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Chapter 2085: Seize the opportunity


Listening to the mechanical sound that was completely different from the system prompts, Lin An looked solemn and instantly looked up to the sky.

I saw a ten-thousand-meter-long light curtain pouring down like a waterfall. Along with violent space fluctuations, a space-time portal as high as the starry sky and as wide as a galaxy opened instantly.

Around the light gate, dots of starlight fell like tassels, and the energy contained in them made even Lin An couldn't help but change his expression and feel shocked in his heart.

In his perception, this light door is purely composed of massive spiritual energy and the power of rules, like a galaxy flowing backward!

Its energy was so vast that it even affected the movement of the surrounding stars. It was like the slow clock effect caused by a supermassive star. For a moment, Lin An only felt that his movements and thinking were slowed down.

(No wonder the Creators Alliance is so proud when they say they are qualified to participate...!)

(Just opening this door is not something ordinary civilization can do!)

Taking a deep breath, Lin An's eyes flashed with silver light, and he resisted the idea of ​​launching an analysis of the omniscient field.

With such an exaggerated energy consumption, the effect must be astonishing!

Lin An had no doubt that the amount of energy required to open this light door would require draining a star.

Combined with the special mechanical sound just now, Lin An suddenly thought of something very interesting.

(77 said that Star Wars is essentially a dead dungeon scene.)

(So... the Star Alliance actually controls part of the system permissions? No, it should be said to control some special permission mechanism! Is it similar to the control system in a copy?)

Lin An was not given much time to think.

As the light gate was completely opened, a fifth-level middle-aged creator with Lin An suddenly turned back to look at him and shouted coldly:

"Why are you still standing there!?"

"Hurry, everyone follow Her Highness Kallen and seize a favorable position!"

"Remember, the glory of Your Highness Kallen is everything in your life!"

As soon as the words fell, the fifth-level man suddenly burst out with a ball of spiritual energy, and without hesitation he rushed towards the light door:

"Your Highness Karen, we will open the way for you!"

Looking at the seventh and eighth fifth-level teams rushing out from all directions at the same time, Lin An discovered that after the light gate was unfolded, the closer the space to the light gate, the greater the resistance.

Each of these fifth-level path-openers seemed to be flying in glue, and the constantly flashing psychic shields used their own power to carve out a passage.

Lin An was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized what was going on.

These resistances cannot be broken through unless they are of the fifth level.

Obviously, after the Star Gate is unfolded, the surrounding space pressure is used to screen out individuals below the fifth level.

And these fifth-level road openings are to open the way for the war slaves who cannot pass, so that various seeds can be brought into them.

(Is this considered exploiting a loophole? But everyone seems to be doing this, so it’s no wonder Kallen questioned Qing Kai.)

(Bringing war slaves in requires a price. War slaves with low strength may not even be brought in.)

A strange color flashed in Lin An's eyes. After a slight nod, he led the team members to follow Kallen. Anyway, someone was opening the way, so he could save some psychic energy.

Noticing that the fifth-level openers were all accelerating desperately, Lin An was curious as to why they were competing for position.


"Quick, follow up!"

"After entering, follow the command of Her Highness Kallen. If you are scattered after entering, your mission is to join up with Her Highness Kallen first at all costs!"

With a serious look on his face, while he was struggling to open up a route for Lin An and the fourth level, a man who was also a seed and had a lower status than Kallen at the top of the battle star suddenly turned his head and shouted at Lin An.

As if he had thought of something, the war star wearing light red armor looked behind him threateningly:

"I'm warning you, kid!"

"For the sake of your usefulness, His Highness is willing to take your useless tribesmen in, but he is responsible for life and death and must not drag us down!"

"Not only that, you must take His Highness Kallen as your highest goal. Once it is discovered that you have delayed His Highness because of your tribe's affairs, it will be a capital crime! You will die and your civilization will be destroyed!"

Without concealing his murderous intent, the peak war star tapped Lin An's chest after speaking, completely ignoring the ugly expressions on Gao Tian and others' faces.

The weak have no human rights, especially war slaves!

Lin An didn't pay attention to the threat from the other party, but Jiang Haochen and others were all worried at this time.

"Lin An (Brother Lin)!?"

"What should we do after we get in? Do we really have to follow them? There are so many fifth-level civilizations! Hundreds of thousands of civilizations are participating. This is too scary!"

Unable to hold back the horror in his heart, Jiang Haochen couldn't help but rush to bully him in his chest, staring intently at the fifth-level teams rushing into the light gate from all directions.

Although Lin An had already vaccinated him and told them that Xingyao would not be easy this time.

But..fuck it!

There are hundreds of thousands of civilizations. If each civilization were calculated on the scale of the creator, wouldn't it mean that there are millions of level 5 melee fighting!?

Including the war slaves brought in...!

Just thinking about it made them dizzy and couldn't imagine what a horrific scene it was!

And Lin An... even wants to...!

"Don't worry about them, don't worry. I'm confident enough in the first stage. Just protect yourselves as much as possible. Leave the rest to me!"

Lin An confidently reassured everyone, and after speaking resolutely, he sensed two teams that were faster than them suddenly approaching.

"Your Highness Kallen, is this the war slave you brought?"

"Haha, I didn't expect that as a descendant of the red armor, I would be so shabby, and I couldn't even find the peak of the fourth level."

"Bringing this garbage in, why, are you going to give us extra points?"

The voice was thick and deep, and a fifth-level seed wearing orange battle armor and whose strength was at the peak of the battle star chuckled and roared.

His status was similar to Kallen's, but his identity was different. Seeing that the few fifth-level people responsible for opening the way for Kallen were already struggling, he noticed the problem at a glance.

Entering with a bunch of mid-level and high-level fourth-level rubbish? It’s so stupid!

Listening to the taunts from other seeds, everyone on Kallen's side looked angry, especially for Kallen's followers, this was undoubtedly an insult to their master!

"Cheng Kai, just take care of yourself! You don't have to worry about who I bring in!"

Kallen yelled back angrily with a cold voice, not wanting to expose Lin An as a matter of flesh and blood.

Yes, although the strength of the clan members brought by her new war slave is too low, Lin An alone can match more than a dozen of the Four Peaks! Therefore, she is too lazy to pay attention to the orange armor!

However, in the face of Kallen's avoidance, the orange armor, which was huge and seemed to be of the flesh and followed the rules, thought that Kallen had bowed its head.

I only heard another group of small teams gathering from the left and flying in to encircle them. At this time, they said indifferently:

"Don't we need to worry?"

"Karen, after all, we belong to the same civilization. The people you brought are so weak, they will definitely affect us."

"What Cheng Kai said is right. If you are here to make points, then hand over the war slave after you enter. Maybe we can still take care of you. Otherwise, don't blame us for giving up on you!"

"According to the news I just received, there are at least eight top-level civilizations participating in the Battle Star Battlefield this time! The battle stars they sent are all cultivated above the seventh level!"

"The alliance's basic ranking this time has dropped to the 160,000th place!"

"You know, there were more than 90,000 people before we entered last time!"

Facing the unabashed threats from both parties, Karen's expression became colder and she remained silent.

She knew that the difficulty of this battlefield was the highest in history, so she was angry at the beginning that the battle slaves brought by Qingkai were so weak!

Not only that, although she is one of the top red-armored descendants in the alliance, their status in the internal battles has long been inferior to what it used to be. Taking the risk to participate in the Battle of Star Glory with her real body is to revive the Red Army.

The prestige of the armor series!

Within a thousand, as long as they rush into a thousand, the alliance will re-evaluate their value!

This chapter has been completed!
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