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Chapter 289 Corpse Tide

Meanwhile, time zone: West 7, 9 a.m.

North American Theater, Third Fleet, Port Colon.

Outside the city, the dense explosions of shells were deafening.

The lookout who controlled the tank's machine gun looked desperate and slapped the tank under him quickly:

"Turn around! Turn around quickly!"

His face turned red, and his whole body was trembling as he looked at the continuous black tide not far away.

The black tide connected in a line was extremely fast, and the dense black spots almost occupied the entire field of vision.

When the number exceeds 10,000, it becomes endless, but what about the number approaching one million?

As the ground armored corps gathered by the Third Fleet, they never thought that they would face the impact of a wave of nearly a million corpses.

The originally proud tank army was like a sampan in the sea.

The soldiers following him, with infantry and tank coordination, had already run away.

Among the black corpses, six tall tank mutants shook the earth.

The sniper rifle hit the tank that was protecting its head and spattered sparks. Under the bombardment of artillery shells, people could only watch in despair as the tank with terrible defense only slowed down slightly, squatted down, and then walked out of the smoke.

Rain-like shells pierced the sky, making ear-piercing whistles and falling among the corpses.

Each bombardment can easily blow up the zombies dozens of meters around, creating a brief blank space.

The shock wave generated by the explosion of the artillery shell swept across everything, and the fragmented shrapnel cleared the impact point like mowing grass.

However, in the tide of nearly a million corpses, the empty space shattered by the explosion was instantly refilled.

Four hundred machine guns fired, and the roaring fire turned into a long metal dragon and shot towards the running zombies.

Broken limbs flew up, and the shot zombie's arms and legs were easily cut off by machine gun bullets, and then trampled into pulp by the corpses behind it.

The zombies at the front fell in pieces, but they could not hinder the progress of the zombies.

"Too much..."

"We can't finish killing them all... We can't finish them all!"

The machine gunner kneeling on the armored vehicle cried in his voice, and the soldiers around him looked crazy and pulled the triggers desperately, trying to vent the fear in their hearts.

The muzzle of the gun was red, and piles of bullets almost buried his ankles.


In the face of zombies who are not afraid of life and death, the firepower network that humans were once proud of is useless.

The speed of the zombies was too fast. Thousands of zombies fell down, but they were instantly filled with zombies that followed.

Under desperate shooting, they were unable to aim at the head.

Most of the heavy weapons have been deployed to block the mutants, and machine guns alone cannot stop the zombie tide.

They tried to use incendiary bombs, but under the incendiary bombs, the flesh-burning zombies would only turn into more terrifying human-shaped torches.

Carrier-based aircraft have been dispatched too many times, and due to lack of aviation fuel and ammunition supplies, they have no other means to stop the tide of corpses.


Several lickers roared in succession, and the lickers walking at high speed on both sides of the battlefield quickly dodged falling shells.

The huge claws shining with metallic luster were swung, easily cutting the nearest armored vehicle into two pieces.

The combatants in the car were directly cut open along with the metal.

After breaking through the fire defense line, the mutants were like tigers and sheep, harvesting human lives wantonly.

The artillery shells misfired, and the heavy artillery positions had no time to retreat.

Broken limbs flew up, but this time they came from humans.

Cry, scream.

Soldiers with a strong mind cannot restrain the fear of facing monsters.

When the slowest tank approached the position, the collapse began.

Large numbers of soldiers fled in panic with their rifles in hand, and some simply dropped their weapons and tried to run faster.

Without the fire net, the dense tide of corpses quickly devoured everything.

At the rear of the position, Colonel Ron and the Chief of Staff were arguing loudly and at the top of their lungs.

As the strongest awakened person in the surrounding war zones and a member directly affiliated with the army, Ron has successfully assumed the highest command with an efficiency exceeding any time period in historical records.

"Colonel Ron! We must use tactical nukes now!"

"If you delay any longer, the entire legion will be destroyed!"

"The radiation dose caused by small tactical nuclear bombs is very small, and the soldiers who are withdrawing only need to take more iodine tablets!"

The chief of staff roared and kept slapping the sand table in front of him.

It’s different than imagined.

Modern weapons are always inexplicably weakened when attacking zombies and mutants, and their power is not as good as before.

And many war weapons developed for humans are actually not effective against zombies.

Weapons such as thermobaric bombs, which burn air at intense high temperatures and empty the target range, have no effect on zombies.

Zombies do not need to breathe and are not afraid of neutron radiation from neutron bombs.

As for incendiary bombs, let alone phosphorus bombs. They purely add damage bonus to zombies and mutants.

On the contrary, the explosion effects and fragments caused by conventional weapons can also play a good role.

Ron looked ugly.

It was he who initiated the plan to attack the city.

Three days ago, the special operations team responsible for collecting intelligence discovered a third-level psychic node in the city.

During this time, he has successfully hunted down a large number of mutants with the help of the army.

There are only a few second-order mutants and the location of the [Shocker] left to complete the mission.

"Never use tactical nuclear bombs!"

"Get closer! Let the carrier-based aircraft launch another air strike, and then I will lead the Awakened troops to deal with this group of monsters!"

Ron's tone left no room for doubt.

Damn doomsday system!

If the Awakened wants to hunt mutants and increase their level, they must cause damage, and once technological weapons are used to kill, the damage caused by the Awakened must reach more than 50%!

Unless it is a technological weapon produced by the system, killing mutants who die under gunfire will be in vain.

Ron thought clearly.

Although the mutant's breakthrough of the defense line exceeded his expectations, it only consumed the mutant's strength at once.

Anyway, the troops at the front are not his troops, so if they die, they will die.

As long as he kills these "exhausted" monsters, he can successfully advance to the second level!

Originally, he would not be so cruel. After all, under the artillery fire later, none of the soldiers entangled with the mutants would survive.

But since the system announcement was released, he realized that he had to speed up the upgrade.

The title of No. 1 in the world also comes with rewards!

Everything in the doomsday is fake! As long as I am strong, I can still recruit more troops after they are all dead!

As for the Chief of Staff's proposal to retreat or use a small-yield tactical nuclear bomb to directly kill the mutants?

Are you kidding me? How can I upgrade if I am directly killed?

Ron looked at the chief of staff in front of him impatiently, feeling that this ordinary person was too annoying.

"Colonel Ron! This battle was a disaster caused by your recklessness! We should have investigated and acted again!"

"In order to establish a safe zone first..."


The head exploded, Ron crushed the chief of staff's head expressionlessly and looked around.

"Keep dragging it on, and drive those deserters back from the rear positions."

"Didn't Admiral Raines recruit a new group of awakened people? Let them go first..."

In fact, in Ron's opinion, the best way to stop the zombie tide is not to eliminate them, but to give them enough flesh and blood...


At the rear of the battlefield, the regiment responsible for holding down the formation suddenly opened fire to drive away the soldiers who were trying to escape.


"Why do we have to die! I am..."

A black shadow fell from the sky, and its huge feet trampled the desperate sergeant into a pulp.

This chapter has been completed!
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