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Chapter 369

Amoeba Dungeon World, Day 16, 18:21 pm.

Looking down from a high altitude, long black dragons like moving ants gathered from all corners of the wilderness to three war zones.

Just like the great migration of animals on the African grasslands.

Under high-intensity brainwashing, threats, and heightened emotions, everyone who could still move was gathered in the same direction.

The troops were divided into three groups and marched in the direction of the "counterattack".

After two years, humans in this world once again launched an attack on zombies.

A mixture of people and vehicles.

Bring all supplies with you.

All available weapons and equipment were distributed to everyone, regardless of age or sex.

Vast and shocking.

If you can overlook the whole world, the whole world seems to be cut by three black lines, and the direction of advancement is the huge "Black Sea" with the tower as the center.

That's the whole world, where the zombie tide is.

On the combat command vehicle.

Cosman worriedly placed a stack of documents in front of Lin An, his hair turning gray.

After continuous rotation and high-intensity marching westward, he hardly slept a full night's sleep these days.

Under Lin An's will, all forces were forced to accept the marching method of carrying supplies while marching.

All work is carried out during the march, making the best use of time.

The flow of vehicles transporting supplies is like streams converging into a river, never stopping for a moment.

"Lord Lin An."

Cosman's voice was tired and he pushed the document in his hand to Lin An:

"All supplies have been calculated."

"The weapons and equipment are fine, except for the heavy weapons and air force units, which were damaged a lot due to limited maintenance."

"Conventional weapons, grenades, rifles... are enough to arm everyone."

"The only problem is gas, food, drinking water..."

Under Lin An's order, the survivors of this world had no choice but to sink their boats and give everything they had.

All production was stopped, and coal was evacuated from the power plant for use on the march.

The water plant drained the wells, and even the machinery and equipment in the farmland were drained of the last drop of diesel.

Give up the food that is about to be harvested, give up the factories that are producing, give up the mines that are being mined, give up everything.

Under the mobilization of the whole people, all available vehicles, from military trucks to harvesters for harvesting wheat, and all engineering equipment were used as vehicles for manned marches.

Even bicycles and trolleys are used together.

Lin An nodded after hearing this, not paying attention to the uneasiness in Cosman's eyes:

"How long will all the material consumption be enough to last?"

"How is the installation status of the self-destruct chip?"

Cosman hesitated for a moment, then quickly reported:

"Sir, we consume a lot of food. We will be completely out of food in 17 days at most, and it is estimated that people will starve to death in 21 days."

"The urgent march consumes a lot of money, and with production stopped, we actually have no backup supplies."

"The situation with drinking water is even worse. It will take up to 14 days. The drinking water will be exhausted, but we may be able to find rivers on the march, but it will delay the speed."

"The temperature difference between day and night is too big now, especially the closer to the core area, the higher the temperature."

"During a rapid march, drinking water will be consumed faster than food..."

After listening to Cosman's report, Lin An just read the report casually.

That is, up to 16 days.

If the zombie tide cannot attack the tower in 16 days, the human race in this world will basically be doomed.

However, it's enough.

Under a rapid march, it will take at most three days before humans will officially come into contact with the core area.

Within a week, this battle that has blocked everything will come to an end.

So the problem Cosman is worried about is not a problem.

To be honest, this world is distorted, but the order that barely maintains balance has been completely destroyed by Lin An.

Even if he orders to cancel this attack now, the whole world will not be able to return to the past.

There was no way out, and he had no intention of leaving a way out for the humans in this world.

Contrary to Cosman's expectations, Lin An calmly issued a new order after reading the report:

"Tell all survivors."

"In a week, the food will run out."

"If we can't eliminate the zombies and the tide of zombies at the core of the tower, everyone will die. They have no way out."

"By the way, burn down part of the rear base, and then broadcast the video to them."

"Tell them that turning back now will lead to death."

"In addition, intensify brainwashing and propaganda, select fanatics, and publicize them as typical cases."

To destroy the last ray of hope, supplement it with religious brainwashing.

Only by being pushed to a dead end can people's hearts be prevented from being distracted.

Cosman felt chills when he heard such cruel methods, and he nodded stiffly with a wry smile:


"grown ups."

"We will do your will."

"As for the installation of the self-destruct chip."

"More than 60% of the soldiers have already installed chips in advance, and the remaining chips are being urgently produced. It is expected that we will be able to fully install them when we officially contact the core area of ​​the zombie tide."

As he said that, Cosman lowered his head feebly and showed the chip on the back of his head in front of Lin An.

As senior executives, they were the first to install chips.

If you don't pretend to die now, if you do, you may not die. Everyone knows how to choose.

The installation process of the self-destructing chip did not encounter resistance as Lin An imagined.

After three years of catastrophe, the human beings in this world have long been accustomed to surrendering and not resisting.

Those with resistance genes in their bones have long since died, and the remaining people have long since become numb.

Maybe the nobles and rich people are not so easy to be brainwashed, but unfortunately they are all dead.


Especially when emotions are intensified with the help of miracles and system privileges, many people even think that installing a self-destructing chip is an "honor".

Under religious brainwashing, self-destructive chips are touted as the key to heaven.

Death is not scary, you will go to heaven.

But those infected with the zombie virus will go to hell.


God's messenger Lin An specially made a self-destruct chip in order to prevent everyone from being infected with the virus.

Look, how kind, great and kind this is...


Under the fanatical propaganda led by the Eden Cult, a new religion called "Ling'an" was born.


"Peace of the soul..."

This chapter has been completed!
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