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Chapter 2136 Battle to the Summit 20

"Very well, keep reporting. I will pay attention here, and I will project it myself when necessary."

"Yes! Commander!"

Among the team, the Star Destroyer who was leading the team was extremely surprised to hear that Black Flame attached so much importance to this operation.

In the eyes of star-destroying stars like them, let alone paying attention to this place as Black Flame, even if they come here, they think it is a trivial matter.

An abandoned experimental site, a barbaric place, to put it harshly, a few war stars can destroy it.

(It seems like the commander really cares about this...)

I dare not pay attention to it anymore.

Looking at the old products that were clearly in motion in front of him, Chi Kai did not dare to go against Black Flame's wishes and hurriedly scolded the team members who were about to take action.

"Everyone stop! We will take this thing away last!"

After the words fell, several war stars who had been preparing to destroy the device suddenly turned their heads in shock.

"Lord Chikai, do you need to take away a device of this level? Although it is bigger, it is completely worthless...and..."

"Stop talking nonsense! This is the commander's order!"

Before the team members could finish speaking, Chi Kai's expression turned cold and he shouted angrily.

"Although the device is useless, it cannot be destroyed because it is running! If it attracts the attention of those monkeys, and something goes wrong then, don't blame me for not being able to protect you!"

Hearing the reasons given by Chi Kai, everyone looked strange and felt that his worries were unnecessary.

However, orders are orders, and the entire fleet soon bypassed the sun and headed straight for the earth.

But no one knew that at the moment the fleet left, a thin eye as big as a meteorite appeared silently behind them.




In the quiet space, the dense star chain system is like a swarm, orbiting the earth and the moon at high speed. In the center of the high-speed moving star chain system, red transmission instructions light up one after another.

With each red light, the secret spaceships assembled from the earth emerged one after another and headed straight for the second transfer "pipeline."

It was as if a transport belt had been set up between the moon and Saturn. A few seconds later, the sky above Saturn's rings lit up again to transmit instructions. Soon, simple transport ships flew out again.

After adjusting the attitude and opening the hatch, hundreds of small satellites, only three or four meters in size, floated into the distance one after another as if they were ovulating.


"There is nothing abnormal about the earth and the moon, the transmission was successful."

"There is no abnormality in the Kuiper belt, and the God Eye system is being deployed..."

"The No. 320 deep space explorer has entered the predetermined orbit, and the Divine Eye system has begun to be formed... The current progress is 0.021%..."


In the core space station, Deng Xiang was bored and switched his perspective from side to side.

Although due to the propagation speed of electromagnetic signals, the switching was somewhat laggy. But this did not prevent him from seeing half of the solar system in less than two seconds.

Looking at the sporadic, light red threads on the star map, Deng Xiang sighed secretly, but his eyes were still looking forward to the day when the entire star map would turn red.

The Divine Eye Plan is an early warning plan proposed by Ling'an.

It aims to launch 230 million satellites in the solar system to monitor anomalies within 0.1 light-years inside and outside the solar system. Such a hugely expensive plan was rejected when it was conceived, but with the advent of the first Creator Alliance, this plan quickly

Then it was put on the agenda by Shenting.

Perhaps the Divine Eye system cannot stop any enemy, and even when facing a powerful enemy, the warning time it can buy for the earth is only a few minutes or seconds.

But even if it is just to increase a glimmer of hope, human beings are willing to do whatever it takes. Not only Lin An is working hard for the earth, but everyone on this blue planet is fighting for it.

"If there are more fifth-level ones, or if the Department of Psychic Energy researches some new technologies, maybe it can be built next year."

"I don't know if I can control so many satellites by then. Hey...how can I improve my strength..."

After withdrawing his thoughts, Deng Xiang looked at his virtual image helplessly.

Although his body on earth was well protected, he felt more and more uncomfortable as he watched his former companions become fourth-level people, and after surpassing him one after another, they were still only first-level ones.

It's hard to imagine that those guys were afraid of breaking his body when they moved him.

Deng Xiang thought about it more than once, it would be great if he could also upgrade.

These detection satellites that were launched into the solar system in large numbers are like his hands, feet, and his eyes. When billions of satellites fill the entire solar system, maybe he will have his own way to protect everyone.

"Deng Xiang, do you need me to monitor the direction of Saturn?"

I wonder if he noticed that Deng Xiang was in a bad mood. In the space station, Xuan Haicheng, who was floating like a ghost, couldn't help but smile honestly and planned to let Deng Xiang rest for a while.

After hearing Lao Xuan's kindness, Deng Xiang became even more helpless.

"I say Lao Xuan, you can just watch and play if you have nothing to do. Now there are hundreds of thousands of monitoring information every second. By the time you read it through, everyone will have it in your face!"

Xuan Haicheng's biggest role is to accompany him to relieve his boredom. Although it is sometimes annoying, Deng Xiang really thinks so.

Of course, according to what Ling'an said, Lao Xuan could send back information under any extreme circumstances. However, he didn't think this was of any use.

If an enemy really appears in front of him in an instant, he can instantly destroy communication satellites thousands of kilometers around him.

Facing an enemy of this level, it would be meaningless for Lao Xuan to issue a warning.

Listening to Deng Xiang's helpless tone, Xuan Haicheng was not angry, he just smiled and turned to look at his surveillance screen seriously.

Although the space station is extremely far away from the earth, and he cannot control any instruments with his hands and feet and cannot adjust the lens, but every 12 hours, he can see the continent where Xuan Ziyi is located from the angle of passing the earth.

Recalling the memories with Ziyi before the end is his greatest pleasure.

"I don't know how Ziyi is doing in the restricted area...the monsters who moved there, but..."


At that moment, Xuan Haicheng wanted to turn around and ask Deng Xiang how the construction of the restricted area was going.

A dazzling fireball instantly illuminated the entire space station, no... the entire space!

In less than a tenth of a second, a regular light explosion that was a thousand meters long destroyed everything around it at almost the speed of light!

Hundreds of satellites were melted at the same time, and in the endless white flames, the chip board carrying Deng Xiang was melted together. The speed was so fast that even Deng Xiang had no time to switch back to himself!

"Deng...Deng Xiang!!?"

no no..!

In the sea of ​​​​fire that reached tens of thousands of degrees, Xuan Haicheng's face changed drastically. He was so filled with panic and sadness that he almost couldn't believe what he was seeing!

Enemy attack!! It’s an enemy attack!!


One second later.

The light slowly disappeared.

One after another, silver-white warships with a length of 10,000 meters seemed to emerge from the void, taking off their camouflage.



Go and send the message back!!

Exposed to the vast whiteness and deep darkness of the sky, Xuan Haicheng ran away like crazy, as if a blue ghost desperately shuttled through the flames.

As a condensed matter, he was not harmed in any way, but similarly, he could only watch everything happen!

The only thing he can do now is to rely on his nearly invincible characteristics to escape into the atmosphere of Saturn, and then find an opportunity to dissociate himself and issue a warning! Although he doesn't know what the meaning of doing so is, at this moment, he only knows that he must

Do it!

One second, even one second earlier, might allow more people to hide in the dungeon!

At the same time, hundreds of fifth-level creators flew out of the Liusou silver-white creator battleship.

Daodao made no secret, and was enough to crush any fourth-level aura and twist the sea of ​​fire.

Flying at the front, Chi Kai raised his eyebrows and saw at a glance Xuan Haicheng who was frantically escaping into the atmosphere of Saturn among the large debris.

"not dead?"

"Interesting, what is this? It can actually not be harmed by my rules attack?"

Even though he was a well-informed Star Destroyer, Chikai had never seen anything like this before. For a moment, he also vaguely understood why the Black Flame Commander was so interested in this place.

"Go, you guys try to catch him back. If you can't catch him, you will pay for the mistake you made just now with your life."

With a wave of his arm, Chi Kai ignored the order after giving it.

He could see that although Xuan Haicheng was special, he moved extremely slowly. It would be a fantasy to escape under their noses.

Originally, according to the plan, they were supposed to take action only after flying into the earth's orbit, but they never expected that a battleship made an operational error and accidentally collided with a satellite.

After noticing that these extremely crude, buoy-like satellites were actually trying to sound an alarm, Chikai did not hesitate and asked his men to destroy the place. With the alliance's electromagnetic interference, he believed that even if these monkeys received

Warning signal, no idea what exactly happened.

Of course, he actually didn't care about being exposed.

At this moment, he was looking more curiously at the Earth-Moon system in the distance.

"Lord Chikai, have you seen it?"

"According to the battleship's observations, the energy transmitted by the old devices on the sun should be transmitted to this system."

"What are these monkeys planning to do? Do they want to absorb sunlight?"

Calling up the image of the earth that was magnified ten thousand times, a war star star destroyer respectfully projected the image.

Looking from space, the faith star chain arranged by Lin An is like a halo, lighting up the entire earth. Looking from a distance, there is a strange beauty.

"Maybe they want to make a day walker, right? But with such a primitive device, these monkeys are not afraid of killing themselves."

"But that's right... these monkeys seem to have been genetically modified, so there won't be any problems in a short time?"

Chi Kai nodded, and he probably understood why Hei Yan asked him to capture a group of monkeys. Even such a simple old device can withstand it. These monkeys will probably play a big role when it is rebuilt in the future.

Coupled with the ancient artifacts left here, a visit is indeed necessary.

At this thought, Chi Kai's eyes became a little fiery.

But after thinking for a moment, he issued the order again:

"Let's go first, don't give these monkeys time to react. Be careful, destroy the circle of devices before taking action."

After teleporting and re-preparing, Chi Kai lightly tapped the armor on his body, only intending to finish the battle quickly.

But as soon as the order was given, his deputy Jue Xing, who was following him, frowned and said in confusion:

"Chikai, didn't Master Heiyan say that these devices should be retained? The satellites in the orbit of the planet have obviously been modified. We didn't destroy the ones in front of us, but the ones behind..."

"Prevent loss of control."

Without waiting for the deputy to finish asking, Chi Kai explained casually.

"Jin Kai, you may have little information about the old era. The most primitive version of the old device like this is essentially a virus amplifier."

"We can ignore the source, but the part that connects these monkeys must be destroyed first. Otherwise, these monkeys will easily mutate under extreme panic. You must have heard how the disaster broke out in the past, right?


"Back then, the Sun Walker Legion controlled by those creators was 'scared' by that nightmare creature and lost control."

After a slight pause, Chi Kai shook his head and did not intend to say anything more.

He doesn't care how many humans die on the earth, but it is better for monkeys that can absorb sunlight to die less.

He didn't want those poor monkeys to be frightened and go crazy and turn into monsters when he and others arrived.

A few words determine the fate of the earth.

Soon, this group of more than a hundred fifth-level battleships set off again and headed straight for the earth.


at the same time.

Ling'an New Town, Shenting.

"Deng Xiang!!?"

"Deng Xiang!!?"

"Hurry up and hold him down! Where is the healing system! Hurry up and hold down his injuries!!"


"Warning! Warning!"

"The God Eye system is disconnected and the network is under attack! Information transmission is disconnected!"

"Warning! Please ask the extraterrestrial surveillance department to launch an investigation immediately!"

The piercing sirens sounded one after another.

In the control room in the core area, dozens of third-level surveillance personnel were busy holding down Deng Xiang, who was as big as a shrimp and hunched over in pain.

With his eyes closed tightly, Deng Xiang, whose split consciousness was instantly destroyed, was like a vegetative state. His body was constantly rolled up, and blood was spitting out from his mouth. He had never encountered such a situation, but everyone present realized that it must be

Something destroyed the space station where Deng Xiang was located in a short period of time!

Who are the enemies!? How many are there!? They can't imagine what level of enemies can destroy the entire system in an instant!


The sound of rapid footsteps and howling sounded almost at the same time.

I saw a red figure flying towards me from the fourth level as they hurriedly rushed in.

Facing Ling'an Fourth Level who turned their heads in astonishment, Xuan Ziyi, who was wearing red clothes, no longer had the cold expression before, and her blood-red eyes seemed to be flowing with blood.

Regardless of her special status, Xuan Ziyi rushed to the monitoring director, grabbed the fourth-level man by the collar, and shouted angrily:

"My dad disappeared!!"

"I can't feel his presence anymore!!!"

After the words fell, the faces of everyone who knew what Xuan Haicheng's accident meant all changed drastically. Zhang Yong and others who had just arrived at the door trembled all over and rushed straight to the main control room as if they were crazy.

As the earth's only and last means of warning.

If Xuan Haicheng issues an alarm by self-disintegration, it means that in Xuan Haicheng's judgment, the enemy's strength will reach the highest level! And it will appear on the earth in a very short time!

"At least ten fifth-level people...! According to the alarm regulations, there are only more than ten people..."


"It's a hundred! Moon direction...saw them!"

In the monitoring hall, a fourth-level awakener pointed with trembling fingers at the picture transmitted back by the Earth-Moon System.

I didn't know when, but one silver-white warship had already crushed the space-based system in the lunar orbit, and hundreds of figures that were enough to distort the picture looked at them with a ferocious smile, as if they knew they could see them.

This chapter has been completed!
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