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Chapter 536

With a thought in his mind, Lin An simply asked again:

"What unusual things have happened in the village recently?"

"This village is called Deserted Village? If so, why is it called this name?"

"The imperial court? What imperial court? Have you seen people similar to us?"

"Also, blood corpse? Please tell me carefully what a blood corpse is!"

The successive questions made the little old man stunned for a long time.

Seeing that Lin An was a little impatient, he hurriedly bowed.

The strangely dressed man in front of me can speak human language, so he does not look like a monster.

It's just that the strong man next to him looks too big, like a black bear.

Blood Corpse doesn’t even know? How is this possible?

"Return to my lord."

"Our village is indeed called a deserted village."

"This name has always been there. Why is it called this? I don't know..."

"That's what our ancestors called it..."

"Maybe it's because it's located in a barren mountain? It's too remote here..."

I was full of doubts. The weird question in front of me was too strange.

But looking at Lin An's frown, he didn't dare to ask any more questions:

"As for the imperial court, it should be Daxia now. As for the reign name..."

With a forced smile, the little old man felt a little embarrassed:

"The scholars in this town may know that the last time the little old man heard the reign name was when he was young."

"That time was called..."

"Tell the important point."

Lin An directly interrupted the old man's ramblings without raising his eyebrows.

What the year is is not important to him at all.

The little old man was stunned for a moment and did not dare to talk any more.

Who is this weirdo?

"Return to my lord."

"The blood corpse is a man-eating monster. This monster looks like a skinned living person. It cannot die unless its head is cut off."

"It is so powerful that only the imperial court can deal with it."

"People like us, if caught by a monster, will be infected with the blood plague... and turn into blood corpses."

After a moment of pause, Huang Dawei secretly raised his head with some confusion and took another look at Lin An's outfit:

"As for people similar to adults..."

"I have never seen him, but I heard that there are many strange people in the army? That's why I guessed that you are an officer and soldier of the imperial court."


After saying that, he bowed and coughed twice tiredly.

After hearing this, Lin An thought quickly.

It seems that the blood corpse is a zombie, at most the form is slightly different.

Strange people? Ancient version of the Awakened One?


Seeing that the village chief Huang Dawei seemed to be avoiding the issue of abnormalities in the village, Lin An asked coldly:

"I still have questions that haven't been answered."

"Is there anything unusual in the village recently?"

We’ll ask about the blood corpse later. The key issue right now is the incident in the deserted village.

Seeing that Lin An did not give up asking, the little old man opened his mouth for a moment, lowered his head and replied:

"Sir, no..."

Before the words could be spoken, Lin An instantly turned his head to look at the houses on the side, and his mental energy surged out.


It was like a shell bombing, frightening the villagers into screaming.

"Don't try to hide it from me."

"last chance."

With no expression on his face, Lin An took two steps closer to the village chief.

This little old man is obviously hiding something.

No exception? Are you kidding me?

I was attacked by that thing as soon as I entered the secret realm.

The hut was so close to the village, so he didn't believe there was nothing unusual about the deserted village.

There was a moment of panic.

Village chief Huang Dawei looked at the bombed-out house in horror, knowing that if he didn't say anything, the weirdo in front of him would kill him.

After secretly shouting "Kuzai", he had no choice but to bite the bullet and reply.

As he spoke, he glanced at the couple beside him with hidden eyes.

"Return to my lord."

"It's not that I want to hide anything, it's just that the matter has been resolved..."

The little old man took a breath as his eyes revealed the memories:

"A year ago, there was a ghost in the village, and a woman went crazy."

"Later, a Taoist priest was invited and the matter was resolved."

"Since then, there has been nothing unusual in the village these days."

It's very simple and can be said in one stroke.

The villagers on the side also nodded and agreed one after another.

"Yes, sir! The matter has been resolved!"

Lin An sneered after hearing this.

Not honest?

He noticed that Huang Dawei glanced vaguely at the couple behind him before speaking.

Judging from their faces, they should be a family.

The right hand reaches out.

Mental power turned into telepathy, Lin An directly pulled out the middle-aged man standing behind the old man:

"I want to hear the details."

"Don't try to hide anything."

"What happened? Who went crazy? Who died?"

"Whenever I find out you are cheating on me."


The stone mill exploded.

The middle-aged man who was dragged out by telekinesis widened his eyes and looked at the stone mill crushed by Lin An's void. He was so frightened that his whole body was like a sieve.

Caught off guard, the little old man hurriedly said in panic:

"Sir! We really didn't dare to lie to you!"

"That matter has really been resolved!"

"If you don't believe it, you can go to the town and ask the Taoist priest. The pagoda that was built is right next to our village!"

Lin An was a little impatient when he saw this.

Is it because he didn't kill anyone that these people kept talking nonsense?

What I want is what happened. You keep telling me what happened when the matter was resolved?

The middle-aged man who was dragged in front of him felt a murderous intention and waved his hands hurriedly:

"Sir! We say! We say!"

"It's not that we want to deceive anything, it's just that this matter is not very honorable..."

Sighing, the man struggled and said:

"grown ups."

"About the year before last, I met a woman on my way back to the village."

"It was winter at that time, and the woman was lying motionless in the ice and snow."

"The younger one saw how pitiful she was, so he brought her back."

"I don't know how I got it back, but the woman was saved."

"Later, the younger one saw how pitiful she was, so he adopted her into his home..."

At this point, the woman behind the middle-aged man suddenly trembled.

The man also smiled bitterly, his eyes full of fear:

"Later, the woman I picked up became pregnant..."

"In the same year, my wife, Huang, also became pregnant."

"This would have been a good thing...but..."

"The next winter, my wife took the woman out to fetch water, but she saw the woman sitting by the well with her head lowered..."

Taking a deep breath, the man swallowed his saliva, and Huang behind him said for him in a trembling voice:

"The woman sat by the well and kept singing a dramatic tune."

"I was worried that she would fall, so I walked over and tried to wake her up."

"Who knows... who knows..."

"The woman suddenly raised her head, no! She suddenly turned her head and smiled at me."

"There are only three bloody holes on her face!"

"After laughing, the woman jumped into the well!"

"I was so scared that I didn't even dare to take the bucket, so I ran away..."

While talking, Lin An suddenly interrupted Huang with a serious look:

"What is the name of the woman brought back by your husband?"

Huang was stunned for a moment, as if he was still immersed in the fear at that time.

Subconsciously, she opened her mouth and replied:

"Sir, that woman's name is Yuanying."

This chapter has been completed!
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