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Chapter 2147 Battle to the Summit 31



Empty, dark.

The Dream Rat, who was fixed in the center of the hollow, was shivering, its small yellow-green eyes looking into the depths of the darkness in horror.

Although it has no brain and has never been injured in this underground space, as the breath continues to get closer, the poor dream rat's head seems to explode.

That is the fear that comes from the bottom of life, from the depths of the soul.

It doesn't know what it is, but every time it comes out, it only dares to hide in its own territory and curl up in a ball. Just like a mouse hiding in the kitchen sewer, it only dares to come out to eat after the thing recedes.

Order leftovers.

In its simple and instinctive consciousness, that thing is the most terrifying nightmare in the world, a death that must never be encountered!

However, facing Meng Shu's pitiful cry, Lin An just gathered a little more of the mental power to bind Meng Shu.

Just like a patient fisherman, he held the dream rat by its tail with one hand and held Cain's Blade behind his back with the other hand, silently sticking it to the rock wall at the extreme distance.

According to the propagation time of the roar, Lin An can accurately calculate the opponent's movement speed.

The speed is not very fast. Around the peak of Battle Star, the buffer time left for him by this distance is about 1.03 seconds.


"6 minutes..."

Breathing ceased, and the heart stopped beating as if dead.

Almost all his biological functions have been reduced to the lowest level. At this time, Lin An is like a corpse, hiding to the limit.

Relying on the double shield of the power of faith and spiritual power, Lin An was confident that even if the star-destroying star passed by him, he would not be able to find any trace of him.

Although he decided to contact the opponent in advance, he could also imagine that the next battle might not be easy.

According to the information given by No. 77, the big eyeball obviously does not want him to meet the opponent when he is "foraging", which is enough to show how terrifying this thing is.

Not impulsive or reckless.

Theoretically speaking, he should indeed follow the arrangement of No. 77 and wait for the food to be eaten. But from the moment he entered the Starfield to now, Lin An had a strong feeling that something had gone beyond the plan.


Not only that, after the Star Alliance suddenly changed the rules, he even noticed that a large number of points were bet on all contestants.

Even his team was inexplicably defeated by a hundred points.

According to the new rules, his original potion advantage will be offset. Although this impact is not big, it will definitely be more tight in terms of time.

"According to Big Eyeball's original plan, I only have less than 12 hours to reach the summit at most. But if I get the artifact in advance, I will have at least 60 hours!"

"Even if there is any sudden change, I still have enough time to buffer..."

Without thinking too much, Lin An continued to adjust his various states to the peak.

In order to avoid distraction, he even took the initiative to turn off the system prompts and put aside the newly added redemption options.

Time passed quickly.

As the dream rat screams and roars, more and more money is coming, as if it has taken over the whole world.

A strong, sweet smell of blood suddenly surged out of the darkness, like a tsunami!


In Lin An's eyes, a flash of silver-blue supreme light suddenly filled his entire eyeballs, and with the detection effect of the omniscient field, his eyes seemed to see through the darkness, and he saw the thing in advance at the limit of his field of vision!

In the winding dark crack, the first thing to stretch out was a blood-red tentacle. At the end of the tentacle, several entangled corpses seemed to be melted and glued together, deformed and stuck together.

With every wave and contraction of the tentacles, the corpse mass at the end shrinks by one point.

Just as Lin An judged, this nightmare-level artifact is alive! It is constantly devouring these corpses!

One! Two! Three!

But in less than half a second, more than six tentacles were like starfish moving on the sea floor, quickly passing through the crack at extremely high speeds.

Two seconds later, as a violent burst of blood spewed out like a storm, Lin An finally saw the true face of this nightmare-level artifact!

This is..?

A heart!?

"Dong dong...dong dong!"

From the center of the tentacle, a dark red heart kept contracting, as if it was still inside the body, constantly pumping blood.

Looking at the strange heart that was more than a hundred meters tall, Lin An, who was hiding in the dark and observing, could not help but feel a ridiculous feeling in his heart. For some reason, he suddenly felt as if he was inside a corpse.

And the thing in front of me is the heart of this body.

Those tentacles are blood vessels, constantly moving through the body following the heart.

Different from the loud noises made when moving, as the distance gets closer and closer, the bursts of powerful and powerful heartbeats are more like a certain feeling.

However, within just a few seconds, Lin An's heart, which had been forced to stop beating, felt faintly moved.

"The vitality of this thing... is a bit scary..."

I can’t imagine whose heart this is, or whether it is a special product similar to a heart.

At this moment, Lin An's mind was filled with a large number of rehearsed battle scenes.

"Not counting the weirdness of the thing itself, the number of corpses it carries is much less than I originally expected."

"1, 2, 4, 7! 7 corpses, three of them are still intact, and the remaining ones are almost half digested."

"And compared to the broken star corpses I encountered alone, the corpses caught by it seemed to have been eaten even with the remaining instincts? The threat is much reduced."

The situation is much better than imagined.

In Lin An's plan, if this heart is holding a large number of complete broken star corpses and moving them back and forth, and then eats them after returning, then there is no need to think about it. He will not be able to fight against a large number of broken stars at the same time even if he fights to the death.

But according to the information fed back from the omniscient field, there are probably only three main threats he needs to face now.

The other four corpses have been almost hollowed out, and they are at most as threatening as the primary Star Destroyer. As for the other scattered corpses, they can be ignored.

"Three broken star corpses, two on the left and right sides, and one on the tentacle at the rear."

"There is nothing special about the first two bodies. Although the rules fluctuate strongly, there is very little mental power left."

"The real threat is..."

"Squeak!! Squeak!!!"

Seeing the monster getting closer and closer to him, the Dream Rat, who was tied in the center of the hollow, screamed at the top of his lungs as if he was crazy with fear.

The whole body was shaking like a sieve. I wonder if the fierce reaction of Dream Rat attracted the attention of the heart. However, within 0.01 second, the heart of Nightmare, which was originally moving rapidly, suddenly stopped and then hesitated as if wondering about something.

seconds before continuing to move.

In Lin An's perception, the two tentacles directly in front of the heart even tightened like crabs to protect themselves intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing this scene, Lin An frowned and suddenly realized that the heart itself might have simple thoughts.

It’s hard to imagine that this thing could be the artifact No. 77 talks about?

However, the vigilance of the heart is not a bad thing, but it allows Lin An to catch its weakness.

"The upper right center of the heart? That area is its weak point?"

"Is the artifact in this location? Or can it be exploded after killing it?"

I ignored the dream rat's shrill screams.

Lin An quickly made up his mind, like an assassin in the dark, targeting this vital spot.

"Deal with the two corpses at the front first!"

"The rules system has the greatest impact on me. The last one doesn't look like a humanoid creature, maybe it's the flesh system!"

"The heart itself shouldn't be difficult to solve, otherwise No. 77 would definitely say. So as long as we fight quickly and destroy the vital parts without even caring about the corpse, we can get the artifact!"

This chapter has been completed!
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