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Chapter 1973 The Mystery of the Ghost Skull 30

"Phantom limb syndrome?"

Jiang Haochen subconsciously looked at his arm, then looked at the wailing man in the picture.

This was his first time coming into contact with this kind of thing.

"Is it the pain at the wound? Why do you still feel pain in your hand when your hand is gone?"

Unable to understand the principle, Jiang Haochen took a deep breath, ignoring the terrifying screams played on the TV, and simply studied where the TV's power supply came from.

After a moment, his heart sank, and he raised a plug with an extremely ugly expression.

Not to mention whether there is electricity here, the TV is not plugged in at all!

Damn it!

"We are beginning to enter a supernatural event! Ender, why are you in a daze? Do we want to go out!?"

Putting down the plug, Jiang Haochen looked back eagerly at the brooding Ander. Unlike Ander, who was like a piece of wood, he only felt that danger would appear at any time.

He tightly grasped the table leg in his hand.

According to his past experience, if he continues to explore after an abnormality occurs, he will most likely receive a lunch box!

Although it's a pity to give up and leave halfway, my life is important!


In anxiety, Jiang Haochen couldn't help but run towards Ander, planning to take this guy and run away quickly!

However, to his surprise, Ender raised his head and shook his head slightly at him, sighing softly.

"That's too late."

"Keep checking, keep checking, maybe there is still a way to survive."

"What's the meaning!?"

Hearing Ander's incomprehensible words, Jiang Haochen was suddenly stunned. Before he could react, he saw Ander walking directly into the research institute the next second, as if he was looking for something.

"If you don't want to die, come with me to find that guy's treatment records!"

One minute later.

In front of the cold operating table, Jiang Haochen, with quick eyesight and quick hands, grabbed the diary placed next to the operating table.

Looking at Shin

Jiang Haochen just stared at Ander, who asked him to leave the diary, and couldn't help but point the weapon in his hand at him.

"Ender!? What on earth do you know!? Aren't we companions!? What on earth are you hiding from me!?"

"Why is it too late!? Are you a human or a ghost!?"

No wonder he and Jiang Haochen were so nervous.

From the moment he entered this building, Ander acted strangely. He seemed to know something, but he never revealed a word to him.

Especially what I said just now is no different from playing a riddle!

After experiencing many special incidents, Jiang Haochen even doubted whether Ander was a human or a ghost, or whether he had been transferred!

Not to mention anything else, Ender just came to the operating room to look for something as if he was a clairvoyant!

Seeing Jiang Haochen doubting himself, Ande suddenly smiled bitterly and simply took back his hand.

"I'm a human, you don't need to think too much. If I were a ghost and you were a human, do you think you could still live until now?"

"I have thought of something, but I am not sure. Just like you doubt me, there are some things that I can only tell you if I am sure."

As he spoke, Ender spread his hands to indicate that there was nothing wrong with him.

"Now you are wasting time. If you don't want to die, I advise you to give me the diary. I need to confirm."

After the words fell, Jiang Haochen's hand held the diary tighter. Just looking at Ander's sincere expression, he hesitated for a few seconds and finally handed the diary over.

He understood Ender's subtext, what Ender was thinking about, and was also "worried" about him.

"Let me say it first, I'm absolutely fine!"

"Damn, I'm really annoyed by people like you. What on earth did you think of that you can't be with?"

I said!?"

Ignoring Jiang Haochen's anger, Ander took the diary and spread it out on the operating table, quickly checking it.

After opening the diary, a large area of ​​densely packed text came into view.

"Today is the first week after that nightmare that I was discharged from the hospital. The doctor told me to have a good rest. The operation was successful and will not have much impact on my life."

"I hope so, I'm still not used to it."

"It hurts! It hurts so much! I almost hit a tree while driving today! Damn it! Why does it hurt so much? I feel like my head is going to explode!"

"The painkillers are not doing anything and I have been at home for a week without going out. I can't stand it anymore and I think I have to go to the hospital! It's like ten thousand needles are poking me! It's like there's fire.

Burn me! Throw me into the frying pan!” .??.

"I can't stand it anymore. If this continues, I will go crazy!"

"These doctors are a bunch of idiots and a bunch of liars! They told me there is nothing wrong with it, it's just my imagination! Are you kidding me? Imagination will make me faint from pain!? I want to buy a knife, I want to dig it up

!I want to see if there is something hidden inside that is torturing me!"

"Haha! I dug out a piece of meat, and I seemed to hear the sound of the knife rubbing in my bones. Unfortunately, I didn't find anything. The good news is that those idiots believed me, and they were almost scared by me.

Call the police!”

"It hurts. It hurts too much. They told me that maybe I have a phantom limb and that I have a mental problem. No matter what, I just want to cure myself now!"

"I drove to the institute and the people here were much more professional than those idiots. They believed I was really in pain and told me there were many people like me."

"They said that as long as they block the nerves, they should be able to cure me. This is really good news. God knows I knocked myself out many times just to sleep.

Less times!”

"Before the surgery, the researchers here told me that phantom limb pain is not only a neurological problem, but also a cognitive problem. They conducted an experiment on me to tell me what all this is about."

"It was a very interesting experiment. They put a partition next to my arm and a prosthetic hand. They also used feathers to move back and forth on my hand and the prosthetic hand to make me feel itchy."

"After just a few minutes, the researcher asked me to stare at the prosthetic hand. Suddenly, he hit the prosthetic hand with a hammer, which shocked me! Not only that, I actually felt that my hand started to hurt, which scared me.

Quickly retract your hand!"

"It's ridiculous. That hand is obviously not mine, but it hurts me!"

"They said this is what phantom limb pain is, and it's a problem with my cognition."

"Well, that makes sense. Maybe it's really because my brain doesn't know what I'm missing, and it always stays on the day I had a car accident."

"I have to keep telling it what's happening to me."

"The operation was successful, my God! I can finally sleep well. I want to play football and go to a concert. During this period, I was really tortured to death!"

"Maybe I should also fall in love and start a new life. Researchers here told me that changing to a new environment will help recovery."

"Damn it! It started to hurt again! It hurts more than before! I can't stand it anymore! I'm going crazy! Liars! They're all liars! It's definitely not something wrong with my brain, there must be something wrong with it.

Didn’t take it out!”

"Something's eating my flesh, they're eating me! They're eating me! Dig it out! I'm going to find all these damn bugs!"

"I must be rotten. I'm getting maggots and rotting!"

"I want to go to the institute! I want to cure myself! I want to operate on myself!"

This chapter has been completed!
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