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Chapter 315 Punishment Copy

Zhang Tie sighed after listening to Lin Ruolan's story.

He silently took out another piece of dried meat from his pocket, wondering what he was thinking.

Although the apocalypse has broken out in the real world, time is still short after all.

Since he followed Lin An, the entire base has been a normal and peaceful scene.

He had no contact with other forces, so much so that he almost forgot what the end of the world meant.

After seeing Lin Ruolan looking like she was going to choke herself to death, Gao Tian couldn't help but question her:

"What are you dragging the body for?"

"And you said there is no food around here, so how did you survive!?"

"eat human.."

"Aren't humans meat?"

Since following Lin An and encountering the spider maker, Gao Tian has developed the habit of questioning everything that is unreasonable.

The woman raised her head when she heard the sound, and struggled to swallow the dry strips of meat with her saliva.

She showed disdain, and then turned over the highly decomposed and maggot-covered body beside her with her hands:

"I don't care whether you are those beasts or not."

"But looking at your appearance, I can see that you have no common sense in life."

"I really don't know where you came from."

As she spoke, she used her free right hand to skillfully gather the maggots on the corpse together. The white maggots crawling around were gathered in the back of her palm. She squeezed them into a ball, then raised her head and swallowed it in one gulp.

A few maggots that had not been taken into her mouth stuck to her mouth and twisted.

"Fuck me!!"

Gao Tian looked at the scene in front of him with difficulty. His stomach felt nauseated and he almost vomited it out.

Zhang Tie's face turned pale, and he watched helplessly as the woman stuffed the maggots from the corner of her mouth into her mouth like eating shrimps, and then sucked on her fingers again.

Lin Ruolan sneered:

"What? It's disgusting?"

"Isn't this what you want to see by trapping us here?"

"But I'm surprised."

"How come you guys like you, who are curious and curious, have seen all of this?"

"The corpse is the farm. I don't believe it hasn't been done like this where you are!"

Lin An secretly sighed.

The woman was right.

This kind of thing did happen in his memory in his previous life.

It’s just that in the real world, people don’t dare to eat corpses because dead people may have viruses.

But smart people discovered that the maggots that appear after flies are parasitic are non-toxic.

Therefore, many forces choose to place dead humans in warehouses to ferment, and then artificially raise maggots.

High protein, non-toxic, no waste.

I just didn’t expect that this world would be the same.

After giving Zhang Tie and Zhang Tie some time to catch their breath, Lin An asked Lin Ruolan curiously:


"The people in the safe zone trapped you here? Didn't you say you were hiding here?"

The woman licked the beef jerky package clean with satisfaction, and then replied impatiently:

"People in the safe zone won't let us go out of the city."

"Although it is dangerous in the wild, you can still grow vegetables."

"Slave-catching teams often enter the city, so it's not inconsistent for me to hide here."

Gao Tian was stunned when he heard the sound. He heard the hidden message in the woman's words.

A safe zone can trap an entire city.

Then why not choose to conquer the city?

Do they regard the safe zone as a city and the city as a wilderness where savages roam free?

All kinds of anomalies made him curious.

After a moment, Lin An looked into the woman's eyes:

"Take us to the nearest safe zone."

"I'll give you a bag of meat, or you'll turn into meat."

The coercion radiated passed by, and the hair on the woman's body exploded.

For a long while, she raised her head and stared at Lin An unwilling to be outdone:

"Two packs! I will be a damn ghost until I die!"

After saying that, Lin Ruolan licked her lips and stared at his face carefully:

"Do you want to fuck me?"

"I'm free, I can even save one pack..."


Outside the city, the ring in Lin An's hand flashed with white light, and three motorcycles appeared in Lin Ruolan's shocked eyes.

After stopping her chattering and frantic questioning, Zhang Tie asked the woman to sit behind him with a grimace.

After showing extraordinary abilities, Lin Ruolan finally realized that the group of people in front of her were different from those she thought.

Presumably it's the intensification of emotions within the system's privileges.

Women's mood swings are unusually large.

I don’t know if she is neurotic to begin with or if she is affected by the system.

Mo Ling silently hugged Lin An's waist and closed her eyes to sleep.

For some reason, since Mo Yu turned back into a human being, she has returned to her demeanor of not being near strangers, just like when she first met Lin An.

From the time I entered the dungeon to now, not a single word or expression has changed.

Lin An sighed secretly.

He probably guessed why.

Although this dungeon world has just been entered, the state shown is actually similar to the future of the real world.

Mo Ling once said that she was worried about whether turning Mo Yu back into a human would be good or bad.

After seeing Lin Ruolan's appearance, she naturally thought of Mo Yu's future.

Lin An couldn't enlighten him.

Because the situation in the real world will only be worse than the copy world...

It's just that there is still more time for the apocalypse to break out in reality, and many crises are brewing.

The scene I have come across now is just the tip of the iceberg of the world of copies.

After starting the motorcycle, the engine roared.

The sound was a bit harsh on the edge of the dead city.

Scattered zombies rushed out from every corner.

Compared with the zombies in the real world, the zombies here are undoubtedly much "older".

The gray-white bones were exposed, and the skin and flesh rotted into pulp and hung on the body.

Many zombies are even covered with white hair and green scars.

His muscles atrophied, and even his running speed was much slower than that of zombies in the real world.

If zombies in the real world are as fast as sprinters, they are like mad dogs when they rush and bite like mad dogs.

The zombies here were as fast as ordinary people jogging, and many zombies even limped out chasing them while grinding their broken leg bones on the concrete floor.

Some doubts.

Are these zombies really a threat to you and others?

Until now, Lin An has not discovered what the danger of the [Amoeba] copy is.

According to Lin Ruolan's description, this copy basically has no special abilities.

Therefore, I and others are almost invincible in this world.

This is not difficult to verify. You only need to go to the nearest safe zone and capture their leader.


This world seems to be full of zombies.

It may be a great threat to ordinary people, but for an awakened person like Lin An, he really can't imagine what the difficulty is.

The more this happens, the stronger the uneasiness in my heart becomes.

It’s not like the difficulty of a copy really depends on the quantity, right?

Because he couldn't finish the killing, he was trapped here and the base was breached?

But the mission didn’t say anything about killing the zombies!

To solve the doomsday crisis, this explanation is too general...

And inexplicably, Lin An always felt that he had overlooked something.


Why does the Savior System steal the key to itself?

The key can briefly unlock the third level of strength, but it doesn't last long.

His strength has exceeded the limits of this world. No matter how high the damage is, it is impossible to kill hundreds of millions of zombies in a few seconds?

Full of uneasiness and questions.

Lin An couldn't help but take out the soul box and prepared to ask Huang Shaohua if he knew about the copy of [Amoeba].


A clean gunshot.

Mo Ling took out his gun and killed a few approaching zombies at random, then hugged him tightly.

The little Loli seemed to want to say something, but after a flash of struggle in her eyes, she chose to give up.

"Weng buzz-"

The locomotive roars.

The city behind you recedes.

The zombies whose heads were shot were lying on the ground. The zombies that were originally attracted by the sound of the car suddenly changed their target and were surrounded by the corpses of the zombies whose heads were shot.

Corpses that died from psychic bullets seemed more delicious than living people.

Bite, chew.

Then swallow.

This chapter has been completed!
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