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Chapter 357 True and False Video

Amoeba Dungeon World, Day 4, 1:21 pm.

Cambra military base security zone.

In the conference room on the sixth floor underground, thirty-six senior military officers stared intently at the image on the projector.

The scientific researcher standing next to the projector explained with a heavy face:

"Commanders, this is the video jointly sent by the Polaka Security Zone and the Troy Security Zone yesterday."

"The man in the picture carrying a long sword is their new ruler."

"They called him the Judge."

"We can see from the picture that this man has incredible extraordinary power."

"Rough statistics, the man's abilities are as follows:"

"1. Flying in the air."

"2. Void Royal Object."

"3. Intangible, but possessing a substantial high explosive shock wave, similar to an air blast."

"4. Moving near the speed of sound. According to preliminary calculations, the moving speed is as high as Mach 0.7."

"5. Unknown energy manipulation ability."

"6. Space folding technology can collect objects out of thin air."

"7. Unknown diffusion ability, the sound comes with special effects, and the range is extremely wide."


As abilities were summarized and guessed one by one, the officers present felt it was unbelievable.

Sitting in the main seat, the senior general with a Chinese-character face asked in a solemn voice:

"Are you sure it's a video sent from their safe zone?"

"Can you tell whether these things are special effects? Or artificial forgeries?"

After hearing this, the researcher hesitated for a moment and smiled bitterly:

"The source of the video can be determined to be sent from these two security zones at the same time."

"But we can't tell whether the video is authentic or fake."

"As you know, since the disaster, the bandwidth of our communication channel has been very low, and the received picture is not clear."

"So, after analyzing it overnight yesterday, we were unable to determine whether the video was true or false."


The researcher paused for a moment with some sigh:

"Even if it's a fake, forged video."

"But this technology is also quite superb, much higher than the special effects in movies before the disaster."

"We conducted a force analysis and even hired a special effects engineer to conduct analysis."

"The unified conclusion they gave is:"

"If the video is a fake special effect, then Polaka used at least more than 3,000 special effects artists and worked with high-performance computers to render it for about half a year to achieve such a realistic effect."


The researcher turned back the screen with a complicated expression.

On the screen: Lin An stood in the air, holding his right hand empty. Under the control of his mind, he destroyed the notice board of the City of Heaven in one fell swoop.

"Take this scene as an example."

"Whether it's the angle, the force analysis, or the effect of the sign breaking, it's all too realistic!"

"The scattered gravel, the deformation of the metal upon impact, the smoke, and everyone's expressions."

"If this scene was really produced with special effects, it would be incredibly difficult."

The senior general headed by him stared at the looped picture, trying to find any loopholes.

After a long while, he let out a long sigh.

"So, what is your final conclusion?"

The researcher struggled, and finally gave the answer while hesitating:

"In our judgment, the probability of this video being authentic is as high as 60%!"

"Although it is indeed hard to accept..."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent.

A younger officer couldn't help but snap at the crime:

"Are you kidding!?"

"If it's true, then what's the difference between the man in the picture and the legendary god!?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

He laughed angrily and said directly to the commander of the safe zone:

"Lord Keynes! You don't believe there are gods in this world, do you?"

"What era is this!? It's really hard for me to imagine that such ignorant words come from the mouths of our researchers!"

After that, he walked up to the researcher in a few steps and picked up the researcher's collar with an angry face:

"Tell me! Have you been bribed by the Polaka Safe Zone?"

"After Polaka sent the video, he asked us to surrender unconditionally! Now that you say the video is true, we can't stop it! Have you colluded with Polaka a long time ago?"

"What a fucking joke! What a bullshit judge!"

"There has been no miracle in thousands of years. That kind of thing is simply garbage that has been swept into the toilet!"

"There is such a existence, why do they appear now? Where were they before!?"

"Admiral Boren! Put down the researcher!"

Keynes, the commander of the safe zone, shouted angrily and stopped his men.

To be honest, he really didn't want to believe everything on the picture.

It's really too exaggerated.

In a world where the extraordinary has never appeared, the awakened ones appear, which is no less than the ancient people seeing spaceships.

Especially Polaka's "arrogant" declaration.

Surrender unconditionally and give up all armed forces within three days to join them.

How can this be!?

But on the other hand, Keynes didn't really believe that his researcher would be bribed, and he watched the video dozens of times.

The picture was so real, it really felt like what happened yesterday, as if the photographer was recording it on the spot.

After separating the two, Keynes looked at his most trusted researcher with complicated eyes, and asked with the last bit of luck:

"Is there any other evidence?"

"The possibility of 60% is actually not very high, right?"

"For example, when flying in the air, a steel wire was hung, and when the sign was destroyed, explosives were planted in advance?"

The researcher glanced at his boss and sorted out his messed up shirt in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

Sighing secretly, he couldn't help but smile bitterly:

"Commander Keynes, you can look here."

As he spoke, he adjusted the picture to the scene where millions of people in Polaka were roaring like a mountain and a tsunami.

On the picture, black heads fill the entire canvas.

Filmed and edited from forty camera positions, everyone's expressions were quickly scanned.

A man fainted to the ground in excitement, a child sitting on the head of his parents who was overwhelmed, a slave crying bitterly, a woman tearing off the chain from her neck...

The enthusiasm and shock on everyone's face didn't look fake.

Even in an underground conference room, the crazy shouts coming from the speakers are still shocking.

"Lin An!! Lin An!!"

During the shooting process, even the picture started to shake.

It was the photographer who couldn't contain his trembling body under the infection of fanaticism and shouted loudly along with him.


The researcher smiled dejectedly:

"My lords, generals."

"Even if the special effects can be faked, how do you explain the nearly one million people in Polaka who are caught in a frenzy..."

Although I watched the video many times, the researcher felt deeply shocked every time.

He let out a long sigh, confusion flashing in his eyes.

60% authenticity...

But I don't want to irritate these senior officers too much.

In fact, according to their speculation, the transmitted video footage is more than 90% accurate!

There was no words for a long time, only a roar like a tsunami echoed in the quiet conference room.

This chapter has been completed!
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