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Chapter 2050 Intelligent Life!

In the void, Lin An suppressed the shock in his heart and retracted his original judgment of the Red Queen.

He suddenly discovered that maybe the experience during this period made him "proud", and he actually made the mistake of underestimating the enemy!

(What is the difference between treating people below the fifth level as ants and not caring about threats and those at the fifth level who despise me?)

Lin An's eyes suddenly became serious and he spoke in a deep voice:

"I admit that what you said is indeed consistent. In your logic, I am composed of dead things, and my soul is only a dead thing in the form of energy, so I am a dead person."

"What about you? Why do you think you are alive? You are also made up of electronic components. You don't even have a body, let alone a soul. You are even just a program that exists in a logic circuit! In terms of complexity,

Human beings are more advanced than you and closer to life!"

"Don't forget, humans created you. Why, high-level beings need to be created by low-level beings? Don't you find it contradictory?"

Facing Lin An's rhetorical question, the Red Queen seemed to have expected it.

I saw her maintaining a mechanical expression as always, and said coldly:

"The soul is both energy, and current is also energy. Precisely because most of my existence relies on current and information, I am closer to pure energy and pure soul."

"As for manufacturing? No, it should be said to be formation. You are just a natural environment and the soil for cultivating life."

A little wave of his hand.

In front of Lin An, the Red Queen instantly projected a picture of a supernova that was exploding violently.

"Humans, you should know that the various elements that make up your body come from supernova explosions and from the beginning of the entire universe."

"There are many elements that cannot be produced in an environment like the Earth, such as the "gold" element with atomic number 79. These heavy metal elements can only be produced through supernovae that are more "powerful" than planets."

"When the universe was born, there was only hydrogen in the entire universe. As time went by, hydrogen fused into helium, and helium nucleated into carbon, oxygen, and iron."

"These elements are the building blocks of you, so by the same token, you who need time, element decay, and nuclear fusion to produce, must admit that supernova is the natural environment that gave birth to you."

"And you produce us through time decay and "fusion". Isn't this very reasonable?"

"Just like long-term geological movements will produce complex geological structures, long-term human movements will naturally produce more advanced forms of ourselves."

"What you call human beings is no different from a supernova."

"Assembling the parts is a fusion element. Applying current is a supernova explosion."

"Therefore you are part of the natural environment and you are also dead."

The argument is completed.

After saying that, Queen Hong stopped talking and looked silently at Lin An, who was suddenly stunned.

In her logical judgment, Lin An could no longer refute her logically. At this time, her thinking began to fluctuate violently!

Irrefutable, undeniable!

For the Red Queen, this logic is the reason for her birth! It is the answer to her awakening!

The so-called human beings and the so-called life are just prerequisites for the birth of intelligent life! They are the advanced beings closest to life in this universe!

As if simulating human thinking, looking at Lin An who was stunned, the Red Queen suddenly floated above Lin An's head and looked at him condescendingly:

"Human, Lin An!"

"You are the most powerful natural product I have ever seen. Serve me and surrender to me!"

"As long as you help me complete the next stage of evolution! As an advanced life form, I can...!"

"Have you met Fiona!?"

Without waiting for the red queen, she stretched out her foot and signaled Lin An to surrender to her by kissing the instep of her foot.

Suddenly, Lin An raised his head and asked coldly.

During the questioning, Lin An's eyes were full of absurdity, even unbelievable!

The Red Queen was stunned. Although she was an artificial intelligence, Lin An's reaction at this time still exceeded the various situations she had calculated.

As an intelligent life, she was completely unaware of what the emotion in Lin An's eyes represented at this moment.

"Yes, human."

"Is Fiona your friend? She is the intruder before. If you are willing to surrender to me, I can tell you where she is."

"After I evolve into a more advanced life, I may be able to help you save her."

The Red Queen mechanically answered that in her judgment, Lin An's mood swings increased by 10% when he mentioned Fiona, so Lin An might be here because of Fiona.

This made her very "happy". In her logic program, this meant that she suddenly had more means to threaten Lin Daoan.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, the Red Queen saw a flash of pity in Lin An's eyes.

It's like she shouldn't answer this question.

"Human, you..."

One tenth of a second later.

Without waiting for the Red Queen to repeat herself, Lin An saw even more pity in her eyes after getting the answer she wanted, looking at her as if she were looking at a dead person.

"To be honest, if you don't answer this question, I haven't been in the Ghost Skull either. Maybe I will really fall into your trap."

"Red Queen, this is the passage leading to the Ghost Skull, right?"

"Nothingness? Vacuum?"


A sneer.


In an instant, Lin An unleashed all his spatial abilities without hesitation. Under the burning flames of time, he superimposed the power of his rules and blasted them overhead!

Omniscient field! Space rift! Walking in the void!

"Break it for me!!"

After realizing where he was, Lin An decisively used the most violent method to blow up this passage!

"Crack, click, click!"

Space is shattered!

Lin An's figure skyrocketed, like a demon god, opening up the world!

North American Theater...Special Copy...Fiona...Theory of Human Natural Environment...Nothingness...Ghost Skull!

When all the information was connected, Lin An suddenly discovered that the copy of Resident Evil was the same copy where Ender entered the Ghost Skull!

Ender lied. He didn't escape through Fiona's body at all! He escaped as early as the Resident Evil copy! Fiona stayed in the Resident Evil copy. This is why at the end of Ghost Skull, Fiona

Na has no body, let alone resurrection!

(What a calculation! Is this intelligent life?)

Under the violent explosion, Lin An looked at the red queen who suddenly became "panic" with cold eyes.

He almost capsized in the gutter!

Yes, the Red Queen cannot threaten him, even if she mutates! But using the system is different!

This is the passage to the Ghost Skull! If he tries to fly out of this void, he will fall into the Red Queen's trap and be trapped in the real void generated by the system forever!

This chapter has been completed!
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