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Chapter 2101 The Ascended God

Every piece of debris exudes strong energy fluctuations.

Its energy level is so high that it is like a living creature, constantly swimming and trembling, making strange stirring sounds.

Seeing the dense fragments in front of him, no, it should be said to be corpses, Lin An's expression changed slightly, and he subconsciously clenched the long sword in his hand.

A few seconds later, as he got closer to the corpse, Lin An's expression became even more ugly.

Hands, feet, legs, only half of the head with an open mouth, and even a spine that could not be seen from any creature, dragging the brain floating around.

At a glance, it seems like you are in the ocean, and these corpses that still contain powerful power are swimming on the bottom of the sea.

If you look at it from a distance, it will still feel dazzling because of the light of spiritual energy. But if you look at it up close, it will make people's hair stand on end and their spirits will be greatly affected!

"The predecessors of these corpses are at least above the level of Star Destroyer...!"

Taking a deep breath, Lin An carefully bypassed the intestine that was the largest distance from him.

I saw this cyan intestine wrapped around a severed hand, twisting like a sea snake under the regular collision with the surrounding stumps.

The power of rules remaining inside it is even more weird. Whenever this intestine is close to a certain corpse, its interior will bulge out of thin air, and then quickly deflate, spewing out a burst of corrosive energy.

It is hard to imagine what abilities the owner of this intestine possessed during his lifetime.

So that after its death, the remaining digestive organs can still keep functioning and continue to digest flesh and blood.

"This intestine should be from the meat system. I just don't know if it is Broken Star or Level 6?"

"That finger should be a death star. With only one finger left, it can still continuously cut through space with its fingertips."

Perhaps it was because these corpses were so powerful during their lifetime that even if they were dead, their remaining corpses still contained the power they had during their lifetimes.

With a large amount of regular spiritual energy superimposed and overflowing, the entire underground tunnel is like a ghost. Countless resentments and anger before death have vaguely formed a memetic-like existence.

Screams, wails, roars that came to an abrupt end.

Lin An had no doubt that if an ordinary fourth-level person were allowed to enter here, he would probably go crazy within a few seconds and would be unable to withstand the mental attack brought by these corpses.

"What the hell is going on here..."

"Isn't the Eternal Summit a battle star battlefield? Is it possible that this place is the same as the star battlefield? It was formerly the location of a powerful civilization?"

"But if that's the case, the types of corpses don't seem to belong to the same civilization..."

Can't understand what is going on.

After careful observation, Lin An keenly noticed that these body parts were too fragmentary. If hundreds of body parts were added together, it would be impossible to form a complete body. Obviously, these were man-made traces.

Looking at the broken arm in front of him, a scene of a slaughterhouse suddenly appeared in Lin An's mind.

"These stumps were definitely not broken here."

"This is not a place of death, but more like a garbage dump for discarding scraps after the fifth level of slaughter in a slaughterhouse...!"

Unable to imagine why this happened, Lin An's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he subconsciously thought of the Star Alliance.


"The so-called Star Yao War is not only harvesting the elites of various civilizations, but also collecting the corpses of their strong men?"

"If that's really the case..."

, unlike before he first entered, he had a good impression of the Star Alliance, Lin An suddenly realized that this mysterious civilization that seemed powerful but was keen on selecting seeds was far from being as simple as it appeared.

Suppressing the speculation in his heart, Lin An didn't want to think too much.

He had no time to care about what secrets were hidden behind this and what the Star Alliance was hiding.

The top priority is to get that artifact!


Flying silently, like a foreign ball, constantly swimming at high speed in the sea of ​​corpses.

In what seemed like endless silence, Lin An didn't know how far he had flown.

It was still a sea of ​​corpses with no end in sight.

Lin An felt heavy in his heart, and then he understood why No. 77 said that he might not be able to get the things in time.

Obviously, the corpses of these powerful men have formed an obstacle. Even in the depths of the passage, the number of corpses will only increase. It is difficult to say whether there will be extremely special and strange existences.

Don't dare to waste too much time, and don't touch the corpse.

In Lin An's perception, there were many corpses fluctuating regularly, like out-of-control stars, radiating attacks in all directions crazily.

Although he is strong enough, he will have to face the contamination of these things in the remaining 9 days, so Lin An has to treat it carefully. Fortunately, he exchanged enough potions, otherwise Lin An would doubt that he was halfway there

At that time, he himself was polluted to the point of mental collapse.


Fifteen minutes later.

"Hey, battlefield announcement: All contestants have entered the Eternal Summit."

"This competition officially begins! In ten seconds, the battlefield rankings will be updated in real time, and the personal and civilization rankings will be released!"

"The current number of remaining participants: 1178199!"


The announcement is repeated.

As the last announcement ended, a fully opened ranking screen suddenly appeared in front of Lin An's eyes.

After a quick glance, Lin An didn't care about anything.

Whether in personal rankings or civilization rankings, he and the Creator Alliance are ranked at the bottom.

Especially in the Creator League, the ranking is actually much lower than when we entered.

The only one ranked higher is Zhang Tie.

After gaining a lot of points through self-destruction and over-level kills, at this stage, he actually broke into the 100,000th place.

Although this ranking was easily surpassed by the top battle stars who entered later, Xiong Hanzi's fourth-level mark actually attracted the attention of a small number of civilizations in the outside world at this time.


Green armor.


"Lin An..."

"Where is that bastard ranked? Damn it, why doesn't this ranking even have a search function!?"

In the Outer Domain of the Creator Alliance, following a fifth-level team on a mission, Qing Kai anxiously checked the Star Glory rankings while taking advantage of the break in the voyage.

If apart from the senior officials of Long An on Earth who are worried about Lin An and others at the moment, then the person who is most worried is probably him.

Although he was extremely hostile to Lin An, Qingkai also understood that Lin An's strength was quite acceptable, stronger than many fifth-level ones.

Therefore, since Lin An entered Xingyao, he couldn't help but refresh the ranking every few minutes to check Lin An's performance.

It's hard to say what he wanted to see.

He hoped that Lin An would perform well and get more rewards, and maybe they would all be his.

He also hoped that the little bastard would be embarrassed inside and understand how weak he was and how vulnerable he was to the fifth level.

However, after repeated inspections, a strange feeling suddenly arose in Qingkai's heart.

"This kid actually got 15 points? On the contrary, the fourth level he brought in got nearly 40 points!?"

"Is it possible that the strongest one is actually the bear?"

"That's not right. Why don't Karen and the others have any?"

Qing Kai frowned and couldn't figure out what was going on.

According to the rules of Star Glory, there are too many possibilities for Lin An to get points, but the biggest possibility is to kill a group of fourth-level war slaves, or a fifth-level one.

This is not surprising, as long as he bumps into any team, that kid can do it with his strength.

Having no impression of Xiong Hanzi, what Qingkai couldn't figure out the most was Zhang Tie.

"Thirty-seven points. If you kill the fifth-level people who entered virtually, you have to kill six fifth-level ones, plus seven fourth-level ones."

"It's impossible. This is almost like one person destroying a team. Even that kid Lin An can't do it. If they are all level 4, that would be too many. Which civilization would let its slaves be killed in vain?


"Not only that, but what about Kallen and the others? There's no way they're not participating in the battle, right?"

Fifteen o'clock, thirty o'clock, seventy o'clock, two hundred o'clock.

These four numbers are the dividing line between the four levels. According to the rules of the Star Battlefield, these four numbers represent different levels of intensity.

At fifteen o'clock, a single fifth-level person with several war slaves is the easiest battle to break out.

Thirty points can only be obtained by the strongest of the two teams when two teams fight. Seventy points and two hundred points mean that a single person has the combat power to defeat other civilized teams, which belongs to the top fifth level!

At the same time, there are many civilizations who are as confused as Qingkai.

On a huge green planet that was a thousand times the size of the Earth, a metal creation that looked like a dragon's nest covered almost the entire hemisphere.

Inside the huge metal ball in the center, more than thirty two-headed creatures of various colors are communicating.

"Have you collected it?"

"How many people have ascended to the fourth level this time? What is our current ranking?"

The voices came one after the other, and before and after a sentence, two heads were connected at the same time.

If Lin An were present, he would probably be able to recognize at a glance that this two-headed creature is from the Chimera clan. It's just that the talking head is much more powerful than the Chimera Emperor, and the other head doesn't even need to rest.

"Your Majesty, our ranking is currently around 93,000. After data comparison, we have locked in 2,300 people who have ascended to the gods."

"Among those who have ascended to the gods, we are in the middle, with current points of 29 points. The highest point is currently that of the Space Walkers, whose points have almost exceeded 100 points."

The half-red and half-blue chimera responded respectfully.

The so-called god climbers are the fourth-level pinnacles deliberately cultivated by some powerful civilizations. Since most civilizations know that the lower the level, the better the mission rewards. Naturally, many civilizations cultivate seeds with strong combat power at low levels.

These seeds will stay below the fifth level as much as possible, and then continue to enter difficult tasks, bringing rich rewards to the civilization. High-intensity fighting and combat experience far exceeding the same level also make these seeds extremely suitable for performing tasks.

With low resource consumption and huge benefits, some fourth-level seeds selected to go to scenes with ultra-high rewards are called god-goers.

Especially the fourth level prepared for the Battle of Stars perfectly interprets this title.

As a fourth-level person, enter the fifth-level battlefield to fight! Finally, relying on rewards, you can break through the fifth level in one fell swoop and gain powerful combat power! Become a god in one step!

Regardless of the difference in strength, compared to the difficulty of obtaining points at level 5, it is easier to accumulate points at level 4 with rewards for over-level kills.

"Almost over 100?"

The Chimera Emperor, who was called His Majesty, looked at the ranking with some surprise, but he quickly didn't care.

"Space Walker? Although their alliance is only slightly stronger than our natural alliance, their abilities are indeed very suitable for the battlefield."

"Oh, it seems that they only sent a small number of fifth-level protectors in, blocking the entry sequence, and started hunting other civilizations as soon as they entered."

"It doesn't matter, I believe we can catch up soon."

The Chimera Emperor was not surprised to see through the Space Walker's strategy at a glance.

The Space Walker civilization is extremely good at space rules and naturally has an advantage in super-large battlefields. However, this is only at the beginning. As a large number of fifth-level civilizations gather at the Summit of Eternity, that is the time when combat effectiveness can be best demonstrated.

You can only run, but you won't get many points! Especially those awakened by the rules of space, they are the type that all civilizations give priority to killing!

"What your Majesty said is absolutely true."

"We, the Chimera clan, have four rules. When it comes to fighting, we still have a huge advantage!"

"Especially since the Nature Alliance has redeemed three bottles of potions for our Ascended Gods this time, I believe that with so much investment, Chias will definitely be able to break into the ranks of less than 500! There may even be hope within the ranks of 100!"

Three hundred points may sound like a small amount, but for the top management who need to maintain the operation of the entire alliance and delay the progress of the doomsday, this is already a painful number for them.

Too much investment is required, especially when the top layer needs to consume nearly 99% of the resources to maintain combat power. The stronger the alliance, the fewer resources can be invested in the bottom layer.

Therefore, an investment of 300 points is considered a risk among fourth-level divine climbers, and is rare.

Strictly speaking, it is even related to Lin An.

"Hundreds? Maybe..."

The Chimera Emperor shook his head and looked at the ascendant who was ranked last on the list.

"There are four rules at the fourth level. This talent may be considered powerful among most races, but it is really incomparable among those inherently perverted civilizations."

"The corpse caller civilization, they can temporarily resurrect dead level 5s to fight for them. In the later stages of the battlefield, they can almost summon hundreds of level 5s to fight for them. With this kind of ability, who can beat level 4? Let alone

Said their fifth-level protector is even more disgusting."

"The star god civilization can absorb matter after entering the battlefield and strengthen itself into a star body. As long as it hides in a corner and develops, in the later stage, all members will directly transform into celestial bodies, and their combat power will directly exceed the battle star level!"

"The mechanical Zerg can reproduce at a high speed on the battlefield. If no one stops them, they can even pull out an army on the battlefield. But fortunately, the corpse callers will snatch the corpses from them."

"There are also prayers, which can summon powers from outside during battle. These lunatics are almost cheating."

"Of course, there is also the most disgusting flesh system. Those are extremely difficult to kill individually. Fortunately, they don't often form teams."


The more he spoke, the more he sighed. There are so many special civilized races in the entire apocalyptic universe, so many that the Chimera Emperor doesn't even know what kind of monsters will appear in this battle of Star Glory.

For example, the fourth-level human named "Zhang Tie" ranked very close to them.

Just by looking at the points, you can tell that he is a person who ascended to the gods of a certain civilization.

"Your Majesty, there is nothing we can do about this. If our last mission to the stars had yielded results, we may be able to place more bets on the divine climbers we sent this time."

"Speaking of which, I remembered..."

The sound stopped suddenly.

Inexplicably, the entire giant ball suddenly fell silent, as if the chimera's words reminded all the dragons present of bad memories.

Especially in the corner, there was a red and green two-headed chimera. At this time, its expression changed, as if it had thought of something.

"Lin An?"

"You want to talk about the monster Candice encountered?"

The Chimera Emperor spoke the name out of his mouth in a cold voice. To be honest, before Candice returned, he never thought that a fourth-level person would shock him so much that he would suspect Candice of lying.

Why did they invest so much in this battle to ascend to the gods? Just because the entire Death Spiral Galaxy heard an extremely incredible rumor!

In the battlefield of stars, there was a fourth-level insect who killed thousands of fifth-level bugs! He even detonated the battlefield, triggering the Supervisor War! Countless galaxies were affected and destroyed!

The fourth level can actually be so powerful! If they can also cultivate such a fourth level...

Suppressing the distracting thoughts in his heart, the Chimera Emperor subconsciously glanced at the found Ascendant.

Soon, he took a clear breath and shook his head with complicated eyes.

There is no Lin An.

Among the four levels that were selected to meet the conditions, he didn't see that name.

After thinking about it, it is impossible for such a perverted guy to not attract attention after entering Xingyao. He is ranked at the top.

This chapter has been completed!
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