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Chapter 349 Destruction

As the order was issued, the entire hall fell into a desperate plea for mercy.

Zhang Tie looked cold.

He will obey Lin An's orders unconditionally.

Not as much as Gao Tian thought. In his mind, these bastards should have been killed long ago.

As the subdued soldiers walked out, cries of regret and begging for mercy could be heard one after another.

When Xiong Hanzi passed by the stunned Cosman, he grinned:

"Luckily, our boss left a place for the military to survive."

Trembling all over.

Cosman did not dare to say anything, but just watched helplessly as the soldiers knocked the former nobleman of Polaka to the ground and tied him up.

If nothing else, they will probably survive until tomorrow morning.

"Sir! Master Lin An!"

"Please let us go! We will definitely obey your will and will never have the slightest intention of resisting!"

The aristocratic man, who was tied into a ball and dressed in gold silk robes, cried bitterly.

He was still thinking secretly just now about how to benefit from this great change, and which political opponents could be eradicated by Lin An's help.

did not expect.

Another fat minister of the Ministry of Food trembled with the fat on his face and tried to escape out of the hall in a panic.

Haven't taken two steps yet.


A scream.

The soldier who received the order knocked him to the ground with the butt of his rifle. Four or five soldiers pressed on him and tied him up like a fat pig.

"I am the Minister of Food! You can't do this to me!"

"Granary! Only I know the password to the granary!"

Begging for mercy, scolding.

Faced with the almost cruel instructions, many senior officials and nobles shouted loudly.

Some prayed to Lin An to spare their lives, while others lost their minds and tried to threaten Lin An with their own identities.

The Minister of Energy, who controlled the power plant, shouted at the top of his lungs that the power plant was all his dead men, and that if he killed his group, the power plant would be blown up.

The officials who controlled the water plant desperately begged for mercy, trying to convince Lin An that he must stay, otherwise no one would know how to operate the purification facilities of the water plant.

Lin An was noncommittal about this.

He has no intention of operating this safe zone at all.

What he wants is to control all the forces in the continent within a month, or even half a month, and then lead them to war like zombies.

There is no future, no future.

As for what the world will look like after he leaves, that's none of his business.

On the throne, Lin An casually set up a mental barrier to block the noisy crying, and motioned for Anna to come forward.

The reason why I have been sitting here all the time is not because of anything else, but because this is the only place in the entire hall where I can sit.

Under the throne, after Anna saw clearly who Lin An was who took off his hood, the shock in Anna's heart was like an earthquake.

Isn’t this the man who pretended to be the Trojan envoy!?

My feelings are complicated and difficult to describe.

As she regained her consciousness, while sitting in the car, she gradually remembered what happened last night.

Thinking of how she looked last night and how shocked she was at this moment, all kinds of strange thoughts made her feel like she was in a dream.

Before she could recover from the shock, a strange force pulled her to the side of the throne.

"As you said before, what was the last photo that Troy sent back after sending out the air force team?"

"Is there a constant source of zombies appearing in the tower?"

Two questions are crucial.

The familiar mental power stimulated her nerves, and Lin An stared at her, waiting for an answer.


It's like I'm wondering how to describe it.

Anna ignored the questions and shock in her heart and had to answer Lin An's question first:

"The last photo sent back was a stream of lamp posts coming from the top of the tower?"

"The tower looks a bit like a classical-style lighthouse, the kind that sails in the sea and guides ships."

"There are so many patterns painted on it that I can't describe them."

After taking a breath, Anna looked at Lin An sitting on the throne in a daze, and added:

"We have tried to decipher the patterns on the tower, but we have no way of starting."

"There should be pictures left in the Troy safe zone. They were the last pictures sent when the fighter plane crashed."


"Not from the Trojan Safe Zone..."

Didn't ask his own question.

Anna suddenly remembered that the man in front of her was just pretending to be an envoy and was not really a rebel group.

Looking at Lin An's eyes gesturing for her to continue speaking, she took a deep breath and answered the last question:

"As for whether the tower will continue to have waves of corpses, I'm not sure about that."

"My father once told me that some people have seen zombies "born" near the tower."

"But it doesn't add zombies all the time, it just does sometimes."

"Of course, it's also possible that there are too many zombies near the tower, so many that people who have seen it can't tell whether there are more zombies."

"It's like an extra bucket of water in the ocean."

After hearing this, Lin An frowned and tapped Luan Jin's armrest rhythmically with his fingertips.

Anna knew a little more than Polaka, but not much more.

But according to what they said, there is a high probability that no one knows the secret of the tower.

In the history of this world, the ability to send air forces to conduct reconnaissance over towers has been their limit.

Therefore, it is normal that no one knows.

The two pieces of information from Anna's mouth aroused Lin An's strong interest.

Troy, picture with towers.

Zombies do appear from near towers, but there is no pattern.

Although clues are still scarce, they are much better than before.

It seems that the tower is indeed related to the secrets of this world.

Suddenly, mysterious patterns appear, like lighthouses, beams of light shooting into the sky, generating zombies...

If there is any anomaly in this world, it can only be the tower.

It seems that after unifying all the forces, he has to take a look no matter what.

If the zombie wave really can't kill them all, then use the sea of ​​​​people to open a way to the tower!

After waving for Anna to step back, Gao Tian on the side walked to him again as if he had been struggling for a long time:

"Captain Lin, I know my thoughts are childish."

"But, do we really want to do this?"

"This approach will kill too many people, and even the whole world will end!"

"Once the zombie tide is really endless and changes..."

"When the time comes, life will be ruined!"

"Besides, aren't we sure how to complete this world mission?"

"Using the army will not be more effective than..."

Lin An slowly stood up straight and took a deep look at Gao Tian:

"Are you trying to say that the low-level humans in this world are already pitiful enough, but we still want them to die and face zombies?"

"Obviously, the effect of using the army is not much different, and not many people will die, but I just want them to take weapons and die?"

Gao Tian mustered up his courage and nodded with difficulty.

This is his last attempt.

If Lin An insists on having his own way, he will obey his orders.

But the bottom line in his heart was like an iron, burning him too much.

Lin An turned his head and looked outside the palace, then stepped down from the throne:

"Gao Tian, ​​have you ever thought about it?"

"In this rotten world, isn't it a pain for them to live?"

"How many low-class people and slaves in this world do you think can survive if things continue like this?"

"Can't survive..."

"They will only live more and more humble lives, always struggling on the line of death, and eventually die in humiliation and torture."

"The world is rotten at its core, and people no longer want to return to a normal society."

"Vicious cycle."

"Instead of doing this, it's better to let them fight for the last time."

"Fight the zombies to the death and clear the way for us."

"If we win, the world will eventually see light."

"If we lose, they will die sooner or later if we die."

"Either break the existing "order" of this world and lead to destruction."

"Or come to life in death."

Lin An walked out of the palace and looked up at the sky above his head, where the stars were shining brightly.

[The author has something to say]

Sorry, many plots cannot be written and must be deleted.

I have been working on changing the plot all day today, and I will gradually fill in the missing chapters in the next few days.

This chapter has been completed!
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