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Chapter 2 Viruses, Medicines

At the gate of the community, Lin An opened his mobile phone and carefully searched for the map.

"Hey, you have a new text message."

The familiar number comes from comrade An Jingtian.

"Brother Lin, I heard that you need money recently. I still have a lot of retirement expenses. Please send me your card number."

"Come to me when you have time. My sister is always clamoring to play with you."

Lin An looked at the text message and felt warm in his heart.

Not only are they comrades-in-arms, he and An Jingtian have been friends and brothers since childhood before joining the army.

The two grew up playing together, and even the money for An Jingtian's schooling was raised by An Jingtian's parents.

Before Lin An could reply, the next message came.

"The weather has been changing lately, so you should pay more attention to your health. Don't get sick and have a fever like me."

"My eyesight is not as good as before. I have to wear glasses to see. When we meet, don't laugh at me."


Lin An just wanted to reply, but his body froze.

The phone fell to the ground.

He froze on the spot, a chill running up his spine.

An Jingtian is a scout in the army, with excellent physical fitness and eyesight.

My vision suddenly dropped sharply and I had a fever.

This is clearly an early symptom of being infected with the zombie virus!

in memory.

The first batch of zombie viruses have already been lurking in some people's bodies.

Symptoms include fever, decreased vision, and cold limbs.

Memories and clues connect.

Lin An's eyes gradually turned red.

When the apocalypse broke out in his previous life, he and An Jingtian agreed to meet outside the city.

However, no one was seen that day and there was no news.

I thought An Jingtian was delayed by something.

What he didn't expect was.

It turns out that An Jingtian died of a virus outbreak, and then we lost contact with him.

The best brother actually died of the virus, became a zombie, and suffered forever!

Like a burning fire cooking the heart!

Lin An's eyes were red.

Now that he knows why An Jingtian died, he will never allow the same tragedy to happen again.

Quickly recall in memory.

There must be a way!

For a long time, Lin An slowly raised his head with scarlet eyes.

Replace blood.

This was the only way he could think of to delay zombie transformation.

The zombie virus gathers at the heart in the early stage and condenses into a core.

Only by injecting the blood of the awakened before it is completely transformed into zombies can this process be slowed down.

An Jingtian's physical fitness is much better than that of ordinary people.

Generally speaking, the better the physical fitness, the longer the resistance to zombie transformation.

2 hours!

Lin An quickly recalled the details of those infected in his previous life.

An Jingtian can last up to 2 hours after the apocalypse breaks out!


Prepare supplies, get equipment, and rush to An Jingtian immediately within three days!

After making a plan, Lin An quickly formulated an action plan in his mind.

Like a silent sculpture.

Five minutes later, Lin An walked firmly into the distance with firm steps.

Three days is enough!


Lucky Credit Corporation.

In the spacious financial room, three people sat facing each other.

"Mr. Lin, this 1.7 million must be paid back in three days."

"The interest is calculated as 7 cents."

"If you don't pay by then, we will seize your house. I hope you won't overstay the deadline."

Lin An nodded calmly. After three days, the money would be nothing more than a pile of waste paper.

After half a year, the banknotes all over the street are too hard to wipe your buttocks with.

In the end, the only things of value are food and strength.

Along the way, he has borrowed all the online loans he could.

The house and car were also mortgaged to the "bridge" company as quickly as possible and regardless of the cost.

A total of 3.4 million in cash, including the dowry he transferred back.

Although the money is not much, it is enough to buy a large number of survival supplies.

The apocalypse has not yet broken out, and money is still the best weapon to open the way.

After nodding goodbye, Lin An went straight to the pharmaceutical company where he worked.

After leaving the door, the two people lending money behind them looked a little strange and couldn't help but whisper.

"Mr. Zhang, I checked this guy's information."

"You dare to mortgage your wedding house, and the interest rate is still 7 cents. You don't even have to pay back the money. It's really cruel."

"Whatever, it's probably because I lost my mind at online gambling..."

"If he doesn't pay back the money after three days, he will take possession of his house."


medical company.

Lin An walked into the door skillfully and casually took out his work badge responsible for escorting security.

Before the man in charge of the door could see clearly who he was, he only saw a work badge slowly falling to the ground.

"Name: Lin An"

"Sex: Male"

"Age: 24 years old"

"Position: Special Drug Escort Personnel"


The elevator opens.

Lin An went directly to the third floor to swipe his card and walked straight into the laboratory.

It's a holiday now and it's lunch break.

There was only one intern left in the laboratory of more than a dozen people.

"Brother Lin?"

The intern, who was one year younger than him, looked at Lin An in surprise. He had sleepy eyes and hair like a chicken coop.


Lin An locked the laboratory door with his backhand to ensure that he could not escape.

No nonsense, just get straight to the point.

"Where are the monitor lizard extract and snake venom extract?"

"Brother Lin, there is no escort mission today. What do you want to do?"

The intern looked surprised and a little uneasy.

The names Lin An gave were all medicines that needed to be reported, and each one was expensive.

"There are things you shouldn't know!"

Lin An's voice was cold, like a warning.

The intern seemed to have noticed something.

The coldness and impatience in Lin An's eyes made him a little afraid for a moment.

Struggle for a moment.

"Brother Lin...I really can't."

Lin An glanced at the clock on the wall. He had no time to waste.

As a key part of the plan, he must obtain these two potions.


Lin An directly shook out the bundles of cash from his backpack.

"There are 700,000 here, even if I bought it"

"It's just a lack of registration procedures. The company won't do anything to you."

The intern stared blankly at the cash on the floor, feeling a little overwhelmed.

Seven hundred thousand..

The company sells it to external parties for about the same price.

Lin An didn't want to continue nagging and rushed directly into the laboratory.

Time is tight and there is nothing to hesitate about.

Although he could have taken these medicines without spending a penny.

But after three days, the money was nothing more than waste paper, and the two of them were considered acquaintances.

He would not kill people to seize medicine for problems that could be solved with money.

Behind him, the intern came to his senses and opened his mouth slightly, trying to dissuade him.

But I remembered Lin An’s cold eyes and the cash all over the floor.

He couldn't help comforting himself.

Forget it... Brother Lin also paid, so it's not too illegal.

But in his impression, Lin An, who was originally kind and gentle and never argued with others, seemed to have become a different person.

Lin An roughly opened all the refrigerators.

After a while of flipping.

He held the test tube high towards the chandelier and stared at the two bottles of blue potion.

The dark blue liquid looks strange under the light.


Monitor lizard extract: The blood essence extracted from the North American monitor lizard can greatly increase strength in a short period of time.

Snake venom extract: By stimulating the heart and lungs, it can forcibly improve explosive power and endurance.

As special medicines, these two medicines have excellent effects but also have extremely serious side effects.

However, Lin An didn't care.

As long as the talent can be awakened, the body will return to its perfect state after awakening.

Broken limbs regenerate and diseases disappear.

Every awakened person will become a perfect warrior.

Not only that, your physical fitness will also be enhanced.

With the desire for the power of his past life, Lin An conveniently packed away the remaining potions in the laboratory.

Good things should not be wasted.

In the backpack, the gap that was missing half of the cash was filled with 30 potions.

These potions will be discontinued after the end of the world, and one will be used less.

Acceleration, burst of power, no fear of pain, improved concentration.

In the early stages of the apocalypse, a single potion can even turn the tide of the entire battle.

With these potions, he was even more certain about his plan.

Lin An walked out of the laboratory with satisfaction, while the intern behind him who was hurriedly loading money lowered his head in fear.

"Keep it secret for three days, and you can tell whoever you want after three days."

After saying a few words, he entered the elevator and turned around.

The two looked at each other from a distance.

The coldness in Lin An's eyes made him shrink back.

What a scary look.


The elevator goes down.

Lin An carefully calculated what supplies he needed to buy, his mind racing rapidly.

Food requires high-calorie canned food.

Be sure to prepare plenty of chocolates and energy bars to take with you.

Due to the powerful strength of the Awakened, the energy consumed is far higher than that of ordinary people.

For water, buying a batch of bottled water is almost enough, but you can add some glucose.

Weapons and crossbows are not necessary.

After awakening the talent, there is no need for such rubbish long-range attacks.

As for thermal weapons.

Firearms are difficult to obtain and take up a lot of time.

give up.

You can get a few more sets of combat uniforms.

High-intensity fighting can easily damage clothes.

As for blast shields and body armor.

Lin An shook his head slightly.

When your physical fitness is several times higher, a body armor is of little use and will only affect your flexibility.


Cold weapons are a good choice.

You can get a few alloy weapons to ensure that you won't face the enemy empty-handed due to curling blades.

After the doomsday broke out, they were suppressed by rules.

The power of any firearms and artillery will be greatly weakened.

And with the exaggerated power of the Awakened, cold weapons are perfect for fighting the enemy.

"Ding, we've arrived on the first floor."

Lin An strode out of the elevator and quickly flipped through the map on his phone.

The eyes are fiery.

"If I remember correctly, there is a key piece of equipment here that can help with awakening!"

This chapter has been completed!
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