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Chapter 544 Circulation

how so!?

The mind is out of control.


The mechanical compass that was still rotating seemed to be broken and fell straight to the ground.

Beside the well and the broken pagoda.

Chu Renmei, the three dead corpses with their heads cut off.

The picture submerged in boundless silence is like a freeze frame.

The whole body was stiff.

Lin An didn't dare to look back. He could feel Chu Renmei behind him blowing on him.

The face that looked like a hole in the white paper was staring at him.

As long as he looks back, his mind will collapse instantly.

This is fear beyond recognition.

It's like the vitality and vitality have been taken away.

A strong feeling of weakness surged through his limbs.

A lot of life force is lost.

Chu Renmei...

The supernatural body is still far beyond the ghost infant level.

It's like the realization before death.

Lin An laughed bitterly in his heart, feeling bitter and unwilling.

The horror of supernatural events can only be understood by those who have personally experienced it.

It seems that the ghost baby is nothing more than an incomplete body.

The task was done wrong.

The moment the system task was completed, Lin An realized that he might have made an irreparable mistake.

He realized the source of the uneasiness in his heart.

The mystery of Moubis...the old corpse in the deserted village...

The former represents the cycle, and the latter represents the horror that Zhang Tie is afraid of.


"Team Lin!?"

Behind Lin An, Xiong Hanzi looked at the woman in blue behind him with splitting eyes and extreme fear.

He subconsciously wanted to step forward to help, but Lin An stopped him.

It's useless, Zhang Tie will only kill one more person.

Turn your back to him.

Lin An only felt that he could not resist at all.

There was no way he could leave Chu Renmei.

Thinking of the water damage in the hut.

Perhaps from the moment he entered the secret realm, Chu Renmei had entangled him.

Maybe this task shouldn't be completed.

what do I do.

Who can break the situation...

The second me...

"...so good..."

Lin An only felt his stomach swell, as if a piece of meat had been stuffed into it.

In my peripheral vision, I saw that it was the flesh on my arm.

Am I...eating myself?

The digested meat is converted into vitality to "supply" Chu Renmei to swallow?

The voice from the bottom of my heart appeared.

It seemed that through consciousness and instinct, Lin An sensed the breath of death for the second time, and noticed that Lin An was loosening his seal.

This time, it was Lin An who let him out.

The voice was weak, but unusually calm.

(Now you know you are afraid?)

(You know you let me out?)

The second Lin An who appeared this time did not have the previous sarcasm in his words, only fatigue.

After quickly checking his body's memory, the second Lin An quickly communicated with him in his heart in a calm voice:

(You guessed it right, but it’s too late.)

(The god Shesha represents the Ouroboros in Brahma legend, which means endless cycle and disorder of time.)

(Moubis works the same way, representing a wrong cycle.)

(If nothing else, this deserted village is indeed...)

(Zhang Tiekou refers to the village in the movie The Old Corpse in the Mountain Village.)

Lin An sighed, and the skin all over his body disappeared quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But my belly keeps bulging and I digest quickly.

Hair gray.

Whether it was the Breath of Styx or the Eye of Terror, both could only repair his injuries, but they could not slow down the loss of vitality.

I'm like a piece of...meat that keeps regenerating...

Chu people are beautiful.

It's devouring his life.

That's right, he only realized the meaning of Lin An's words a second ago.

The incident in the deserted village is Chu Renmei! It’s the old corpse in the mountain village!

It's not like he hasn't thought about the deserted village incident and why the name of the secret realm is so similar to the old corpse in the mountain village mentioned by Xiong Hanzi.

It is possible that the two are related, or even the same species.

It was just the era of the deserted village and the Yuanying incident that misled him.

Yes, the old corpse in the mountain village is modern, and the kite in the deserted village is ancient.

There were so many differences between the two that he never thought they were the same thing.

But he figured it out now.

The appearance of Chu Renmei... came after Yuanying.

Two terrorist incidents occurred in this deserted village.

One time was Yuanying’s meme incident.

Once it was Chu Renmei.


Very simple inference.

This secret realm is actually like the special secret realm Huang Shaohua said.

The scene will change according to the heart of the person who enters.

The source of the material is Zhang Tie.

Before entering, Xiong Hanzi had "fantasized" about whether it would be armored cavalry fighting zombies.

Therefore, blood corpses with an ancient background appeared in the deserted village world, but they have not encountered them yet.

Zhang Tie is also afraid of the old corpse in the mountain village.

So after he saw Langya before entering, he also heard the records of Zhongshan Village from Liang Shaoguang.

Subconsciously, he believed that this secret realm was a combination of these points.

Therefore, after they entered the secret realm, they were facing the manifestation of Zhang Tie's fear.

(Lin An, actually you should be able to think of this.)

For some reason, Second Lin An's tone in the secret realm was much calmer than in the outside world, and he no longer felt like he wanted to compete with himself for his body.

(This secret realm was entered by Gao Tian.)

(In your memory of your previous life, you know that Gao Tian became withdrawn and taciturn after coming out of the secret realm.)

(Compared to the first time you met Gao Tian, ​​you should realize that the secret realm Gao Tian entered has caused a drastic change in his temperament.)

(Otherwise, your current understanding of him will not match up with the demon hunter Gao Tian in your memory.)

"Then what should I do..."

His body was stooped, and the pieces of flesh on his body kept disappearing into his stomach and reborn again.

Injuries can be recovered, but lost vitality cannot be made up for.

Lin An didn't know how long he could hold on.

This way of death is too tragic.

A brief silence.

Second, Lin An responded to his question indifferently:

(Break the cycle.)

(This mission set a trap.)

(Various clues are misleading you to destroy the pagoda and solve Yuanying.)

(In fact, there is no need to worry about Yuanying at all.)

(You only need to kill everyone in the village to erase the deserted village from history.)

(The deserted village incident can be solved from the source.)

(Once the "grandfather's refutation" appears...)

(Then naturally there will be no subsequent deserted village incident.)

(Chu Renmei, probably not long after you eliminated Yuanying, the people in the village unexpectedly survived.)

(So, a hundred or even hundreds of years later, the scene in the movie happened.)

(Due to the residual effect of memes or other reasons, Chu Renmei, who died tragically, became a ghost.)

(She broke through the limitations of time and appeared at the current point in time.)

(Or to put it simply, we "made" her.)

(This secret world is a point of continuous circulation. Therefore, anything you do will be fed back instantly.)

Secondly, Lin An's explanation was like a wake-up call.

Just during the conversation, Lin An watched helplessly as the Ring of Doom suddenly fell from his hand.


It didn't fall from my hand, it's because I don't have any hands anymore.

So supportive...

Under Chu Renmei's possession, the speed of self-devourment is rapidly accelerating.

"Team Lin!"

Zhang Tie behind him almost collapsed.

He could only watch Lin An's limbs disappear and then regenerate.

He couldn't understand what was happening.

But he knew one thing, that is Captain Lin was about to die.

It can't be delayed any longer!

Lin An's eyes flashed with determination.

If we delay it any longer, there will be no hope.

Chu Renmei had obviously just appeared and was attached to him, devouring him to gain strength.

Instead of dragging on, it’s better to fight!

Without hesitation.

Lin An directly controlled the Ring of Doom and threw it towards Zhang Tie:

"Use cause and effect sequence!"

"Replay history!"

"Kill the village..."

The sound stopped suddenly.

After using his last bit of strength to hand over the information to Zhang Tie, Lin An stared directly into the endless silence.

“Team Lin!!!”

"What's the meaning!?"

Zhang Tie, who was at a loss and almost panicked, looked at the ring and threw it into his arms.

The system prompts that came to my ears were like a bolt from the blue.

"Hey, captain Lin An is dead."

"Hey, player Zhang Tie has obtained the Ring of Doom."


The cold river water covered my ankles.

The resentful Cantonese music echoed by the river, and Lin An, whose body was broken, walked step by step into the river bottom with deathly white eyes.

Under the eerie river, more than a hundred identical corpses were lined up in a row.

Hands on shoulders.

The man at the end of the team suddenly turned his head and looked at him walking into the bottom of the river again.

This chapter has been completed!
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