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Chapter 387

Long'an base, core fortress.

In the huge core fortress, hundreds of staff in black uniforms looked nervously at the electronic screens.

Expanded again and again, the one-story fortress that was once only 300 square meters was expanded into a command center covering an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square meters.

With the blessing of the Land of Rules, the entire base was constructed faster than anyone imagined.

Behind the electronic screen, the chassis is huge and complex circuits fill the entire wall.

In order to avoid psychic interference, all existing electronic equipment has been replaced with a tube structure.

It's ironic.

The electron tube architecture is a technology developed by the former Soviet Union during the Cold War to combat the interference of nuclear war.

Compared with the commonly used modern transistor architecture, electron tubes are not only large and cumbersome in structure, but also inefficient.

However, this architecture is durable and durable. Compared with modern computers that frequently collapse under psychic interference, integrated tube computers have become the only option.

On the screen, the staff member responsible for summarizing the zombie routes was nervously reporting the news.

"Lord Chu An!"

"The zombie route mapped out by the investigation has deviated and is expected to break through the cordon in 57 hours!"

The staff member who spoke looked a little immature. He was only a sophomore in the mathematics department before the apocalypse broke out.

The other boy in charge of mutants next to him had an ugly face. He looked at the six mutants that appeared on the list and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

The reconnaissance force sent out not long ago sent back information about the mutants within the zombie tide.

6 variants, 31 heads in total.

This does not include the undiscovered and hidden ones.

The mind is heavy.

The emergence of a large number of zombies and mutants made everyone aware of the seriousness of the problem.

They always thought that only ordinary zombies were attacking the city. After all, Lin An did not announce the savior's mission to defend the city.

Although the city walls and firepower facilities of the Long'an base have been basically completed, under intense training, almost all the people have become soldiers.

However, the deterrent effect brought to them by the large number of mutants is still too great.

At least half of the mutants are second-order.

The information reported to Chu An was not concealed from others.

For a time, the atmosphere in the entire combat center became increasingly heavy.

There isn't much time left...

Many people looked at an alloy room with the words "Space Teleportation" painted on their faces with worried faces, feeling anxious in their hearts.

As carefully selected core members, they are qualified to know the existence of ghost babies.

To avoid panic.

Chu An and Wen Ya only told them that Master Lin An took Brother Zhang on a mission, but did not say that they had entered a highly difficult punishment instance.

"Master Lin An...hasn't he come back yet?"

Without Lin An, the entire Long'an base seems to be missing its backbone.

High-end force is missing.

The strongest awakened ones in the base now are Gao Tian and Huang Haitao.


Entrance to the command hall.

Wen Ya wore a special combat uniform and led people in. She subconsciously looked back at the room where Lin An disappeared when he entered the instance, and a strong uneasiness flashed through her heart.

There was sadness in his eyes, but he could only pretend to be calm.

As the logistics and personnel manager responsible for the entire base, she did not dare to show anything unusual.

"Sister Wen Ya."

"Hello, Mr. Wenya..."

The staff coming and going came forward to say hello diligently, but they vaguely noticed that Wen Ya's face was a little pale.

Is...what happened?

After a brief response, Wen Ya rushed to Chu An's office.


The door is closed after entering.

"Chu An!"

"Did something happen to Lin An?"

After entering the room, Wen Ya could no longer control her emotions and trembled all over.

A minute ago, the system sent out the prompt she was most afraid of hearing.

"Member of the Savior Team, Zhang Tie disconnected."

Like a bolt from the blue.

If Zhang Tie's portrait on the team panel hadn't turned gray, she would never have believed this fact.

Zhang Tie is dead, the thief-looking bald man is dead, and the silly Xiong who likes to eat canned yellow peaches is dead.

Feeling sad.

Zhang Tie and she were the first to follow Lin An. All along, the three of them can be said to be partners who live and die together.

Wen Ya felt a strong sense of unreality when she thought that a Xiaoqiang like Xiong Hanzi, who could not be beaten to death, died without any warning.

Even Zhang Tie, who had the strongest defense, died.

What about Lin An?

What exactly happened to them in the dungeon?

She was afraid, afraid that in the next second, the system would transmit the news of Lin An's death.

Unacceptable, unimaginable.

This unknown fear and worry made it almost impossible for her to stay rational.


The moment she got the news, she immediately dropped everything she was doing and came over.

Behind the screen, Chu An slowly raised his head with a haggard expression, no expression on his face.

He glanced at Wen Ya, whose eyes were red, but could only remain silent.

Half a moment.

Colonel Chu gently lifted the frame and motioned for Wen Ya to sit down.

"Why do you ask?"

"Are you worried about why Lin An hasn't come back yet?"

Wen Ya didn't want to sit down. She expressed her guess in an urgent voice, and then couldn't help but gasp.

"Zhang Tie...is dead!"

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid that Lin An has an accident over there!"

"Too long! They took too long to get in..."

She was at a loss. She didn't know what she should do if Lin An died, and what should Long'an Base do?

The Capital Military District successfully established a safety zone more than a week ago, and a new announcement was also issued.

As if there is no estimate left, this announcement on Long'an Base can be called a declaration of war.

A large number of forces followed suit and attacked Long An in the channel, and the public opinion was almost one-sided.

Many members of Long'an Base are so angry that they want to fight with these people every time after watching the chat channel.

Under a lot of slander and slander, Longan Base has simply turned into a street rat.

Not only that, when An Jingtian led the team out for training, he discovered that many soldiers from the Linjiang Military Region appeared.

These soldiers were equipped with rangefinders and looked like they were trying to lock onto a target.

Therefore, after several careful investigations, An Jingtian came to the conclusion.

The location of Long'an base may have been exposed!

Even if the specific coordinates have not been leaked, the military must already know the approximate location of Long'an Base.

Those soldiers holding rangefinders and laser sighting devices are most likely detecting the precise coordinates of the Long'an base.

Once accurate coordinates are obtained, the military region can launch laser guidance and use tactical missiles to bomb Long'an from a distance.

The threat of the corpse tide, the threat from the human side, and the uneasiness of the people.

Wen Ya only felt that she was carrying a heavy burden.

She didn't dare to think that if something happened to Lin An...

"Is Zhang Tie dead?"

Behind the screen, Chu An's lenses reflected the reflection of a large amount of information.

He stood up, sighed softly, and forced out a stiff smile.

"If Zhang Tie dies."

"That means the situation is good."

"He's the damnedest..."

This chapter has been completed!
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