepower.

Facing the dense hail of bullets and obstacles, it was as ridiculous as fireworks for this group of mutants.

Eyes scarlet, roaring, violent.

When the first third-order mutant directly smashed into a fighter plane trying to launch a missile, the killing began.

Giant mutants over thirty meters in size instantly rushed into the safe zone.

With one sweep of the giant claw, dozens of hurriedly arriving Awakened soldiers were cut off like wheat.

Relying on the impact of the high-speed fall, violent shock waves destroyed the buildings one after another in an instant, and the entire safety zone suddenly burst into flames.

"Kill them all!"


After slapping a third-level corpse to pieces, a mutant monster that sprayed out strong sulfuric acid excitedly stretched out its arms, grabbed half of the body that had been corroded and melted by itself, and stuffed it into its mouth.

Enjoying the screams of humans, for mutants, it is like music every second.

According to the requirements of the Annihilators, they will kill all the way into North America.

With a large number of mutants gathering, it is impossible for this group of bugs to stop them.

"Don't stay here too long!"

"Our target is Lin An! He is at several coordinates inland!"

Don’t wait for the mutants to enjoy this feast of flesh and blood.

Amidst the cries and screams of the people, a alien species mixed in among them spoke urgently, intending to let these monsters eat some of the humans and then move to the predetermined coordinates.

Same as the fugitives.

Although the mutants are easy to cooperate, their disadvantage is that they are easily impulsive and attracted to blood food.

As one of the alien species coordinating six directions to invade North America, his mission is to prevent these monsters from killing them and wasting time.


A roar of dissatisfaction sounded.

However, under the forced order of the alien species, soon, the mutants covered in blood flew away again.

For a long time, in ruins.

Climbing out from a large number of corpses that were shattered alive, a middle-aged man looked at the safety zone that had been mostly destroyed in a short period of time with his whole body trembling, feeling filled with sorrow and fear.

As far as I could see, in just a few minutes, more than tens of thousands of people died due to the rampage of dozens of third-order mutants.

Whether it is an awakened person or an ordinary soldier.

They have no ability to resist in the face of the mutant army that they regard as a disaster.

He couldn't understand what was going on.

In fear and grief, he could only tremble with his mouth and watch the mutants leave in the direction of fear.

He heard it.

While he was pretending to be dead and hiding under the corpse, he heard why these mutants suddenly appeared!

Lin An!?

These monsters actually came to find Lin An!?

Boston Safe Zone.

Shrill air raid sirens mixed with violent explosions.

A third-level awakened person looked at the large number of mutants heading towards his safe zone in horror.

"Why!? Why are there so many monsters!?"

"Isn't this what we have in the war zone!?"

Escape hastily.

Several third-level awakeners looked at a monster that looked like a typical Asian war zone in shock, and the horror in their hearts almost reached its peak!

This monster with a skull and stupa on its back cannot possibly be from America!

What a joke!

You should know that mutants, especially monsters of level three or above, usually have a strong sense of territory and will not easily leave the scope of their activities.

The combat power of human awakeners is inherently lower than that of monsters of the same level.

Face an army of mutants assembled from six war zones.

It can only fight against four or five third-level mutants at the same time, and the entire safe zone will be breached instantly.

Fortunately, it's the same as Miami.

After killing a large number of survivors, this army of monsters quickly flew away again.

In the blood and fire, the survivors who were lucky enough to survive looked at the backs of the flying mutants in fear.

Even if they can't understand what's going on.

But everyone realized that an unimaginable disaster had begun.

"Alert!! Alert!!"

"Saint Paul's Safe Zone 3 is being attacked by monsters! Requesting support!"


"Rio de Janeiro safe zone encounters a wave of unknown corpses! Requesting support!"

"Alert! A large number of mutants have been discovered at the Mexican border defense line!"

South American war zone, within the Eternal Fire safe zone.

A large number of Awakened people responsible for monitoring were distracted as they watched the warning messages sent from various war zones across the United States.

As one of the super-large safe zones in the Americas, they are also the largest force in South America.

"What the hell is going on!?"

"Why are all coastal theaters under attack! How many monsters are there!?"

On the war zone map, the dense red dots looked like a natural disaster.

I saw that around the American continent, mutants attacking from six directions simultaneously seemed to be surrounded, and they were rapidly invading the continent.

In a very short period of time, more than seven security zones were breached, and according to the drawn route map.

This group of monsters seemed to be looking for something. They each followed a straight line and crazily headed towards several locations inland.

"I don't know! People are asking for help everywhere!"

"Even in the North American theater, there are many safe zones asking me for help!"

Everyone looked panicked and at a loss.

Even though the doomsday had broken out for so long, facing such a terrifying army of monsters, the entire security zone's top management suddenly panicked.

You know, since the death of "Ender", the forces in North America headed by the Society of Truth have been faintly competing against them.

Fiona, who returned from the competition, also became the leader of South America in one fell swoop.

But even in this situation of mutual confrontation, North America still asked them for help.

This is enough to prove what a horrific attack the North American war zone was encountering at this time.

"Where is Fiona-sama!?"

"Among these monsters! There is a fourth level!!"

"Go and notify"

"My lord is still in the copy!"

"Then contact Long An! They may know what's going on!"

Houston War Zone.

Accompanied by a buzzer.

Over a remote and abandoned industrial park, a copy space portal opened instantly.

The next second.

I saw six figures suddenly rushing out.

Looking at the familiar environment and the bright sunshine.

The team that had just finished the dungeon mission took a deep breath of air greedily.

Although it was desolate, it was definitely not a beautiful place. But compared to the mountains of corpses and seas of blood in the dungeon, the earth in reality made them unable to help but burst into tears.

Everyone looked excited and proud.

They finally made it out alive!

"Colonel Ron! After we come out this time, we will no longer be afraid of those damn Truth followers!"

"If nothing else happens, you will be the sixth level four in the world! And with your fighting power, I believe that you will never be weaker than that one!"

At the front of the team, Ron, who had a restrained and powerful aura, looked at everything in front of him in a daze.

It's like a lifetime ago.

It’s hard to imagine that in reality it’s only been more than a week, but in the dungeon they have been fighting for more than a year!

Even though the mission was completed, Ron was still frightened when he thought about the zombies on the entire planet coming to kill them.

In order to be strong, maybe there are not many awakened people in the world who have encountered such exaggerated difficulties like him, right?

Faced with this kind of situation, if he hadn't squeezed his potential, he would have been promoted to the fourth level at the last moment!

He won't survive at all!

Listen to the compliments from the team members.

Although Ron knew in his heart that it was a bit of a flattery, he was also proud of himself!

That’s right!

He believes that his combat power after being promoted to the fourth level in life and death will definitely be stronger than those after Lin An!

As far as he knows, those ones all rely on cards!

As for Lin An

Colonel Ron waved his hand and said calmly:

"Don't underestimate Lin An."

"Although he may also be upgraded by cards."

"But that guy is a pervert, and I may not be able to surpass him."

"However, I am also looking forward to fighting him again! I also want to know who is the strongest!"

be honest.

Perhaps in the eyes of the outside world, including Ron himself, he believed that his talent and character were the pinnacle of mankind.

After all, he was the world's first level two back then!

But ever since he met Lin An during the trial, he seemed to be living in Lin An's shadow.

If I hate it, I don’t hate it.

It's just that Lin An was too strong before, so powerful that he often doubted whether he was a waste. Especially the moment when Lin An became the first level four again!

but this time

"I'm also at the fourth level!"

To get to where he is today, Ron also has a heart to pursue the first place!

He really wants to know who is stronger between him and Lin An now!

From now on, his name, Ron, will

Thinking about the future makes you excited.

Ron just clicked on the war zone channel without waiting to see what happened while he was away.

A series of piercing whistles carrying a terrifying aura suddenly flew rapidly from a distance.

This is!?

The breath of the fourth level!?

No, there are still a lot of third-level ones!?

I didn't even bother to check the messages.

Ron's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly looked in the direction of the breath.

At the end of the sky, more than thirty third-level awakeners and one fourth-level awakener also noticed him.

Look into each other's eyes.

Knowing that there were similar alien monsters in North America that would occupy humans, Ron instantly recognized this group of people. They were members of the Truth Society!

Fourth level!? The carrier of divine trance!?

The next second, before Ron was shocked, he thought more.

The fugitives who also discovered him immediately rushed to kill him.


"catch him!!"

"He knows Lin An!!"

"Boom boom boom! Boom!!"

A sonic boom ripped through the sky suddenly.

One of the leading escapees, one who had participated in the competition, was filled with ecstasy.

He has met Ron! Ron is somewhat famous among humans!

Especially in the competition, he knew that Ron was Lin An's "subordinate" and was on Lin An's team!

This location appears

This was originally the coordinate where Lin An appeared!

A person who is related to Lin An and whose strength seems to have just broken through to the fourth level?

Lin An must have contacted the other party!

Lin An is nearby!

All of a sudden.

Ron's face turned pale as he looked at the army of escapees coming towards him.

The heroic feeling that had just arisen in my heart instantly disappeared.

damn it!

He knew that these monsters in human skin were more powerful than their peers!

He never imagined that he would encounter such a disaster as soon as he came out!

Lin An!? What Lin An!?

There was no time to think about what was going on.

Ron was cursing wildly in his heart. Feeling the killing intent of these monsters, he could only run away without looking back!

"Lord! We won!!"

"we won!!"

Outside the Black Gold Safe Zone.

In the valley, a large number of believers looked excitedly at the corpses strewn on the ground.

After the last third-level awakened person was headshot by "Ling'an", they finally won the battle between sin and holiness.

It is unimaginable that the awakened ones who were extremely powerful in their eyes in the past would die by their hands at this moment!

A large number of believers who had been exposed to the sun danced excitedly.

Among the corpses on the ground, more than forty believers who were gradually transformed into "Sun Walkers" were rapidly devouring flesh and blood.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, perhaps due to the "feedback" of faith, the divine warriors in the eyes of believers are rapidly becoming stronger.

However, listening to the fanatical cheers in his ears, in the middle of the crowd, Lin An's face did not show any joy.


They won.

Won for now.

Seventeen minutes ago, the Awakeners in the Black Gold Safe Zone, led by four Level 3s, launched an attack on them.

Relying on the transformer's ability to become stronger through revenge, the black gold bottom survivors he brought out transformed about two thousand people in a very short period of time.

Relying on the human sea tactic and his mental attack, he finally killed this group of Black Gold Level 3 people after avenging the deaths of more than 600 people.

But for Lin An, his mental strength was almost exhausted.


If it is not exhausted, it is useless.

Raising his head, Lin An looked into the distance silently.

I saw more than twenty black shadows flying towards me very far away in the sky.

Different from the third level of the black gold safe zone, Lin An recognized it at a glance as the group of escapees.

"Twenty third level"

"Someone is wearing a black tower eyeball"


Feeling the faint connection, Lin An silently clenched his fists, knowing what this meant.

The fugitives and annihilators have discovered that he is here.

The fugitives who come with eyeballs will launch attacks continuously after confirming his identity.

Twenty third-level people are just appetizers.

If nothing else happens, Level 4 will appear soon.

Especially according to the war zone information seen by Anduin and others, a large number of mutants suddenly appeared throughout the Americas to attack humans.

Anduin and others didn't quite understand what this meant.

But Lin An could imagine that this was most likely caused by the Annihilator Master.

In the following time, a massive army of mutants, plus hundreds of third-level escapees, appeared.

And, an unknown number of fourth-order "true gods".

Will kill here.


It was difficult for him to stop even these twenty people.

"Long An"

Lin An calmly raised his head and looked at the sky.

As if waiting for something.

"Beep, the power of faith is being charged."

"Current restart progress: 77%"

"Current restart progress: 81%"

This chapter has been completed!
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