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Chapter 1872 The truth about gods

Bang! There was a sudden banging sound on the table, which was when Lin An suddenly stood up.

Lin An was seen looking around quickly, not even missing the moonlight outside the window.

After a few seconds, he slowly sat down with an ugly expression on his face.

No one and nothing was watching him.

The handwriting came from half a year ago, and the paper is ordinary paper. This sentence was indeed written by Chu An before the alien war.

Just this ordinary sentence made him feel like he was going back to the first time he met Chu An.

"This guy!"

Taking a deep breath, Lin An couldn't help but curse inwardly, and the mood of "remembering" Chu An was instantly wiped away.

If nothing else, Chu An seemed to predict the future and predicted his prediction.

as expected.

After Lin An turned through twenty-one pages with a complicated expression, all the text behind was written in red ink.

"Lin An, there's no need to look for it, I'm not spying on you."

"Don't be surprised. If I guessed correctly, you should have eliminated the alien species, but not the escapees completely. Otherwise, you wouldn't have had time to read the notes I left, nor would you specifically check the faith information."

"Well, if you are reading the notes, it means that I cannot communicate with you and am still sleeping. Then you should not have reached level five yet."

"So, your current time point should be half a year later? The first mission you are about to face, does it require the power of three systems at the same time, or the faith system?"

Just like talking face to face, Lin An "looked" helplessly at Chu An's words.

Obviously that guy was lying on the bed unable to move, but at this moment, he seemed to be chatting with him, and he even guessed his reaction.


The haunting guy.

But after coming back to his senses, Lin An also realized that it was not surprising that Chu An could guess his current situation. Leaving something in advance was in line with that guy's style.

"If we don't deal with the alien species, I will definitely be dead. Naturally, I won't be able to see the notes."

"If I had had enough time to deal with the fugitives, it would have been much easier to gather faith, and naturally there would be no need to look through the records."


His eyes flickered, and a smile appeared on Lin An's lips.

Chu An was not sure about one thing, that is, he passed the first mission, but No. 77 changed him to the next mission.

This guy can't be accurate in everything.

Without thinking any more, Lin An wanted to see what solution Chu An had left for him.

"Lin An, to make a long story short. If nothing else, you should be worried about the contamination of human beings now. The chaos spread by the fugitives for many years has been rooted in human society like a virus."

"If you want to gain pure faith, you must conduct a purge. Especially during this period, the fugitives who are threatened by you will increase their pollution and do everything possible to prevent you from gathering faith."

"So, you're worried that it won't be clean even if you wash it, right?"

"It's impossible to kill, and it's impossible not to kill,"

"So, you want to do your best to find a way to gather faith without killing too many people with your own hands. You don't have time to reshape human civilization."

Seeing this, Lin An secretly praised him. Compared with Xiong Hanzi who didn't understand what he was doing, Chu An understood him.


What would be the solution?

"There is indeed a way, but before that, you must understand three premises."

"First of all, looking at human history, the development process of human civilization is actually a history of killing gods."

"Since ancient times, people have gradually evolved from absolute belief and worship of gods to

Gradually move towards the path of freedom by killing gods and rebelling."

“Taking Eastern thought as an example, the invisible way of heaven is replacing the concrete God!”

"Confucianism of self-denial and propriety, the Three Cardinal Principles and the Five Constant Rules, and the monarch, minister, father and son, are replacing religious laws."

"My heart is the universe, and the unity of heaven and man is replacing the will of the gods and breaking the boundaries between humans and gods!"

"In the West, it was the Renaissance, where people were the measure of all things, free will, the absolute truth of things in themselves, and other ideological philosophies that broke the shackles of religion."

"In the long history, human beings have been struggling and resisting!"

"Attention, this is very important! Remember this, so that you can understand what I am going to say next and find the truth."

In the dim moonlight, Lin An frowned slightly and looked with some surprise at what Chu An suddenly changed the topic and wrote.

"Human civilization is a history of killing gods"

He could understand this sentence, but why was Chu An talking about this now? To praise mankind? But he, Lin An, wanted to become a god. He didn't want to rebel against any god.

With a strange look on his face, Lin An could only continue to follow Chu An's thoughts after thinking to no avail.

"Lin An, don't think these things are of no use to you."

"Thinking reversely, the means and ideas of human beings to resist gods are not an answer to the problem. Just like only knowing how to resist can we better improve "rule"."

"Here, I need you to understand three key pieces of information!"

"1Why do human beings rebel against God? Are humans and gods supposed to be in opposition to each other deep down? No, that is absolutely not possible. Otherwise, all belief systems will be doomed to fail in the end!"

"So there is only one answer, and that is that the gods that humans encounter are all false gods! Human beings have realized that gods are harming themselves and are an obstacle to survival! That's why in the long history, the resistance has become more and more fierce!


"Lin An, we can definitely draw a conclusion!"

"That means there has never been a real god on earth! Then your understanding of gods is naturally wrong! So you will think that as long as you act like gods, you will inevitably be hated by people!"

"Errors only produce errors."

"My understanding of the concept of God is all wrong?"

"My cognition and thinking have also been secretly distorted?"

It's like a wake-up call.

Lin An's pupils dilated, and he suddenly seemed to understand what Chu An was expressing.

Chu An discovered the essence of the contradiction between man and God, and he wanted to reshape his understanding.

There is absolutely no opposition between man and God. It is not man who is wrong, but God!

Sure enough, as Lin An's gaze moved downwards solemnly, a paragraph of text specially marked in red by Chu An occupied the entire page.

"Lin An, do you still remember? In fact, as early as the conversation with Guiying, you realized that a large number of gods suspected to be disguised as awakened people appeared on the earth a long time ago, and you even thought that the earth had the end of reincarnation."

"Facts also prove that there are indeed escapees. They pretend to be gods and absorb faith."

"They do not regard human beings as their subjects. Everything they do, everything they shape, and all the ideas they spread are created to squeeze faith."

"People will naturally resist."

"In my follow-up research, it is very likely that the earth is an environment similar to an experimental field. Our civilization and many ideas are too distorted and chronological, just like a large number of different levels of systems mixed together, ultimately shaping human beings' extremely contradictory cognition


"We believe in God, but we rebel against God. We fight and fight, but at some point we will unite. Human beings

Sex can be extremely evil, but sometimes it shines brightly, and countless people sacrifice themselves voluntarily.”

"We follow the instincts of living things and the desires of beasts, but we can go beyond instincts and risk life and death for the people we love."

"We like to create, but our bones are full of destruction. We have life instincts and death instincts. We are like products of chaos, following reason but violating logic."

"Therefore, I think the methods used by false gods to control human beings must be very different from the true way of faith."

"Summary of the narrative."

"We cannot refer to all the images of gods that appear on the earth."

"You and I can't imagine what the real gods look like or how they establish their own belief system. If nothing else, there won't be many people who can embark on the path of faith in the end of the world."

"Combined with the special characteristics of human beings, therefore, our only solution is to extrapolate from human beings themselves."

"We don't look for what kind of gods are "suitable" for humans, but what kind of gods can be accepted by humans! In other words, in human hearts, what kind of gods are the images they desire!"

"Let's create true gods and humans! Gods that belong to humans!"

"There are three answers."

"I call it"


"Capital Godhead!"

"as well as"

He raised his head stiffly.

Lin An's eyes were fixed on the last sentence circled in red among the three divine figures written down by Chu An.

"Having special thoughts, targeting the Godhead."

Lin An!?!?

There was dead silence for a long time, and Lin An's eyelids twitched.

To be honest, it was really hard for him to understand how Chu An associated gods with this word. It felt like using an artificial paddle to control a spaceship, sliding and sliding in space.

This is really, really weird.

Although he could understand Chu An's thinking, for a while, Lin An could only bite the bullet and look down.

For some reason, he always felt that Chu An was standing in front of him, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Does it feel weird?"

"Lin An, this is not surprising or conflicting."

"God, faith, religion, these are no different from technological civilization. They are all means to survive in this apocalypse."

"Using the power of faith is essentially the same as collecting steel to make tanks and cannons."

"Here, you need to understand the second thing."

"Then why are these gods wrong?"

"Because of unfairness and oppression. When these fugitives or other false gods gathered their faith, they made mankind feel the pain of being oppressed. Humanity's survival has not been better because of the appearance of gods."

"Just like in ancient times, people prayed to the gods for good weather, but God's oppression and indifference made their lives more and more difficult, so resistance would naturally arise."

"Similarly, why do those false gods do this? Don't they know it will cause resistance? Are they stupid and arrogant?"

"No, it's because they don't regard themselves as human gods."

"They know very well that once humans become stronger, they will find that they are not gods at all, and they dare not give humans too much power."

"The false gods do not pursue longevity. Rather than truly becoming gods, they would rather choose to deceive, use death, and use fear to gather faith."

"This is exactly the same as the big capitalist class in human society."


Slowly turn to the next page.

Lin An rubbed his brows a little tiredly while looking at

Thinking about it, Chu An put forward a point of view that really made him realize something.

But looking at it now, he still feels that something is wrong. In other words, will it really have an immediate effect on his current situation?

There is no other reason.

These false gods are wrong because they are not humans' own gods, and humans may have problems.

But Lin'an, isn't he also suffering from these?

"Keep reading, Chu An shouldn't be aiming for nothing."

Suppress the doubts in your heart.

Lin An looked directly to the next page.

“What Capital and False Gods Have in Common.”

"Lin An, why are most humans still poor and struggling to survive before the end of the world?"

"Based on the productivity of the modern industrial system, the resources produced globally are already in excess. As long as the global factories are in operation for two years, they will be enough to produce the materials that all mankind will need for a hundred years."

"The resources a person needs to survive in his lifetime are no more than a hundred kilograms of steel, a few thousand kilowatt-hours of electricity, and a trivial amount of food. We obviously have the ability to liberate everyone from labor, but why don't we?"

"The reason is simple, because after capital consumes all the resources, its food is no longer cheap resources, but human beings themselves."

"It is the time of the bottom human beings, and it is the emotional value that human beings sell their dignity and produce."

"Like a woman who clearly marks the price, a worker who gets paid by the piece."

"Capital does not dare to make most human beings live better. They nominally package their practices as correct ideas and hide the truth,"

"Such as social Darwinism, money worship, class solidification, and racial antagonism."

"This is the same as false gods. Once the oppression and threats are stopped, then why do humans still need to believe in gods and the power of faith?"

"Wealth cannot be circulated!"

"Contradictions arise from this."

"In order to maintain the oppression, the false god can only continue to make himself more terrifying and mysterious! He wants people to fear him, revere him, worship him all the time, and not dare to doubt his true identity!"

"Fugitives dare not condense the true god!"

"So the real gods are definitely not as weak as them! Nor are they like this!"

"So! Lin An!"

“Don’t be misled by the “god” you think of!”

"God must not be a powerful, cold and ruthless individual who sits on a high throne! Rather, he is the product of the belief that an individual guides a group! God is not a name for a living being, but the spirit of a group of people!"

"You don't have to plunder other people's power, you just need everyone to work with you to form a strong body of belief and fight for mankind!"

"The stronger humans are, the stronger you are!"

"Let the power flow!"

"Remember the pyramid you brought back? Transform the sun! Become the sun! Let your power cover the world, so that people can gain strength under the scorching sun!"

"You don't need to strengthen them, you don't need to do anything, as long as you have the same ideals, you can get weapons!"

"Give them guns! Let all mankind cleanse each other under the scorching sun, and let them kill evil with their own hands!"

"When the beliefs are highly unified, the existence that is born is the true human god named "Lin An"!"

"Even if you die one day, as long as there is still a human being, Lin An will live forever!"


On the table in front of Lin An, the screen that was originally off suddenly lit up.

On the screen, a flashing file suddenly lit up silently.

"Tinder Plan"

"A single spark can start a prairie fire."

This chapter has been completed!
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