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Chapter 362 Bombing

Over the Corell Safe Zone.

As the black spots dropped faster and faster, everyone felt an inexplicable feeling of strangeness in their hearts.

If you fall again, you're probably going to turn into a puddle of flesh, right?

Polaka has been bluffing for so long, and this is the result?

Jin Hancheng was lying on the chair at the top of the castle indifferently, with a glass of ice-cold wine in his hand, and was disappointed.

The attendant behind him was holding a parasol and gently waving his fan.

The military plane from Troy in the air had already turned around and turned back, looking "panicked" as if it was running too slow and couldn't get away.

While he was pondering, he even thought about whether to pull up a net to catch the idiot jumping out of the air, capture him, and then humiliate him.

What does Polaka want to do?

You spend a lot of time out of your mind, you brag about your awesomeness, you jump off the plane in front of your face, and then you laugh yourself to death?

On the reconnaissance position outside the city, several investigators holding tracking camera equipment squinted and looked at the pictures on the screen casually.

"Isn't the person in the video able to fly?"

"Why don't Polaka come back to his senses, brag about his awesomeness, and just let this kid jump out of the plane and commit suicide?"

"This is about to fall to the ground..."

Before he finished speaking, the investigating officer who turned around and laughed suddenly saw a strange color flash across his companion's face.


"Why don't you talk?"

Ignore it.

The other investigator frantically switched his gaze back and forth between the air and the screen.

After making sure he was not dazzled, he pointed to the eyes on the screen in disbelief:

"Eye...eyes! Blue...blue!"

"He...he's looking at me!!"

The multi-enlarged tracking screen is a cutting-edge device rarely found in large forces and is usually used to capture high-speed images.

In the picture, a pair of dark blue eyes without any emotion seemed to be aware that someone was watching.

Those eyes turned slightly sideways and stared at him coldly.

The man controlling the machine felt chills all over.

The two are obviously thousands of meters apart, and they can't see themselves at all.

But he only felt that those eyes were so terrifying, as if they spanned a distance, like a creature at the top of the food chain looking down at ants.

Before the companion next to him looked back at the screen.

Under the gaze of millions of people, the black dot descending rapidly from high in the sky suddenly stopped in the sky.

Violation, violation of common sense.

When a scene that goes against the laws of nature appears, everyone feels intense uneasiness and confusion.

Rapidly descending to a standstill, this strange feeling is like an oncoming high-speed train, silently stopping in place.

Just when they realized something.

"Celestial form!"

In an instant, the brilliance bloomed.

Lin An's whole body bloomed with gold, and his whole body was enveloped in rich spiritual energy, as if he were a god walking in the sky.

A new sun rises under the dazzling sun, and the holy golden light transcends the boundary point of human imagination of colors.

When the supernatural power in the video appears in reality, when the legend breaks the barriers of reality.

Everything is quiet.

Everyone raised their heads with difficulty, looking at the small but terrifying figure in the sky.

There was a pause of one second, like the dead silence before the trial.

Castle roof.


The wine glass was broken.

Jin Hancheng looked at the holy light thousands of meters above the ground incomprehensibly. The crushed glass in his palm opened a small wound.

Fear and horror are written on his face.

Red blood flowed down the fingertips, but there was no feeling.



Run as far as you can!

After the disaster, he ascended to the throne of ruler after years of life-and-death struggle.

Strong uneasiness fills the soul.

My most trusted sixth sense is telling me crazily.

Run! If you don’t run, you will die!

Losing his previous calmness, he turned around and ran away hastily, not daring to look back again.

The attendants behind him had not yet turned around, staring in surprise at their monarch as he fled in embarrassment.

It was obvious that Lin An had not taken action yet, but under the inexplicable pressure of death, he felt that every cell in his body was trembling.

Teeth chattering and trembling.

Before escaping, he closed his eyes and screamed loudly without looking back.

On the castle air defense position, after the soldiers were briefly distracted, they could only hear Jin Hancheng's screams from the top of his lungs:

"Fire! Fire!!!"

Subconsciously obey.

The trigger clicked.

More than 300 anti-aircraft and anti-aircraft guns opened fire at the same time, and dense rain of bullets roared.

"Sword Prison!"

Thousands of meters high in the sky, Lin An's eyes flashed with silver light.

Under the full force of the Celestial Form, the trajectory of the rapidly fired bullets is clearly visible, and the massive data is summarized into minimalist battle information without any pause.

Everything slowed down.


White light suddenly appeared.

One sword, two swords, six swords, twelve swords...

Thirty-six alloy long swords from the Polaka treasury appeared all around him instantly, and then rotated at high speed like blooming sword flowers.

Under the dazzling light, the sword body glowing with silver turned into a sharp sword net to resist the front.

“Ding ding ding..ding!!”

Cold weapons and technology collide, reality and the extraordinary collide.

The metal storm, which was as dense as a fire dragon's breath, was completely blocked. Under the collision of metal, dazzling sparks exploded high in the sky.

Under the strongest combat power, the sword net controlled was as unobstructed as a death row, advancing resolutely forward.

High in the sky, the long swaying dragon composed of bullet rain was suppressed back without any resistance.

"Bazooka!! Fire the rocket launcher quickly!!"

The position commander's screams were heartbreaking. He ran around the position with a look of horror on his face, and the harsh crashing sound above his head made his scalp numb.

"Anti-aircraft missiles! Don't waste it! Blow him up for me!!"

"All up! All up together!!"

The military general in charge yelled loudly, trembling all over.

"Fire coverage! Shoot him down for me!!"

The man coming from high altitude gave them a great sense of threat.

The tactical missiles that were originally intended to fight against air and space forces have become their only sense of security.

"It can blow him up..."

"It will definitely blow him up..."

He muttered to himself in panic.

Thousands of rockets and precious anti-aircraft missiles can definitely kill him!

The commander on the position pushed the pale-faced soldier away, sat in the launch chamber of the rocket launcher, and pressed the red button frantically.

Only by venting the violent firepower can the fear in his heart be alleviated.

It's a pity that Lin An didn't give them a chance to fight back.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

In less than a breath of time, thousands of tons of high explosives were dispersed into 120 parts of polymer, and they were shot toward various positions in a roaring manner under the influence of telekinesis.

With strong telepathy as the first driving force, Lin An, who was high in the sky, turned into an aerial battleship.

Bomb the land.

This chapter has been completed!
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