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Chapter 342 Storm

The sudden change shocked everyone.

what is that!?

"Shoot! Shoot them!"

Above the throne, below the palace.

A rush of panic spread.

Instinctively, the well-trained soldiers quickly pulled the trigger.

"Celestial form!"

Lin An shouted lowly.

The holy golden spiritual energy suddenly appeared, and the dazzling and suffocating holy light filled the entire palace.

Unparalleled pressure shocks the soul.

Time seems to have been paused.

Polaka, who was sitting on the throne, had just raised his hands, and Mark, who was kneeling on His Highness's face, had his face trembling, as if showing fear.

The exploded glass fragments reflected Durandi's stunned eyes.

The soldiers' fingers were just on the trigger.

The moment before firing, Lin An's calculation power suddenly reached its peak.

After more than a thousand calculations, the mental power suddenly split into filaments and converted into the power of mind to control objects.

“Gun control!”

In the celestial form, every move and every move is a skill.

No need to crush their heads, just reverse the muzzle.

I saw that the muzzle of the gun originally aimed at Lin An was strangely raised at an angle under the control of telekinesis.


There was a sudden change in fear, and the soldiers couldn't understand it as they saw the muzzle of the gun in their hands pointed at their heads.

Like committing suicide, the trigger clicked.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Gunfire sounded like a heavy rain, and clouds of blood mist exploded.

The powerful bullet easily penetrated the head at close range.

Blood splattered, and the corpse with its head smashed stained the splendid palace walls with a layer of blood.

Within 0.1 seconds.

All the hundreds of soldiers who opened fire died instantly, killed by the muzzles of their guns that were turned by telekinesis.

A world without spiritual energy and awakened beings.

Lin An, who is far beyond the second level, is a symbol of invincibility.

Under the terrifying calculation control of the celestial being, the telekinesis used to control objects explodes into a large-scale destructive skill.

The whole audience was horrified.

They could not understand or accept the incredible scene in front of them.

What kind of power is this!?

"How...how could it be!?"

The lion envoy seemed to be in a dream, the corner of his eye was scratched by the glass, and he could only look at everything in front of him with one eye in fear.

He saw Lin An who showed his true appearance without any hesitation.

Lin An, shrouded in rich spiritual energy, was like a legendary being.

The question has not been uttered yet.

Suddenly, Lin An's body flashed into the air and stood in the void.

Far beyond everyone's knowledge, a large amount of gravel and shattered bulletproof glass were manipulated by an invisible giant hand, turning into a rapidly rotating storm of blades.

The first part of the storm was filled with dark red blood.

"In ten minutes!"

"Kill all those who resist!"

"I'm going to catch a mouse."

The cold and domineering voice echoed throughout the audience.


Zhang Tie, who was already extremely hungry and thirsty, laughed ferociously and turned into a huge black bear nearly three meters tall.


Continuous explosions and cutting sounds sounded.

Lin An's cold eyes locked on the man hiding underground, that was the real Polaka.

Still want to escape?

In the storm of swords that bore the brunt of Bloody Annihilation, the hard jade floor was easily shattered like butter.

The gravel flew, and the chopped stones exploded like bullets.

Just like drilling into the ground, a gap several meters in diameter is formed instantly, exposing the underground alloy structure.


Lin An's body flashed and he rushed directly into the ground.

Before leaving, he casually glanced at the armored Polaka who was hiding somewhere.


Under the control of telekinesis, the metal armor used to protect the body instantly deformed, squeezing the flesh under the armor into a ball of flesh.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

In extreme pain, Polaka beside the throne wailed and was crushed into a funny iron ball.

Hundreds of ladies crouched down in fear, holding their heads and watching stupidly as the former king turned into an iron worm.


Can't understand.

Polaka screamed and fell to the ground, feeling that his mind was about to collapse.

The extraordinary power directly destroyed his three views.

He was obviously a Trojan envoy, why did he suddenly turn into such a terrifying existence!?

These people! Who are they!?

Gunshots rang out scatteredly, and the troops outside the palace who didn't know what was happening hurriedly rushed to support.

After Lin An was sure that the fake Polaka could not escape, he rushed underground without caring.

Although there is a high probability that it is false, let’s crush it first.

Just leave the rest to Zhang Tie and Gao Tian.

I believe that Xiong Hanzi, who has been holding back his anger, will give them an unforgettable "performance".

In the dilapidated palace, the black bear stared at the lion envoy who was trying to sneak away with a ferocious smile.

Occasionally fired bullets hit his face like flies, scattering sparks.


"You want me to kneel down?"


The black bear took one step forward, and then lifted up the lion envoy's head like a chicken.

"No...! No!!"


The liver and gallbladder are about to burst.

The lion envoy with dyed blond hair shivered all over, and the strong smell of blood penetrated his nose.

Zhang Tie, who suddenly turned into a black bear in front of him, made him extremely frightened.

How can a person turn into a bear!?

The hair, which is as hard as metal, is invulnerable.

Compared to the cruel-looking black bear, the zombies after the disaster look so cute.

"Hey~ wasn't it cool just now?"

Xiong Hanzi stared at the shivering Lion Envoy with a joking face, and then pressed the man into the ground with a snap:

"Come on, come on, show me what kneeling is."


The bones were shattered, and under the violence, the legs of the Lion Envoy were smashed to the ground like straw, and the entire lower body became a puddle of minced meat.

The tall man who was originally about 1.9 meters suddenly became half shorter.

Under the severe pain, he couldn't help crying anymore.

The shrill screams made people panic.

"It's so damn noisy."


Zhang Tie curled his lips and casually pressed the Lion Envoy's scream into his chest.

The supporting soldiers outside the palace have arrived.

"Kill him! Quick! Let's fire and kill him!"

"Call troops for support quickly! Use artillery!"

Durandi, who was near the entrance to the temple, climbed out of the temple in a panic, pointing at the black bear in the temple with a frightened face.

Lin An, the most powerful, went underground to capture Polaka. There was only a black bear and a man left in the special envoy team in front of him.

Thousands of soldiers arrived again, giving him a brief sense of security.

On the other side of the hall, General Mark, who was stunned on the ground, finally came back to his senses.

His mind suddenly changed, surprisingly.

He did not choose to escape from the palace, but hurriedly knelt on the ground and pretended to be dead.

The black bear standing in the hall turned around and tilted his head to look at the dense crowd of soldiers.

"Gao Tian, ​​should we compete to see who can kill more?"

Behind him, Gao Tian nodded helplessly.

He is only at the first level, how can he win over Xiong Hanzi?

But it only lasts less than a second.

As soon as the voice fell.

I had never seen such a monster-like creature before. The soldiers outside the palace were so nervous that they opened fire directly.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

There was a loud sound of gunfire, and the bullets rained down like a metal storm.

This chapter has been completed!
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