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Chapter 518 What is the enemy?

Huang Shaohua is not sure.

"But if it really comes to this...just like what I said before."

"Once the attributes are raised to 40 points before the gene lock is turned on, it means that after turning on the gene lock, the strength will increase to an unimaginable level."

"I heard that some awakened people are trying to get stuck before the second level peak and desperately increasing their attributes."

"The purpose is to fix the strength after unlocking at a higher value."

"After all, once the gene lock is turned on, the increased strength will be fixed. Just like a bucket, if you increase the attributes later, you won't be able to achieve the same effect as increasing the attributes before turning on the gene lock."

"In the information we study each other."

"Many awakened people who rely on their equipment to get stuck at 30 points and impatiently go to the trial tower to advance to the third level, most of them will suffer physical collapse."

"Just like ordinary people becoming awakened, if the attributes of naked clothing are too different from the level, then you are gambling your life."

My heart trembled.

Huang Shaohua's statement answered one of his previous questions.

That's why my body collapsed when I was promoted to the third level.

The answer seems to be right.

Awakened persons like Gao Tian who reached the level of 6 kings in their previous lives must have entered the secret realm and improved their basic attributes.

It was not at all what I understood. Their talents or genes were special and they were not afraid of physical disintegration during promotion.

Lin An thought for a moment and straightened out his thoughts.

After the gene lock is opened at the third level, the strength before opening will be fixed as the minimum limit.

At the same time, your strength will gain an increase.

Before unlocking, the higher the basic attributes, the better.

As for the 40 attribute points mentioned by the system, it made him think of a possibility.

Level 0 Awakening...Level 3 Gene Lock...Level 4

The first two are the higher the attributes before promotion, the better...

With low attributes, there is great danger when being promoted, ranging from coma to physical collapse and death.

But if the attributes reach the extreme, the risk will be reduced, and the strength will far exceed that of ordinary people.

Does that mean...

It is so difficult to advance to the fourth level, largely because most third-level awakeners are actually stuck on the passing line?

Their basic attributes are too low, and their strength is fixed after unlocking the increase.

When they want to advance to the fourth level, what happens when their attribute values ​​are insufficient?


Does this mean that the Savior System is giving a direction for him to advance to the fourth level?

40 points of extreme attributes are the key to level 4?

Don't blame Lin An for thinking too far, all the clues point to this.

Fourth level...

A moment of trance.

After digesting this part of the information, Lin An put away the crystal ball.

It seems that in the auction plan, the original idea of ​​​​changing more equipment has to be changed.

The key is to change more props and fruits that increase basic attributes.

There are also special equipment for ancient scenes.

Such as exorcising ghosts and suppressing monsters?

It's a little weird... After confirming that the secret realm of Beiyin Mountain is an ancient fantasy scene, he can only guess this way.

See Chu An continuing to write and draw in the notebook.

Lin An pondered for a moment and then asked:

"Have you chosen the target for the auction?"

"I don't have much time."

"Although the task requirement is one week, I am afraid that if we delay it for a few more days, an accident may occur."

In his sight, the blood-red countdown kept beating.

"Change the original plan. This auction will mainly exchange for psychic fruits and attribute enhancement props."

Chu An raised his head when he heard the sound and lifted the frame of his glasses slightly:

"I know."

"But it would be very difficult to replace these things."

"Fruits and props that increase basic attributes. Many people eat them directly after obtaining them, and it is difficult to retain them."

"I'll change as many as possible."

Zhang Tie, who was sitting aside with nothing to do, leaned over, rolled his eyes, and said coquettishly:

"That, Captain Lin."

"Does the psychic fruit taste like yellow peach?"

"The mandala I ate last time. The leaves were really unpalatable..."

Lin An glanced at Xiong Hanzi helplessly. He didn't know if it had yellow peach flavor.

I don’t know why this guy likes eating canned yellow peaches so much. Isn’t it so sweet?

After Chu An smiled and responded to Xiong Hanzi's comment that there are all kinds of fruit flavors, he turned his head and looked out the window and said:

"I have already found a candidate for the target of this auction."

"I will arrange for people to spread false news that someone has stolen the "artifact" from you."

"When the time comes, you will come forward to cooperate and publish false news about hunting down players who steal "artifacts"."

"This will attract fish to the bait."

"After all, with the addition of your name, the credibility and value will be greatly increased."

Lin An nodded after hearing this and asked Chu An curiously:

"Where's the target?"

"We publish false news in the China Theater, and the ones who take the bait are also the forces in this theater, right? And there is a high probability that it will be the capital..."

"Didn't you say you cheated someone from abroad this time?"

"We are not on the same channel, what are you going to do?"

Chu An smiled when he heard the sound and turned his head:

"Who said that if you send news in the Chinese war zone, the foreign war zones won't know about it?"

"Lin An, you underestimate the hidden foreign forces in China."

"You may not watch the chat channel very often. According to my information summary during this period, there have been at least more than 47,000 times when agents suspected of being foreign forces have stirred up trouble in the chat channel."

"Recruiting people, dividing and provoking..."

"These people are distributed in various sub-war zones in the China War Zone, and they can be found anywhere."

"Don't forget, the borders of war zones like Taiwan, Dandong, and Qingdao are very close to other foreign war zones."

"As long as we cross the boundary line of the war zone, we can send the news from our war zone back."

Due to geographical location factors, Lin An then remembered that some provinces are very close to foreign countries.

In the car, Gao Tian couldn't help but asked in surprise:

"Colonel Chu, this is the end of the world."

"Do foreign forces still have the mood to engage in such things?"

"It's hard for everyone to survive. Do they still have this ability?"

Chu An calmly raised the frame and replied casually:

"Is it weird?"

"Actually, if you think about it from someone else's perspective, is there any difference between doomsday and war?"

"Almost all of these agents of foreign forces are carefully selected and extremely loyal to their own countries."

"In the eyes of many countries, the end of the world actually makes them want to invade and subvert another country."

"In great chaos, there must be a war!"

Lin An was silent.

He knew what Chu An said was right.

In previous lives, human beings had obviously lived a difficult life under various disasters, but civil wars still continued.

There was even a nuclear war between countries at the end of the first year.

For ambitious people, the end means paradise.

Someone once lamented sadly.

The enemy of mankind is himself...

This chapter has been completed!
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