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Chapter 1598 Dead End 4

After the words fell, the laboratory fell into a deathly silence.

Even Zhang Tie couldn't help but shiver all over after hearing the danger described by Klein.

Even light will die!?

Although it was difficult for him to understand what it was, if they encountered such a perverted monster, wouldn't they be instantly killed? How the hell could they survive?

During the long silence, Lin An took a deep breath.

"If all enemies after level five are like this, then why would anyone want to advance to level five?"

"These things are not necessarily encountered, right?"


The three major events described by Klein were extremely terrifying, but the problem was that Lin An was keenly aware that no matter how terrifying these things were, they might not be encountered by him.

Just like in the alien world, it is difficult to create memes at all, at least not in the later stages.

The disasters described by Klein are all there.


The system forcibly issues a mission to ask them to get closer!

"Is this why fugitives run away!?"

Suddenly, Lin An seemed to have thought of something and realized why the fugitive chose to escape.

However, contrary to Lin An's expectations, Klein nodded first and then shook his head.

There was a trace of pity in his eyes when he looked at Lin An. The pity was not pity for Lin An, but more like pity for all of them.

"Yes, you may not encounter it."

"Generally, only those at the fifth or sixth level who are very powerful will have a chance of being exposed to this kind of event. After all, after this kind of event occurs, basically everyone around will die."

"Theoretically, you, Lin An, shouldn't have to worry about this kind of crisis."

"But, do you think there are only these dangers after the fifth level? Do you think you can avoid them if you don't get close?"

Klein chuckled, and the picture in his hand changed again.

"Lin An."

"You should know that the earth, or the solar system, including the Milky Way, is running wildly through the universe under the influence of super attractors."

"The earth you are on is moving towards the giant attraction source at a speed of 2,257,200 kilometers per hour."

"Two million kilometers in one hour is a distance of 54 million kilometers in one day."

"It's actually normal to bump into something on the way."

"Just like a car running wildly on the highway, you are extremely lucky that you have not encountered any celestial disaster so far."

"Of course, I won't survive if I encounter you."

In the picture, Klein simulated the moving route map of the solar system, just like a light ball dragging a group of small light balls.

Among the densely packed stars, it moves extremely fast in a spiral arc.

Like a necklace falling into a vortex, the final place where it spirals and falls is the unimaginable great attractor of the Laniakea supercluster.

Looking at Zhang Tie who had his mouth open in a daze, he had no experience with this kind of knowledge at all.

Klein chuckled and spoke quietly

"What makes you think that you won't encounter astral disasters?"

"Under the influence of this giant attractor, more than one trillion stars are falling into the giant attractor with you. As long as you casually pass through a dangerous area, the terror will not be worse than the three major events.

How much?"

"Take low-level astral disasters and neutron star explosions as examples."

"As far as I know, there is a neutron star erupting within the last six thousand light years of you."

"The power of the gamma ray burst it erupted is enough to release more than the total energy of the solar system in 01 to 10 seconds."

"As long as you are hit by a critical shot, the power is approximately equivalent to a fifth-level desperate blow of 1010 to the 13th power."

"Thirteen billion level five?"

"Tsk, tsk, in the face of this kind of disaster, all life within about six to ten light years will die in an instant. And the range of influence at both ends will reach a terrifying tens of millions of light years!"

In the scene that Klein condensed, a neutron star with ray bursts erupting from both ends was spinning crazily at an extremely fast speed.

It's like a top waving a flashlight.

This neutron star is rotating at a speed of thousands of times per second, sweeping the light of death across the entire universe!

What the light shines on is death!

"Lin An, tell me."

"What would you do if a neutron star's jet was aimed at the Earth right now?"

"Don't think it's impossible. There are so many of them that they have inadvertently destroyed too many civilizations. It's like a death ray that destroys all the galaxies swept by it."

Looking into Klein's eyes, Lin An couldn't say anything.

He knew this, but he had never thought about it.

Is this an astral crisis!?

It seemed that Lin An had realized how cruel the doomsday he mentioned was.

Klein shook his head and didn't mind adding more ingredients.

"If nothing else, Lin An."

"If you advance to level five, the system will immediately announce a similar crisis, such as a solar helium flash."

"Even in the most difficult astral crisis, tell me, is there any way you can keep everyone alive?"

"In a very short period of time, the sun directly expands and the helium flash engulfs the entire earth."

"Even if it only lasts a few seconds, at that moment, the earth is equivalent to being attacked by more than 66 million Tsarist nuclear bombs."

"Except for the core, the entire 1,200 kilometers of land on the Earth's surface will melt."

"In the face of this kind of crisis, Lin An, what can you do to resist?"

"Even if you are lucky and the difficulty is lower, your first mission will be a catastrophe, a battlefield of death."

"Can you fight against an army of tens of billions of insects?"

"Can you lead humans to defeat exponentially proliferating intelligence?"

"The lowest level of natural disaster insect swarm, each insect is equivalent to the third level."

"Every time it appears, the number is calculated in the tens of billions."

"The mechanical intelligence expands itself exponentially. As long as it finds a planet, it can decompose and absorb all matter and replicate itself within twenty-four hours."

"And every mechanical intelligence has similar combat capabilities to you. Moreover, they can learn from each other and evolve."

While sighing, Klein gave a bitter smile and looked at Zhang Tie, who was frozen in place, and Lin An, who was silent.

"Lin An, you will die."

"The level of difficulty after level five is the real doomsday."

"Doomsday Game"

"Do you know why the system said that?"

"It's very simple."

"What you are experiencing now is just a game. It is played by the system for all of us to familiarize ourselves with the "plot"."

This chapter has been completed!
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