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Chapter 211 Ghost Baby

The man in military uniform switched to his left hand, adjusted his glasses, and nodded:

"You should be lucky that the ghost baby you encountered was just a basic supernatural event."

"If it is a highly difficult supernatural incident, they will complete the cleaning steps in an instant."

"In order to prevent players from having the courage to fight against them, the system deliberately shapes them into terrifying and unknown existences in human cognition."

"The purpose is to limit human thinking and not dare to face them."

"This is why such supernatural events usually appear in extremely terrifying forms."

"If human beings cannot maintain their rationality in the face of fear, they will...


After the man finished speaking, he stopped narrating and turned to look at the ghost baby in Zhang Tie's hand.

Lin An's eyes flashed, and the man's words revealed a lot of information.

The strange man in front of me seems to have many secrets hidden in him.

However, the top priority is to solve the supernatural incident first.

Lin An tentatively stated his new solution, although the man in military uniform probably also used this method.

"So, the solution to the ghost baby incident is very simple."

"Actually, the idea is very close to what I originally thought, but I didn't think about it deeply."

"What I first thought was:"

"As long as you see the missing person, the closed loop of murder can be broken."

"However, at that time, I thought that all the missing people were dead. After seeing the bodies, it doesn't make much sense to break up."

"There is no point in trying to solve the problem after everyone is dead."

"I just gave up on this idea."

"But now it's different."

"We put the head on the ghost baby, and everyone came back alive. Although the ghost baby has not been solved, it essentially has no impact on us."

"I have released my companions, and they have not disappeared until now."

"So, in essence, has the disappearance process been blocked?"

"In other words, the ghost infant is no longer a threat to us."

"The worst I can do is not remove its head and keep it in this state."

"In this way, it is actually equivalent to trapping its ability to kill."

"You are stationed here because you are worried about someone sabotaging it or the ghost baby running away on its own, right?"

The man in military uniform in the corner was silent, repairing his arm stiffly, as if in acquiescence.

Lin An breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little helpless.

The man did not refute himself, indicating that this is the solution.

After working on it for a long time, it turned out that it was so simple.

As a low-level supernatural event, the method used by ghost babies to kill people is mechanical and rigid.

It must throw the missing person into the "stomach space", complete the first stage of disappearance, and then completely kill the player character in the stomach space.

But as long as you put it back, this thing will think that there is still a space to store the missing person.

Once a person is released, he will not die.

Thus interrupting its killing process...

All in all, as long as the head is installed, the problem can be completely solved.

The remaining problem is how to protect the ghost baby so that its head does not fall off.

It's like a landmine that presses the button and won't explode until you let go.

So the man in military uniform only stopped himself when he was reenacting childbirth.

From then on, I never cared about time or worried about the ghost baby.

Because, the problem of ghost babies has been solved.

Lin An also realized this, so he didn't explain anything to others.

However, there were still a few details that Lin An couldn't help but want to ask:

"I want to know, why don't you take the ghost baby and evacuate to a safe place?"

"Also, how did you survive when the zombies attacked the camp?"

“Why is this classroom covered with black paper?”

“What’s the purpose of the paper money on the ground?”

"Why is the ghost baby's head in the woman's throat? Why do you want to remove the head again?"

"and who are you?"

Six consecutive questions, each one full of doubts.

Although the man in military uniform showed no hostility, Lin An never let down his guard.

After hearing this, the man slowly raised his head and gave up repairing his arm:

"I will tell you all your questions."


"My silence just now does not mean that your statement is correct."

"But waiting for it to come back..."

Lin An was shocked when he heard this, and everyone who was originally relaxed instantly straightened up.

Isn’t it still wrong!?

Who are you waiting for to come back!?

The man in military uniform stood up straight unsteadily and looked at the window:

"This is indeed how the ghost baby incident was resolved from the very beginning, and this is what we did."

"But it's different now."

"It mutated..."


As soon as the man finished speaking, the ghost baby Zhang Tie was holding suddenly started crying sharply.

The man in military uniform in the corner slowly turned his head and looked behind Wen Ya.

"Lin An, you seem to have forgotten one thing."

"You should...have seen the second ghost baby."

"It has no head."

"And, it was born..."

A weird atmosphere filled the air.

Biting cold.

Lin An's pupils suddenly shrank.

He remembered.

Mo Ling gave him a headless baby at that time!

And that headless ghost baby was thrown out of the car by him!

With a chill in their hearts, several people in the room thought of this at the same time.

Lin An forced himself to calm down and stared at the man in the darkness:

"How did you know I had seen it?"

"Who are you waiting for!?"

"Also, if that one is really a ghost baby, then why does the disappearance disappear after I put on its head!?"

The man was silent for a moment, then mechanically raised his arm and pointed out the window:

"It's coming."


The window was broken, and the shattered glass shards reflected Wen Ya's incredible eyes in the dim light.

Outside the window, downstairs, and the school gate.

In heavy rain.

The girl in a blue coat slowly raised her head and looked towards the third floor.

it is!?

The moment everyone saw the girl clearly, the man in the corner suddenly turned around and pointed at Wen Ya:

"Kill her, chop off her head."


The voice was cold and devoid of any emotion.

Lin An turned his head with difficulty and looked at the sleeping girl behind Wen Ya.

Thunder flashed from the dark clouds, briefly illuminating the room.

It also illuminated Mo Ling's blue denim jacket...

This chapter has been completed!
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