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Chapter 2183 The Eternal Star 16

"The League of Creators?"

"Huh? It seems that their ranking has risen?"

Gu Yanshan looked at the hidden information of everyone in confusion, or it could be said that the dead ones were a fifth-level creator team. If he remembered correctly, apart from the fact that he was a god ascendant at the beginning, the creator ranking was a little higher than them.

, Houping’s comprehensive rating fell behind them.

But now, it is actually much higher than them.

"What happened? Is Guy dead? Or were these teams eliminated in the end?"

Without waiting for Gu Yanshan to think too much, the next second, the Creator Alliance, originally ranked 68,000, suddenly disappeared from his sight.

"Dead and disappeared? Or...!?"


"Fifty-eight thousand people!!?"

Subconsciously tracking, Gu Yan didn't see it when he turned down the mountain, but he was surprised to find that in less than two seconds, the ranking of the Creator Alliance skyrocketed by 3,000 places!

"What's going on!? It's increased by more than 10,000 in one breath!!?"

The rankings jumped faster than he could see.

His eyes blurred for a while, and as the ranking of Xingyao changed rapidly, Gu Yanshan was shocked, as if he had seen a ghost, and his eyes were wide open!

In his eyes, whether it was the shrunken star ranking displayed in front of him or the giant light curtain that was 10,000 meters high, no one was paying attention at this time. The Creator Alliance, which represented Lin An, was beating like a rocket!

"Fifty-six thousand!"

"Fifty thousand to one!"

"Four...forty-three thousand!!?"

"What is going on!?"

Dumbfounded on the spot, Gu Yanshangan opened his mouth like a sculpture, and his brain briefly shut down.

A ranking of forty-three thousand may not seem like much, but what if it is within a few seconds!? And in their judgment, Lin An's team should have been captured by the Thunder Lizard Civilization!

"How many points did you increase from 68,000 to 43,000!? How many kills did you get?"

"Who killed!? Who did they kill!?"

After coming back to his senses, Gu Yanshan's heart was beating wildly and he was breathing heavily. For some reason, he suddenly felt an indescribable feeling, as if something incredible had happened!

However, the rankings changed so quickly that no matter how hard he tried, he could not find out who the Creator Team had killed.

For a moment, Gu Yanshan felt that fire bubbles were about to sprout from the corners of his mouth.

"I can't find it! What the hell is going on! Could it be..."

After seeing that the ranking of the Creator Team seemed to be stable, Gu Yanshan's expression suddenly changed as if he thought of something.

Damn! Guzman!?

The next second, he glanced at the ranking information for the last time, as if it was engraved in his mind, and instantly exited the space!

He is going to find the great elder!

The situation seems to have changed! The human named Lin An may not be as bad as they thought!


"Guzman, do you have anything else to say?"

In the huge Holy Mountain Square, which was split open like a miraculous workmanship, Guzman knelt on the ground, silently and bitterly looking at the group of elders responsible for judging him.

Under the gaze of his tribe, his subordinates, and millions of trolls, he was like a sinner, receiving countless looks of hatred, gloating, or sadness.

Facing the great elder's routine questions, he had nothing to say.

What else could he say? That he had mistakenly believed in Lin An and that he had been deceived? That he was obsessed with things and begged the clan to spare his life?

To be honest, until this moment, he couldn't believe that he was wrong. He remembered to clear Lin An's performance in Ghost Skull. He would never believe that Lin An would behave so badly and even be caught like a dog.

stand up.

Apart from anything else, he still doesn't know how to solve the problem of Ghost Skull. There must be some secret in Lin An!

The leader of the elders, watching Guzman remain silent until his death, still stubborn, a star-destroying troll with a softer appearance could not help but speak for Guzman:

"Great Elder, why do you really need to execute Guzman? Guzman is also a star-destroyer! He is the top fighting force in the clan, is it too much to kill him like this? Guzman is loyal to you and me.

Don’t you know?”

"How many times has he carried out difficult missions? Even based on his previous contributions, he would not be guilty of this!"

With unbearable eyes, Gu Haiyi looked at the great elder who made such a hasty decision incomprehensibly.

Even if Guzman did something wrong, or even made the great elder angry or deceived, he would still be punished like this. You know, this is when they are short of combat power!

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she met the cold gaze of the Great Elder. Another troll on the side even pulled her covertly, gesturing for her to look at the other purple troll with a calm expression.

"Haiyi, stop talking. There are some things that we can't get involved in. You should know what is the best way for our troll family to get promoted."

"The resources within the clan are not enough..."

Gu Haiyi was stunned when she heard the sound, and then realized what she had overlooked!

Damn it, she actually forgot. She forgot that the trolls are half-physical. If they want to break through the limitations of spiritual energy, the best way is to devour the compressed spiritual energy in the bodies of their fellow trolls. If Guzman is going to die, not only will he be killed

As a betrayal of the trolls, it also paved the way for the next troll elder! It can only be said that Guzman hit the muzzle of the gun himself. He should never have made a mistake at this time!

Looking into each other's eyes, Guzman also noticed Hay who was speaking for him.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head at Hai Yi. Yes, he had thought of this too. So when he proposed to guarantee Lin An with his own life, the great elder agreed.

The clan is in short supply of resources and is in urgent need of stronger combat power. Although Guzman can destroy the star, he can't pass this level. No matter how many tasks he can perform, it will be meaningless. Therefore, it is better to let him die "voluntarily".

"Great Elder, let's get started, everyone is almost here."

As if urging, standing next to the great elder, Gures, who was at the peak of Star Destroyer, spoke calmly and looked at Guzman as if he were looking at food.

At the moment when he and Guzman looked at each other, he was making mouth movements as if silently.

It was as if he was mocking Guzman for being stupid enough to believe that a foreigner deserved to die.

"Guzman, it's a good journey. Maybe you can meet that human again after we go down. I think he should be very grateful to you for accompanying him."

An aboriginal monkey, an idiot, a perfect match.


Okay, since everyone is almost here, there is no need to waste time."

With a thunderous voice and ignoring the thoughts of all parties, the Great Elder looked down at Guzman expressionlessly, only intending to announce the start of the trial. Killing Guzman was not only a punishment, but also a warning to other trolls in the clan that an outbreak was about to occur.

Before the disaster, anyone can "sacrifice"!

"Guzman, since you have nothing to say. According to the regulations, I will represent the troll clan and deal with you..."


Before the great elder could finish speaking, a harsh whistle was suddenly heard, and high in the sky, a figure flying desperately towards him shouted urgently:

"Ranking! Great Elder!! Look at the ranking!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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