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Chapter 1532 Lin An? Ling An

Mask ripples.

Shock waves and fire flashed across the shield.

Unlike the chaos outside, half of the valley inside the mask seemed unusually quiet.

Just like the safest shelter, the solid light mask gives people a great sense of security.

It's just that quiet doesn't mean nothing happens.

A large number of believers looked at Lin An standing in the crowd in shock.

Whether it's the giant bear that descends like a god of war, or the third-order army that rushes in from afar.

Everything in front of them subverted their cognition and left them at a loss as to what to do.

For the survivors at the bottom level, Level 3 is the strongest existence in their cognition.

But in front of this giant bear, the third level is as vulnerable as an ant.

And this bear even cried in front of the divine envoy, or the divine lord Lin An?

Although they do believe in Lin An.

But, the time is too short.

I just imagined with a glimmer of hope that before that, they were actually the same as the early scavengers.

Maybe it's God, or some other existence.

As long as it can give them power, it is "god" to them.

But now

Seeing a large number of third-level awakened beings rushing towards them, but obviously not enemies, everyone realized that Lin An in front of them really seemed to be a god-like existence.

These people are also divine warriors! They have descended from heaven!

Have they ever seen such an exaggerated scene!?

For a moment, everyone was trembling with excitement, even those who were doubtful, their faith began to strengthen at this moment!

Unlike other believers who were in shock, Old Put, who was lying in Anduin's arms, just trembled his lips and looked at Lin An with difficulty.

His face was pale, he had lost too much blood, and he was on the verge of death. He tried hard to reach out his hand, as if he wanted to touch Lin An.

"God Lord"

"I knew you were testing us."

"I have always believed that one day there will be a god coming from heaven.


"Save us"

He kept coughing up blood in his mouth, and that wind blade directly cut off his body.

Knowing that his life had come to an end, Old Put had no fear of death in his eyes, only the purest piety of a fanatical believer after witnessing a miracle.

It's just that he really wanted to finish what he wanted to say.

He wanted to ask "God".

Will sin be severely punished from now on? Will the end of the world come to an end?

Will good people be rewarded? Will kindness not be let down?

Will light eventually dispel darkness? Let people in the doomsday be saved?

He is just a very ordinary, ordinary person.

In Old Put's heart, this apocalypse not only turned people into monsters, but also turned the remaining living people into beasts.

I want to survive the apocalypse and live well.

It seems that the only choice is to abandon conscience and everything. People are like enemies, oppressing each other. They want to be like zombies, eating flesh and blood alive.

Kindness turns into weakness, conscience turns into stupidity.

Is this really right?

Strength keeps people alive, but strength also alienates human nature.

If this continues, no matter how powerful the "awakened ones" are who survive.

Is that still alive?

In other words, does human civilization still exist?

Third level, fourth level, fifth level

How far away and out of reach, like a god-like existence

But these strong men who abandoned everything, didn't they turn into another kind of monster that is more terrifying than the monster in this doomsday?

Maybe, that's when the end really begins.

"Professor!! Stop talking! Stop talking! You can't talk anymore!!"

Looking at Old Put, whose eyes were gradually darkening, Anduin seemed unable to accept it, and tried in vain to stuff the intestines on the ground back.

Subconsciously, he was about to look up at Lin An and ask Lin An to save the professor.

The next second, a rough voice suddenly sounded:

"Don't worry! This injury won't kill you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiong Hanzi quickly stuffed a "blood bottle" into Old Put's mouth, and then looked at Lin An nervously.

"Captain Lin! You go first!"

"I took a look when I came down! Those monsters shouldn't have time to catch up with us!"

"But the shield can't stop the fourth level!"

Extremely nervous about Lin An's safety, Zhang Tie frequently looked sideways into the distance while unable to help but look at the transmission instructions in Lin An's hand.

Although Lin An's condition is worse than they imagined! But the current situation is much better than in their simulation!

Global satellite systems already monitor all of North America!

It would take at least more than a minute to kill the nearest batch of third-level or fourth-level enemies!

From the start of the teleportation command to the teleportation of Team Lin back, it only takes a few dozen seconds at most!

In the original plan, they were already prepared to fight to the death to survive these twenty seconds!

But now it seems that as long as Lin An leaves first, this crisis will be completely resolved.

As for whether the troops assembled by Long An will launch a war or withdraw together, it depends on Lin An's order.

Perhaps this all seems extremely wasteful, even too invasive.

Judging from the current situation, many of their preparations are not needed.

But for Long An and the team members, they must prepare for the worst!

However, it was beyond Zhang Tie's expectation.

Lin An, who was supposed to activate the transmission command, actually handed the command he handed over back to him.

Before Zhang Tie was stunned, he saw Lin An slowly shaking his head, indicating that he couldn't use it at all.

Seeing this, Zhang Tie was shocked all over, and his bear eyes widened.

The original excitement suddenly fell to the bottom.

Team Lin can’t use it!?

As if he understood something, Zhang Tie's face turned pale, and he suddenly thought of why Lin An didn't have any strength at all!


Damn it! Team Lin doesn’t even have the most basic system!

Zhang Tie's expression changed drastically, and he froze on the spot and was at a loss.

At the same time, more than a hundred of the nearest Long An level three had already rushed into the shield in an instant.

After immediately forming a defensive formation and alerting the surroundings like a beehive, all the Tier 3 and Yuntian responded in unison:

"Master Lin An! (Brother Lin!)"

"Please leave here first!"

"Other combatants are on their way to gather! We will defend your safety to the death!"

Same idea as Zhang Tie.

After landing quickly, the first combat teams also realized that the airborne plan was extremely successful!

Not only did they find Lin An immediately, but they also gained valuable time before the enemy!

This means that they no longer need to assemble their troops. They only need to let Lin An go first, and the remaining thousands of third-level awakened people can evacuate slowly!

Even if there is some sacrifice, it is still within the acceptable range!

Behind Lin An, Anduin and others looked at Lin An blankly, looking at the large number of Long An's awakened people who saluted Lin An.

Lin An!?

The fastest reaction, especially the Asian survivors in the crowd, all opened their mouths in confusion at this time, and felt frightened by the sound of their heads banging.

Lin An!? Is this the Lin An they know!?

The abbreviation of Ling'an in English has nothing to do with the word Lin'an in Chinese pinyin. I had never thought of the relationship. The survivors who reacted at this time all looked shocked.

They never expected that the God Lord Ling An in their eyes was actually Lin An, the strongest person in the world!?

This chapter has been completed!
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