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Chapter 421: Firepower Suppression

"Covering Strike! Target! Rotting Giant Corpse!"

At the artillery regiment position stationed on the city wall, the squad leader in charge shouted heartbreakingly.

"Keep them from getting close to the city walls!"

The slow-moving rotting giant corpse in the distance is quickly devouring the zombies beside it, and its round belly is completely filled.

Having seen the ability of this monster, the defenders immediately targeted it.

Once the giant rotting corpse gets close, the zombies in its belly will spray out into the city and over the city wall.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Twenty consecutive artillery shells whizzed past, and with Chu An's auxiliary calculations, they exploded towards the rotting giant corpse.

At the top of the defense tower, Gao Tian took a deep breath, and the dark purple spiritual energy in his eyes gradually brewed.

A distance of one hundred meters.

Just wait until you are a hundred meters away before taking action!

Although the limit range of the hunting lock is two hundred meters, Lin An is still guarding the core fortress and cannot go out to fight.

Only by placing the mutant close enough can Lin An's Eye of Judgment provide him with a weak point.

After all, even if Lin An's mental power has been improved a lot, his ultimate range of perception can only go so far.

Gao Tian drew out the specially made arrow with his backhand, forcing himself to enter the best state.

Due to time issues, he hastily entered the amoeba copy.

So much so that he is still stuck at the peak of the first level.

I thought I could upgrade in the dungeon, but I never thought there would be no chance to take action.

But now the accident has turned out to be a good thing.

"Gao Tian!"

"Two arrows in a row! One to cripple! One to annihilate! Can you do it!?"

An Jingtian looked solemnly at the tanks running towards both ends and asked without looking back.



The muscles of the hands holding the bowed body were tense.

Gao Tian nodded heavily and flashed back and forth on the city wall, looking for the best shooting angle.

Two tanks, two giant rotting corpses.

You must solve the third problem yourself.

Without Lin An's combat support, the entire base's pressure to fight against the second level would be entirely on him.

Lin An hadn't thought about taking action before the prediction screen and killing the mutants attacking the city in advance.

But this idea was directly rejected by Chu An.

Colonel Chu’s meaning is very simple.

Under normal circumstances, after they learn of future events, they will inevitably turn off everyone's access to the core fortress.

So if things continue to develop normally, how did "Mo Ling" enter the fortress again?

The answer is obvious.

At that time, Mo Ling must have forced his way in for unknown reasons.

Therefore, Lin An must not consume his combat power before then.

Once he kills a large number of mutants and relieves the pressure on the defense line, Lin An's strength will also drop significantly.

Neither physical nor mental strength can maintain peak condition.

Chu An even gave another idea.

Maybe there are mutants in the zombie tide who are difficult to deal with. They are waiting for Lin An to take action and then entangle him.

In this way, as long as Lin An is trapped, the controlled Mo Ling will have the ability to forcefully enter the core fortress.


Even if the defense line is lost, no matter how many people are killed or injured.

Preserving the core is the most important thing!

The core is still there, so if nothing happens, this mission will be passed.

No matter how many people die, they can still recruit enough people in the future, let alone Chu An's plan to annex Wangjiang Military Region.

With absolute reason, Colonel Chu chose the safest plan.

Asking Gao Tian to attack twice was another idea of ​​Chu An:

Once to cripple, and once to annihilate for instant kill.

The purpose is to upgrade the card, and use it in a disguised manner to replenish the status after the upgrade and take action again.

Otherwise, with Gao Tian's mental strength, he would not be able to shoot the second arrow and would be annihilated and exhausted.

Even if Wen Ya shared the mental power, it would only be two arrows at most.

Not to mention, Wen Ya also needs to provide other people with spiritual power.


Adjust your breathing rhythm.

As the tide of corpses advanced rapidly, Gao Tian also took advantage of the situation and drew his bow and arrows.

Closer, closer!

Brother Lin is not here, I am the only hope!

Unprecedented pressure was on him.




In the sky, artillery shells that streaked through the air fell into the group of corpses, and the specially-made submunitions from the weapons testing center exploded.

With just one shell, the power of the explosion instantly cleared the area around the mutant.

Although there are few conventional heavy weapons, the experimental weapons are all of high quality.

The effect was excellent, but the squad leader in charge of the artillery did not relax.

His target is the slow-moving rotting corpse.

If you don't hold back the giant zombie, it will be useless no matter how many zombies you blow up.

Submunitions that split into thousands of steel balls pose a great threat to zombies, but they are not very effective against giant zombies up to the second level.

The shock wave generated by the explosion slightly blocked its progress. It was hit by hundreds of shrapnel at close range, and its rotting body was covered with debris like a hedgehog.

The zombies blown away by the air wave fell from the air like rag dolls.



Flesh squirms.

In the field of vision of the artillery observer, pieces of shrapnel were squeezed out of the body of the rotting giant corpse in a very short period of time.

Terrible self-healing ability.

There was no time to be shocked, and the second artillery attack was fired again.

"Fire! Everyone fire!"

"Stop it! Hit its feet!"

The second round of artillery fire roared.

Deafening explosions echoed, and the entire battlefield was filled with dense rain of bullets.

"head shot!"

"Aim for the head and hit again!"

On the machine gun position, soldiers holding heavy machine guns roared and pulled the triggers.

Thick fire dragons spewed out from the muzzle of the gun. The soldier responsible for changing ammunition on the side ignored the hot bullet chain and stared intently at the zombies that were gradually rushing towards the city wall.

As the distance got closer, they could already see the zombie's hideous face clearly.



On the commanding heights, the sniper lying on the shooting port focused his attention on the first-order mutants wandering among the corpses.

One of the hound-like mutants is extremely fast. It clearly has a human head, but it runs on all fours.

"Quick! Suppressive fire! Don't let it get close to the city wall!"

A dense rain of bullets covered the shot.

But most of them failed in the high-speed evasion of the hound mutants.


Blood flowers exploded.

When it rushed to the city, the limbs of the mutant that looked like a hunting dog suddenly swelled in size, and sharp iron claws spread out from the forelimbs.

Ignoring the machine gunner's close-range fire, the monster suddenly swung its claws towards the city wall, flying up the towering city wall like a hook.

Leap, soar into the air.

In just two seconds, more than three first-order mutants jumped onto the city wall.

"Awakened Team!"

"Lock on attack!"

Facing the second attack of the zombie tide, in just a few minutes, Long'an Base started fighting the monster head-on for the first time.


The metal-like giant claws roared and took action. The machine gunner in charge of this section of the city wall had no time to react and was neatly cut into three sections.

Attrition has officially begun.

The soldiers in the same group had no time to grieve, and the monster that jumped into the position had already launched its next attack.

The distance was too close and they couldn't even shoot.

"Step aside!"

With a roar, the team of awakeners in charge of the mutants rushed to three breakthrough points immediately.

"Defense towers cooperate with the attack!"

"Ice Sword!"


“Acidic Dissolution!”

The remote awakener from the elemental system took action instantly, and colorful spiritual energy suddenly illuminated the wall.


This chapter has been completed!
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