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Chapter 549 Sand in the Box


The whining cold wind blew, causing ripples.

Looking at the familiar river surface in front of him, Zhang Tie couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Before entering the secret realm, he had seen this river in a movie.

After entering, he tried to swim out again and again in despair.

For him, this is the beginning and the end.

"Captain Lin, what are we doing here?"

"That reward... won't be in the river, right?"

Xiong Hanzi looked at Lin An in confusion.

There was nothing in the river, not even fish.

Nothing but water, just water.

In the silence, Lin An spoke directly and looked straight at the bottom of the river.

"There are corpses."

"The reward is my corpse..."


Suddenly startled, Zhang Tie's muscles tensed up instantly when he heard the sound, and he felt hairs standing on end.

What kind of reward is this?

What does it have to do with attributes!?

If Chu Renmei was not confirmed to be dead, the mission would be completed...

He even thought that Lin An was possessed by a ghost again.


Without letting him panic for too long, Lin An stretched out his right hand and directly controlled his telekinesis to drag the corpses out from the bottom of the river.

The picture is weird and mysterious.

Hundreds of corpses emerged from the water, and water droplets slid wetly from their armor.

Pale skin, eyes hollow and white.

Same equipment, same face, same posture.

Seeing hundreds of Lin An's corpses suspended in mid-air by telekinesis, Xiong Hanzi was almost scared to death.

"What the fuck! What the fuck!"

The impact of the picture was so strong that he couldn't stop for a long time.

On the river bank, Lin An looked at his body with a complicated expression and smiled bitterly.


The telekinesis was removed, and the body that was pulled out of the air was instantly smashed to the ground.

Looking at hundreds of dead selves, this experience...

It's also exciting enough.

"Team Lin!?"

"What the hell is going on!?"

"How could...there be so many of you!?"

Stuttering, Zhang Tie stared and couldn't help but shrink his neck.

Otherwise, if Lin An was alive next to him, he would be scared to death.

His brain was like paste, and he really couldn't figure out where these corpses came from.

"Captain Lin...this...is it a ghost that has become..."


After regaining consciousness, he carefully approached the "hill" where the corpses were piled up, and couldn't help but wipe it.

It's a real corpse, not an illusion...

Lin An hesitated for a moment, then walked to Xiong Hanzi and explained:

"Don't think too much, these corpses are indeed mine."

"Or maybe it's me in another timeline."

"I died... probably more than a hundred times..."

After listening to Lin An's words, Zhang Tie blinked and shook the body in his hand.

So confused.

"What do you mean!?"

"Captain Lin, you have died more than a hundred times!?"

"No! Didn't I save you in one go!?"

He couldn't believe it. He clearly remembered that Lin An had died once, and then he very smartly thought of a way to break the situation.

Despite Lin An's reminder, he really felt that he was making rapid progress!


"You just forgot, or you don't have the memory of failure now, and you can't have it."

Lin An replied softly with a calm tone, but a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes:

"Actually, I don't know what happened specifically. I'm just guessing."

"Based on the number of corpses that appear."

"You should have found a solution after failing hundreds of times, otherwise I wouldn't have died so many times..."

The corners of the mouth twitched.

Lin An also found fragments in his memory of seeing hundreds of corpses before he died, and then he realized that he had died so many times.

I don't know why this memory is retained.

Maybe it was caused by a special step in the supernatural event.

After all, he remembered very clearly that he had seen his dead self looking at him blankly.

That feeling of dead silence and despair is still unforgettable.

Zhang Tie was stunned for a while, his face suddenly turned red.

Damn it.

I have failed so many times!?

"That's not right! Captain Lin!"

"I clearly remember that I just tried it once!"

"Even if it doesn't succeed, my memory will not be preserved, so how will your body be preserved?"

"According to what you said, time loops hundreds of times, but when the villagers die, they die!"

"Where are their bodies?"

"If yours can stay, then shouldn't they pile up tens of thousands of corpses!?"

"The village is going to stink!"

Not knowing if he was "obsessed" with the pleasure of using his brain, Xiong Hanzi asked in confusion.

Lin An put down the corpse in his hands and his eyes flashed.

"Xiong Sheng", you have discovered a blind spot.

Yes, the question Zhang Tie asked does exist.

If the cycle restarted, there's no reason his body would remain.

After a pause, Lin An explained directly:

"Whether it's your memory problem or the extra corpse problem, it can be explained with just a few words."

"Zhang Tie."

"Have you ever played with sand or blocks?"

Zhang Tie nodded and scratched his head:

"Have you played before? Playing in the mud counts, right?"

"Does this have anything to do with this?"

Nodding, Lin An casually summoned a wisp of dust, and controlled the mud to deform and reshape at will:

"It's very simple."

"Everything in this secret realm is like mud or sand in a box."

"No matter how the villagers in the secret realm appear, whether they are flowers, plants, trees, people or ghosts, they are essentially composed of the "sand" in the [secret realm]."

"Just like the basic unit of matter is the atom."

“The ‘sand’ has been destroyed and reshaped, which is history repeating itself for them.”

While talking, Lin An shaped the clay ball in his hand into a little figure, crushed it, and then reshaped it.

"like this."

"No matter how you destroy it, you only need to reshape it to restore it to its original state."

"Similarly, there is only so much "sand" in this secret realm. Just pinching a new one does not mean copying it."

"Reverse...the cycle..."

"It's a reenactment, not an extra repetition."

Zhang Tie frowned after hearing this.

He understood Lin An's metaphor.

However, doesn’t that further prove that there shouldn’t be so many corpses of Captain Lin?

It's just that one thing happens hundreds of times, and the cycle continues.

Lin Anjian couldn't figure it out for a moment, so he chuckled and nodded at him, then nodded at himself:

"Don't you understand yet?"

"We are outsiders!"

"The rule of this secret realm's recurrence cycle is reinvention!"

"The "sand" that makes us up does not come from a secret place!"

"We are players in the real world, with spiritual energy and systematic power in our bodies!"


This chapter has been completed!
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